Boolean is an international tech academy, based in the UK and Italy offering a 6-month, online, full stack web development bootcamp that turns coding beginners into full stack developers. In the UK, students learn Typescript, React, JavaScript, Node.JS and more. Whereas in Italy, the curriculum includes PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, Vue.JS and more. Boolean is aimed at people who are looking to start a career in the tech industry. Their job-focused training programme includes 700+ hours of learning, split between live lectures, practical work, and projects. Classes are taught in native language by instructors with professional developer experience. Every morning is spent in a live online class, and every afternoon working on practical exercises with 1:1 support available.
Boolean encourages applications from anyone with a strong desire to learn how to code. No prior coding experience is needed. Boolean students should be passionate, motivated, and ready to commit to the bootcamp full-time.
After finishing the training programme, Boolean provides 6 months of career services, where they help students find their first job in tech. Students are added to Boolean’s custom hiring platform, which includes hundreds of partner companies, from small start-ups to multinationals. Boolean helps students with writing a CV, practice interviews, and tracking their job search.
Learn the key skills to become a modern full-stack web developer with 6 months of full-time online learning. Learn with a job-focused syllabus, with a learning-by-doing approach, and 1:1 support from instructors. Get up to 6 months of careers support after you finish, and peace of mind with our Money Back guarantee (full refund if you don't get a job after 6 months). You'll develop skills in PHP, Laravel, JavaScript & jQuery, HTML & CSS, VueJS, APIs, Github, and Digital Ocean.
Tuition Plans
After paying the deposit, students pay 5 installments of €580, coming to a total of €4900.
Refund / Guarantee
Money Back guarantee - if you don't find a job 6 months after finishing the course, you can get your money back.
Learn the key skills to become a Data Analyst with live and online learning. Choose between Part-time and Full-time study options. Benefit from a job-focused syllabus, with a learning-by-doing approach, and 1:1 support from teachers. Get up to 6 months of careers support after you finish, and peace of mind with our Money-back guarantee (full refund if you don't get a job after 6 months, only available on Full-Time course). You'll learn: Spreadsheets, Web Analytics, Python, SQL, Tableau, Machine Learning, and more.
Take advantage of our Future Earnings Agreement and only pay for the course when you find a job afterwards - find out more on our website
Tuition Plans
Instalment plan: spread the cost over 7 months with an upfront deposit + 6 monthly instalments - find out more on our website
Refund / Guarantee
Money-back guarantee: a full refund of the course fees if you don't find a job within 6 months of finishing (not applicable to Future Earnings Agreement) - find out more on our website. Only available for the Full-Time course.
Getting In
Minimum Skill Level
Some basic maths/statistics knowledge (equivalent of A-level Maths)
Learn the key skills to become a front-end developer with 13 weeks of full-time online learning. Learn with a job-focused syllabus, with a learning-by-doing approach, and 1:1 support from teachers. Get up to 6 months of careers support after you finish, and peace of mind with our Money Back guarantee (full refund if you don't get a job after 6 months). You'll learn: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, and more.
Tuition Plans
Instalment plan: spread the cost over 9 months with an upfront deposit + 8 monthly instalments - find out more on our website
Refund / Guarantee
Money-back guarantee: a full refund of the course fees if you don't find a job within 6 months of finishing (not applicable to Future Earnings Agreement) - find out more on our website
Learn the key skills to become a modern full-stack software developer with 6 months of full-time online learning. Learn with a job-focused syllabus, with a learning-by-doing approach, and 1:1 support from teachers. Get up to 6 months of careers support after you finish, and peace of mind with our Money Back guarantee (full refund if you don't get a job after 6 months). You'll learn: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Node.js, Testing and Computer Science fundamentals.
Take advantage of our Future Earnings Agreement and only pay for the course when you find a job afterwards - find out more on our website
Tuition Plans
Instalment plan: spread the cost over 9 months with an upfront deposit + 8 monthly instalments - find out more on our website
Refund / Guarantee
Money-back guarantee: a full refund of the course fees if you don't find a job within 6 months of finishing (not applicable to Future Earnings Agreement) - find out more on our website
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Manuel Bosi
Student • Italy - Web Development • Online
Verified by LinkedIn
Mar 21, 2021
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Oltre le aspettative
Un'esperienza fantastica che mi ha permesso con impegno di realizzare un sogno: diventare uno sviluppatore web. Il corso è organizzato nei minimi dettagli, la formazione è davvero completa e le competenze dei docenti sono di alto livello. Ha superato di molto le mie aspettative e non posso che essere felice di aver scelto Boolean.
