Alumni Spotlight

From IT to QA Engineering After TripleTen

Jess Feldman

Written By Jess Feldman

Jennifer Inglis

Edited By Jennifer Inglis

Last updated March 11, 2025

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Tyrus Skipper got an associate degree in computer programming with the hopes of starting a tech career. After realizing quality assurance (QA) was his true passion, Tyrus hustled to gain on-the-job QA experience but struggled to climb the tech career ladder. By enrolling in TripleTen’s QA Engineering Bootcamp, Tyrus supplemented his tech experience and struck out to look for a new QA role with the help of the TripleTen career coaches. Now a Manual Tester at DUMAC, Tyrus shares his tips for incoming students on how to make the most of their TripleTen experience. 

Since you had previous IT and QA experience, what inspired you to enroll in a QA engineering bootcamp?

I was trying to find a sustainable career that would offer financial stability since I was soon to be engaged. I went to school for computer programming but it was hard to find a job without experience. While interviewing for a developer role, I was told that I might be better suited for QA, so I applied for those roles, but again was inhibited by my lack of experience. I went to a job fair at my college and met a small startup in Atlanta where I landed my first job doing manual QA for the websites they created for their clients. This gave me introductory experience in testing websites, interacting with developers, and using JIRA to input bug tickets. Even though I was getting on-the-job experience, I knew I needed to learn more to start a career in QA. I then worked a couple IT jobs before I began considering a QA engineering bootcamp.

There are quite a few QA bootcamps out there now — why did you choose TripleTen?

I saw an ad for TripleTen on Instagram, and then I used Course Report to research if their bootcamp was legitimate. I was relieved by all of the TripleTen alumni reviews I read! I decided to take the leap and enroll. 

In your experience, did you feel like you had to know basic coding to apply to TripleTen’s QA Engineering Bootcamp?

There was no tech experience necessary to get into any of the TripleTen bootcamps. However, having some tech experience made it easier for me to grasp concepts than those in my program without any technical background. That said, even without technical experience, there are people at TripleTen committed to helping students figure things out! 

Did you juggle work while completing the QA Engineering Bootcamp?

I balanced working while going to the bootcamp. For the five-month bootcamp, I spent 6-8 hours a day working on coursework, but the bootcamp is flexible so you can set it up however you want. People in my cohort with busier schedules were still able to manage the coursework. 

What did you learn in the bootcamp?

The bootcamp starts with an overview of the fundamentals of QA. We learned manual QA then in later sprints learned some automatic testing for a web application. TripleTen created their applications for us to apply these tests to specific bugs they created. Sometimes I found extra bugs that weren’t on the list! The last month of the program was dedicated to learning automatic testing with Selenium since it’s one of the most popular QA tools companies look for. Since I already worked a remote IT job, I was able to incorporate a lot of what I was learning into my work!

What is the teaching style like at TripleTen? If you were struggling with something, who could you reach out to for support?

The bootcamp is structured to support students if they’re struggling. The tutors are experienced QA engineers who have their own day jobs as well. They’ve also incorporated an AI chatbot in the Discord channel that helps answer questions. My background in tech made it easier for me to figure things out on my own, so I didn't have to reach out to the tutors too much. 

What is the community like at TripleTen? Were you able to reach out to other students or alumni while in the course?

We communicate through Discord and can easily connect on LinkedIn. I haven’t personally interacted much with alumni, but we have the ability to network online through our TripleTen connection.

How did the TripleTen prepare you for the job hunt

One of the deciding factors for choosing TripleTen is their money-back guarantee and access to a career coach upon completion of the program. They worked with me on my LinkedIn profile and resume, and made sure I was equipped for the job market. They gave me a weekly quota for submitting resumes to employers. In my case, it was 10 resumes a week. We had a biweekly, 30-minute video call to check in on progress. In order to qualify for the money-back guarantee, I had to show that I was job searching and putting in the work. They were also there to answer any questions and offer motivation and support. 

Which tech roles did you feel qualified to apply for after graduating from TripleTen?

I was looking to do manual testing since I knew it would be difficult to start test automation right away. 

How long did it take you to land your Manual QA Tester job after graduation? 

I applied for jobs intermittently while I was going through the bootcamp since I knew other alumni had landed a role before graduating. I didn’t really start applying until I finished the program and talked with the career coach to make sure my resume was tailored to what I would apply for. If I hadn’t found a job in six months after completing the program, I would have qualified for the money-back guarantee. For me, I found my QA role right as I hit six months! 

Congratulations on your new job as a Manual Tester at DUMAC! What was the interview process like for you? 

The hiring process was very smooth, consisting of four interviews. It started with a quick introductory meeting with their HR representative to get a basic understanding of who I was and where I was starting from. Then I had an interview with the development manager, then a third interview with the development manager and some software engineers who tested my knowledge and asked me situational questions. My final interview was with the development manager and the Vice President of Technology who asked deeper situational questions to assess my problem-solving skills. They were looking for a combination of technical skills and personality fit. 

Was DUMAC interested in your TripleTen bootcamp experience or project portfolio?

Yes! They saw what I worked on at the bootcamp, and I got to share my experiences at TripleTen during the interviews. 

Are you working toward landing an automation testing position? 

Yes, this company is going to pay for me to get certified in Selenium and ISTQB. Through DUMAC, I’ll get hands-on experience as an automation tester in this current position! 

Are you using what you learned at TripleTen now on the job? 

My first day on the job was last week, so I haven't had a chance to use my expertise yet, but I know once I get my equipment it will be “pedal to the metal!” DUMAC told me when they hired me that I’ll be working a lot, so I’m excited to start using this knowledge and keep learning about how the company works.

At this point in your tech career, was TripleTen worth it for you? 

TripleTen was worth it to me because it helped spark that fire to enjoy QA and it reminded me that this is the path I wanted to take!

I'm satisfied with my new QA position. The salary is a bit more, but not much from what I was making before. The biggest difference is that this new job is a legitimate QA position where I’ll gain invaluable experience. I may not be making as much right now, but I'm finally getting my foot in the door as an actual QA engineer within this field, so I’m excited about that! 

What is your advice for incoming students on making the most of the QA Engineering Bootcamp at TripleTen?

TripleTen is a great place to start a QA engineering career! 

  • Ask questions. There are no stupid questions and you likely have the same question as someone else! 
  • Utilize the senior students and tutors. They’ve agreed to take time out of their day to help students, so use them! Schedule a Zoom call with them so you can show them exactly what issues you’re having. They offer text, video, and voice communication.  
  • It’s going to be scary for people who don't have a tech background, but if you put in the work to understand what's going on, you’ll be fine. 

Find out more and read TripleTen reviews on Course Report. This article was produced by the Course Report team in partnership with TripleTen.

Jess Feldman

Written by

Jess Feldman, Content Manager at Course Report

Jess Feldman is an accomplished writer and the Content Manager at Course Report, the leading platform for career changers who are exploring coding bootcamps. With a background in writing, teaching, and social media management, Jess plays a pivotal role in helping Course Report readers make informed decisions about their educational journey.

Jennifer Inglis

Edited by

Jennifer Inglis, Guest Editor

Jennifer Inglis is a freelance writer, editor, and content creator with extensive professional expertise in advertising, media analysis, teaching,  writing, and literature. Prior to becoming a writer, Jennifer was a Media Analyst for ten years and then earned her master's degree in Teaching, instructing middle-school students in college/career readiness, writing, and public speaking..

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