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The New Part-time Bootcamp at LearningFuze

Lauren Stewart

Written By Lauren Stewart

Last updated August 10, 2018

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  • Q&A

As the Director of Operations at LearningFuze, Bill Cunningham is gearing up with his team to launch a new part-time version of their full immersion course covering JavaScript, React, Node, and PHP. Learn why the LearningFuze team chose to launch a part-time course for people who don’t have the flexibility to quit their jobs and see how this new time structure will increase access for more students in Orange County.


Why did LearningFuze decide to launch a part-time program? Did you see demand in Orange County (Southern California) from students who needed a part-time option?

LearningFuze had contemplated starting a part-time program for some time. However, we were initially having a difficult time determining how to make the part-time program equivalent to the full-time program as far as what students were able to learn, and the ability to produce students that were ready to code professionally given that there is a close correlation between the number of focused hours committed to learning development and being professionally ready. In the past, employers had discussed how they would be interested in sending select employees for part-time training.

What can students get out of a part-time program that they can’t get out of a full-time one?

The part-time program allows flexibility for those that simply can’t make the commitment to the full immersion. The part-time program is for those students who simply can’t quit their jobs, or have personal obligations that don’t allow them to enter the full immersion program. In addition, the program allows students to enhance their skills in a particular aspect of development if they choose rather than going through the whole program.

LearningFuze’s Full Immersion Developer Bootcamp has been teaching Javascript and React –  is the part-time curriculum the same as the full-time course?

Yes, the part-time program has the same curriculum as the full-time course. We teach front end and back end programming with a focus on JavaScript, React, Node and PHP and related technologies and concepts. Students can choose to focus on front end, back end, or full stack.    

What is the actual time commitment for the students in the part-time program?

Typically, students will be required to commit about 15 to 20 hours a week to get the most out of the instruction; this includes both instructional hours as well as individual time spent working on projects. Classes will take place in the evening during the week and on Saturday.  Students can expect two-weekday classes in addition to the Saturday class. Typically students will be in-class for instruction about 8 hours per week.

How will LearningFuze support students who are trying to balance a full-time job or parenting with their studies?

We will have a lead instructor and support staff for every aspect of the part-time program.  Students will be able to access instructors at almost any time of day with an emphasis on evening hours. Students will need similar support to the full immersion program and we are committed to making sure that is in place. There will be numerous instructors available to students which is so important in a hands-on program.

Tell me about the ideal student and the admissions process for the part-time program. Are you looking for applicants with experience, a certain background or culture fit?

The ideal student depends on the course. As with the full immersion program, we are looking for students with a passion for development and an unwavering commitment to learning in the part-time program.

During the part-time program registration process, students may opt to take any course they’d like without taking the preceding course if they can demonstrate the technical skills. The part-time program is made up of 5 individual courses that allow students to gain the equivalent education to the full immersion program. If a student would like to skip courses, they will need to test into that particular course. Students that are taking the classes in sequence do not need to “test in” to any of the courses, as the prerequisite is to take the courses offered in sequence. The admissions process is very straightforward in that students simply need to register for the class and make payment.

How do you support part-time students who might be falling behind? Can they repeat a module?

Similar to the full immersion program, the part-time program is all about projects. We will have multiple instructors per course, each with a specific role whether that is a primary instructor or support instructor. Students will be assessed periodically throughout the course so we can understand how they are progressing and provide additional support and resources to help.

How will career services work for part-time students? Do you expect students will see the same outcomes as full-time grads?

There is a specific course dedicated to career services that all students will need to apply and interview for in order to be accepted and participate. Any student can take the career-focused course whether they have gone through the available part-time courses or simply have decided to test into the course. All students will need to demonstrate a specific level of technical proficiency in order to be accepted into the career course.

Tell me about the biggest lesson your team has learned throughout the time of operating the Full Immersion Developer Bootcamp. How are you bringing those lessons to the part-time course?

It’s really important to ensure there is an appropriate number of staff members on hand to help students. Similar to the full immersion program, the part-time program is very hands-on and practical, and that requires the right amount of support and a certain number of instructors per student. Students also need to know that they can talk to someone to help work through any frustrations or difficulties in grasping concepts. It is vitally important that both the student and the bootcamp program understand that this is a partnership, and both need to be equally committed.

What is your advice for students embarking on a part-time program? Any tips for getting the most out of it especially if they are trying to change their careers?

The full immersion program is still the gold standard for effectively learning development.  However, some students simply cannot quit their job or have personal obligations that don’t allow them to study full-time. With that in mind, students need to be very committed and organized in ensuring they are setting aside the appropriate amount of time to learn the technologies and concepts taught in the program, as well as reaching out to staff if they are having difficulty.  

How would you recommend students prepare before they start the part-time program? Any events/meetups you suggest?  

The more students can do before entering any program is always better as students are then well prepared to get the most out of the instruction. We have recommended online programs for students to take in order to help them be prepared which will be included for each course on the website at  

Is there anything else special or unique about the part-time course that our readers should know about? When does the first part-time program start?

To effectively learn development and engineering principles, this is really a linear relationship between the number of focused hours committed and being professionally ready as a developer. The program is structured so that it allows the maximum amount of flexibility, given most students will be employed full-time, while also ensuring that each student is able to commit the appropriate number of hours to be ready for a new job in tech or move into development with their current company, should they choose to go through the entire program.

The first classes will be launched in early to mid-September.  Students are now able to register for classes!

Read more LearningFuze reviews on Course Report. Check out more info on the LearningFuze part-time program.

Lauren Stewart

Written by

Lauren Stewart, Content Management, Diversity & Equity

Lauren is a communications and operations strategist who loves to help others find their idea of success. She is passionate about techonology education, career development, startups, and the arts.

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