Professionalità e passione sono le parole chiavi che rappresentano questo percorso di studi. L'accademia è attenta alle esigenze di mercato e forma futuri professionisti in questo settore.
La paura di affrontare una scuola online è che poi si rivela essere diversa da come te l'aspettavi e sotto il livello che speravi. Fortunatamente sono stato smentito da Boolean. Il percorso non è facile, ma è decisamente stimolante. Il programma giornaliero, concreto e studiato, mi dava sempre il boost morale per affrontare il pomeriggio di esercitazioni e studio personale. Consiglio questo corso a chi ha voglia di fare, di imparare e di mettersi anche un bel po' in discussione.
Ho iniziato il corso partendo da zero sotto il profilo informatico e di sviluppo web. Il percorso non e' stato facile, anzi, e' stato intenso, frustrante, quasi umiliante in certe situazioni, non e' un corso da prendere alla leggera. Ma lo RIFAREI altre 1000 volte, perche' la conoscenza la crescita sia personale che professionale che ti da questo corso non l'ho mai provato in nessun altro ambito, neanche lavorativo. Questo e' dovuto tanto alle persone che lavorano in Boolean, ...
Ho iniziato il corso partendo da zero sotto il profilo informatico e di sviluppo web. Il percorso non e' stato facile, anzi, e' stato intenso, frustrante, quasi umiliante in certe situazioni, non e' un corso da prendere alla leggera. Ma lo RIFAREI altre 1000 volte, perche' la conoscenza la crescita sia personale che professionale che ti da questo corso non l'ho mai provato in nessun altro ambito, neanche lavorativo. Questo e' dovuto tanto alle persone che lavorano in Boolean, mi hanno insegnato, mi hanno ascoltato (cosa mai banale), oltre che avermi supportato nei momenti di frustazione, insegnandomi a gestire queste emozioni e ad affrontarle in maniera serena. Ho trovato davvero persone professionalmente molto preparate sotto tutti i punti di vista e personalmente molto umane, ringraziero' sempre queste persone che hanno dedicato il loro tempo (e oltre), le loro energie e la loro pazienza per cio che sono riusciti a fare con me. Io ora sono un junior web developer e con le conoscenze e capacita' acquisite posso studiare linguaggi a me nuovi e che mai avrei pensato di poter fare. Questo e' il mondo di Boolean careers.
6 mesi TOP! La qualità degli insegnanti, del programma e del team Boolean Careers sono stati il fulcro di questa esperienza eccezionale. L’assistenza e il supporto a ogni intoppo “pratico”, durante le esercitazioni, sono sempre stati una certezza, e hanno permesso di osare (e imparare!) sempre un po’ di più. Credo di aver ricevuto il meglio che una scuola possa dare: ho acquisito nuove competenze (partendo - come molti - da zero), col giusto fine della crescita professionale. Il programm...
6 mesi TOP! La qualità degli insegnanti, del programma e del team Boolean Careers sono stati il fulcro di questa esperienza eccezionale. L’assistenza e il supporto a ogni intoppo “pratico”, durante le esercitazioni, sono sempre stati una certezza, e hanno permesso di osare (e imparare!) sempre un po’ di più. Credo di aver ricevuto il meglio che una scuola possa dare: ho acquisito nuove competenze (partendo - come molti - da zero), col giusto fine della crescita professionale. Il programma è impegnativo, spesso sfidante, le novità sono molte e tutte insieme, ma con impegno costante si raggiungono tante e grandissime soddisfazioni. @Boolean, ho puntato su di voi per un cambio di vita radicale (passando dalla totale stabilità, al brivido della scommessa sul futuro) e avete superato ogni più ambiziosa speranza o aspettativa. Grazie davvero, esperienza fantastica, e (con un briciolo di nostalgia...) unica 😊
6 mesi di corso full stack developer eccezionali, venendo da un tipo di scuola completamente diverso sono riusciti subito a farmi entrare in testa i concetti della programmazione, consigliato :D
All'inizio c'è voluto un po' per abituarmi a studiare full-time, con argomenti nuovi da imparare, ostacoli ecc... avendo però la possibilità di essere rivisti e metabolizzati. Il prezzo pagato rispecchia appieno le caratteristiche del corso proposto e tutte le attività al di fuori del corso stesso. Non posso che aggiungere che è stata per me un'esperienza molto positiva.
La mia esperienza con Boolean Careers è stata fantastica. Organizzazione impeccabile, insegnati molto preparati e disponibili per qualsiasi domanda o dubbio, servizio di placement professionale, pensato proprio per essere su misura dello studente. Sono 6 mesi molti impegnativi, essendo un corso full time pensato anche per chi inizia da zero, di conseguenza la mole di argomenti è abbastanza estesa. Per tanto, l'impegno in prima persona nello studio e il tempo da dedicare allo svolgimento ...
La mia esperienza con Boolean Careers è stata fantastica. Organizzazione impeccabile, insegnati molto preparati e disponibili per qualsiasi domanda o dubbio, servizio di placement professionale, pensato proprio per essere su misura dello studente. Sono 6 mesi molti impegnativi, essendo un corso full time pensato anche per chi inizia da zero, di conseguenza la mole di argomenti è abbastanza estesa. Per tanto, l'impegno in prima persona nello studio e il tempo da dedicare allo svolgimento degli esercizi sono condizioni essenziali per trarre dal corso il 100%. Si è comunque accompagnati giornalmente dal team di Boolean Careers che visionerà i vostri lavori ed i vostri progressi. A mio parere, un ottimo punto di partenza per iniziare una carriera come Junior Full Stack Developer.
Ho felicemente frequentato il corso da Settembre 2020 a Febbraio 2021, è stata forse una delle migliori scelte che potessi fare, ho incontrato un ottima organizzazione, docenti ben preparati e disponibili a venirti incontro in caso di bisogno. Il corso si divide tra lezioni teoriche la mattina, dalle 9:30 alle 13:00 ed il pomeriggio con la pratica e la possibilità di ricevere supporto in caso di problemi dalle 15:00 alle 18:00. Il tempo dedicato all'apprendimento del front-end è mo...
Ho felicemente frequentato il corso da Settembre 2020 a Febbraio 2021, è stata forse una delle migliori scelte che potessi fare, ho incontrato un ottima organizzazione, docenti ben preparati e disponibili a venirti incontro in caso di bisogno. Il corso si divide tra lezioni teoriche la mattina, dalle 9:30 alle 13:00 ed il pomeriggio con la pratica e la possibilità di ricevere supporto in caso di problemi dalle 15:00 alle 18:00. Il tempo dedicato all'apprendimento del front-end è molto ampio e ben fatto, HTML e CSS imparati ad utilizzare molto bene, e con Javascript spingono ad insegnarti come ragionare per programmare, infatti una volta finito il percorso con Javascript, affacciarsi ad un nuovo linguaggio diventa più semplice proprio perchè si hanno delle buone basi. Durante il corso si passa dal far esercizi semplici per comprender i concetti, a progetti più grandi che mettono insieme più argomenti, e che possono essere utili da presentare in caso di colloquio o per aver materiale nel proprio portfolio.
Qui viene il "ma" del titolo, Finito tutto il percorso di javascript e dopo aver spiegato Sass, a mio modesto parere, si corre un po' troppo, vuoi perchè il tempo a disposizione è limitato da questi "6 mesi" sia perchè ovviamente il programma lo si deve finire, ma ho avuto fin troppe difficoltà nello star al passo con il corso nell'ultimo mese e mezzo diciamo. PHP viene introdotto bene ma quando si passa a Laravel, è diventato per me e molti altri compagni di classe, al limite dell'impossibile star dietro a tutto, tanto che il tempo libero al di fuori del corso era diventato 0. Consiglio infatti di non far assolutamente altro al di fuori del corso per poter sfruttar al meglio il tempo a disposizione.
Una cosa che mi avrebbe fatto piacere, sarebbe stato aver appunto più tempo a disposizione per poter andar un pochino più lentamente e soprattutto, aggiunger durante l'apprendimento negli ultimi 2 mesi, esercizi che comprendessero tutto, dall'HTML, CSS, Javascript al PHP e Laravel insieme, perchè dopo non aver toccato per 2 mesi Javascript, doverlo riprendere a fine corso per il progetto finale è stato molto complesso tanto che ho dovuto veder di nuovo buona parte delle lezioni del corso riguardanti JS. Avrei preferito pagar anche un mese in più, facendolo durare 7 mesi il corso, ma capir meglio i passaggi finali estremamente importanti.
Alla fine dei conti su una scada da 1 a 10 do un 8/8.5 a Boolean, è un ottimo modo per rimettersi in gioco ed è un ambiente competente, dove ti senti sicuro di poter imparare e migliorare, ora inizierò il percorso con loro e le risorse umane, quindi aggiornerò la recensione più avanti
Full-stack software developer • Graduate • UK - Software Development • Online
Nov 01, 2024
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Life changing opportunity
Boolean truly has changed my life and I cannot recommend the course highly enough. The quality of the teaching is unparalleled that provides a solid foundation that allowed me to build from to help me land a dream job as a full-stack developer with zero experience prior to joining the course. It's tough, you can't shy away from the struggle but if you are committed and work hard it's possible to succeed.
Boolean's Full Stack Developer course is great. It is very demanding though and you must be prepared to work on it full time for the 6 months of the course. There is no getting around it. Very tough, very stressful, but totally worth it!
I will preface this review by saying that approximately 6 months after completing the Boolean course, I did receive a job offer for a Junior Developer position, so fundamentally the course did work, but I do think that while it is a good bootcamp, there are areas where it could be significantly improved. I will also say that if you're planning on undertaking any bootcamp with the expectation that securing a job when you finish will be easy, please think again. The job market for junio...
I will preface this review by saying that approximately 6 months after completing the Boolean course, I did receive a job offer for a Junior Developer position, so fundamentally the course did work, but I do think that while it is a good bootcamp, there are areas where it could be significantly improved. I will also say that if you're planning on undertaking any bootcamp with the expectation that securing a job when you finish will be easy, please think again. The job market for junior coders is incredibly tough right now and has been for a couple of years.
Teaching Overall the standard of teaching was good, but it wasn't as good as it could be at times. The pace of teaching varied a lot from one teacher to another, some went at a good pace, some went too fast, and some went too slow as a result of getting bogged down with tangents. All of the teachers were clearly knowledgable and enthusiastic, but I think that a bit more of a structured approach would have made a big difference. The biggest issue for me was teachers going off track as a result of questions from students. These kind of courses will always attract students who are curious, who want to think about all kinds of different directions and applications for the things we are learning, and teachers will naturally want to satisfy this curiosity, but too often we would spend 15+ minutes listening to an answer about some tangential application of the thing we were being taught, which then meant that other more relevant parts of the lesson felt rushed as a result. Keeping on topic more, and maybe introducing a regular afternoon time slot for those kind of questions would help.
Course Structure The general structure for the course was a morning lecture, and an afternoon practice exercise, usually done in pairs, with a number of instructors available to answer questions and provide assistance during the afternoon. Spaced throughout the course were longer, 2-3 day, individual challenges with a longer 1-2 week individual project undertaken at the end of each half of the course. Overall this structure works well, but there were a few occasions when an individual challenge was extended by a day or two because one or two members of the cohort hadn't finished, which meant that the other 18+ students who had finished were effectively left with dead time. Slowing everybody down because of a small minority who struggled on a portion felt like it was doing more harm to the progress of the group than necessary.
Feedback The biggest weak point of Boolean in my opinion. Our daily exercises generally had test suites written so that you could verify that your work did achieve what it needed to, but getting actual feedback from a teacher on your work was extremely rare. The majority of personal feedback we got was at the end of the individual challenges, when we would have a peer review session and each student would be asked to provide feedback on 3 other students work. Some, like myself, took this seriously and would read all of the code, make constructive feedback, suggest potential improvements or solutions to things the student had struggled with, but often you would simply get a handful of comments like "looks good", "clever solution", and so on. The lack of real feedback from the teachers meant that you could end up writing messy, inefficient code, but because it passed the suite of tests you think it's good. Real feedback on your work from experienced coders is essential as far as I'm concerned. You need somebody who knows how to write good code to help you learn how to write clean, efficient code and not just code that "works", and unfortunately real feedback on your work was pretty much non-existent throughout the course.
Curriculum Overall the curriculum is OK, pretty standard for a full stack bootcamp, and I'm not sure that much more could be added to it without ending up covering a lot of content to a very shallow level, but the reality of the current job market means that what you learn is really not enough any more. Throughout my time on the course I was spending 2-3 hours a day working on learning things that weren't taught by Boolean. Modern frameworks like next.js, Angular, relational databases with MongoDB, component libraries like Mantine and MUI, TypeScript, full authentication systems. There are so many people who have completed bootcamps or self taught, who all have pretty much the exact same range of things they've learnt, that without putting in a lot of your own time to learn new things around the course, you are really going to struggle to stand out.
Career Services I will say that it is a very difficult time to break in to this industry as a junior. The number of people completing bootcamps or self teaching has gone through the roof, and recruitment of juniors is still at a significantly lower level than it has been in previous years. Applying for jobs with 400+ other applicants is not uncommon, so it is going to be a slog. As a result of this, I do think that Boolean do make unrealistic promises to potential students. A quick glance at their website tells you that "95%" of students end up with a job in coding, and that it takes "2 months on average to find a job". Nearly 7 months after completing my course, only 4 of the 18 students on my course have employment in a relevant industry. They do have resources available, you are given a series of presentations about things like setting up a professional looking github and linkedin, how to write a CV, and they run a weekly tech clinic that lasts an hour and aims to introduce you to some new things, and regular talks by alumni or industry professionals, and you do have access to a couple of people who you can request a one to one with to tackle problems you may be having. So there is support there, but the unfortunate reality is that there are so many people looking for junior roles at the moment that none of this support really means much because at the end of the day you're still competing against hundreds of people for every role.
Conclusion Boolean is fundamentally a good bootcamp. If they can fix the issues with pacing of the teaching, and find a way to give a lot more feedback on students work then I think it will be a very good bootcamp. However what they promise in terms of employment is woefully optimistic and, in the current recruitment climate, unrealistic. If you're willing to put in 10 to 20 hours of your own time every week to build your knowledge beyond what the course teaches, or are able to dedicate yourself full time to further study for several months upon completion of the course, then Boolean is a very good place to start, but it is by no means a golden ticket to a job in the tech industry.
Course Report is excited to offer an exclusive Boolean Careers scholarship to UK students for $500 off tuition!
Additional Terms
This scholarship is available to UK students only. Students using Boolean Careers' FEA financing option are not eligible for this scholarship.
Offer is only valid for new applicants. Applicants who have already submitted an application cannot claim this scholarship. This scholarship cannot be combined with other offers.
Course Report · Course Report Coding Bootcamp News Roundup - July 2021
This July, we’re reporting on one huge ($850M!) bootcamp acquisition and $35 million in bootcamp fundraises. Two higher ed experts opined about both sides of the debate around expanding federal funding like Pell grants to short-term programs like bootcamps. We’re also covering what bootcamps need to do beyond just tea...
Boolean teaches students Online in a remote classroom.
Is Boolean worth it?
Boolean hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 155 Boolean alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Boolean on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Boolean legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 155 Boolean alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Boolean and rate their overall experience a 4.65 out of 5.
Does Boolean offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Yes, Course Report is excited to offer an exclusive Boolean Careers scholarship to UK students for $500 off tuition!
Additional Terms
This scholarship is available to UK students only. Students using Boolean Careers' FEA financing option are not eligible for this scholarship.
Can I read Boolean reviews?
You can read 155 reviews of Boolean on Course Report! Boolean alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Boolean and rate their overall experience a 4.65 out of 5.
Is Boolean accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Boolean doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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