

Average Rating4.93
15 Reviews
2 Courses

CampSite is an online technical school offering a 12-week, full-time and 20-24 week, part-time bootcamps in Full Stack Development and Data Science. CampSite was designed for career changers as well as anyone looking to upskill their career. The bootcamps are hands-on and project-based, and teach student Agile methodology.

CampSite makes merit-based admissions decisions that are not based on an applicant’s ability to afford the bootcamp. CampSite is ideal for students with no previous experience, but who are motivated to enter the sector, self-taught individuals looking to solidify their skills, computer engineering students or software engineers who want to learn modern web development technologies, or SEO experts and graphic designers who want to add to their skill set. 

CampSite emphasizes vocational training. Bootcamp students will receive professional mentoring assistance with job interview preparation, professional profiles, salary range expectations, and advice for negotiating job offers.  

CampSite's bootcamps are taught in Spanish with documentation in Spanish and some English.

CampSite was formerly known as Let's Coder.

15 CampSite Reviews

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  • Victoria Bonanni
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
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    Jan 26, 2023
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    Best live bootcamp!

    Today, after the Bootcamp is over, I can say that I was not wrong in choosing Campsite to start this new path. Not only because of everything I learned on a technical level, but also because of the human team behind it. The personalization of each class, the commitment, the time dedicated to each student, patience and positivity were the protagonists of this Bootcamp. Thank you very much to all! 100% recommended. 
  • Erik
    Fullstack Developer Junior • Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
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    Jan 25, 2023
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    Cuando entré al bootcamp pensaba que sería la típica clase online en la que terminaría siendo como todos los cursos online pero para mi suerte se convirtió en un curso ameno donde aprendías cada día cosas diferentes y todos los mentores y compañeros estaban disponibles para ayudar a quien lo necesitara, no podría pedirse más.
  • Noelia
    Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
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    Jan 19, 2022
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    Full Stack Developer

    Es una experiencia increíble, es dura al principio, pero con la ayuda de los mentores (en mi caso Lluís, un excelente profesor) todo se hace mucho más sencillo y sobre todo muy ameno. Hacen además un prework para conocer lo básico de HTML, CSS, y JavaScript para tener unas pequeña base al comenzar el bootcamp. 
    Se aprenden las tecnologías más actuales para desarrollo web y lo más importante, sales con las pautas y la motivación necesarias para seguir aprendiendo.
    Completamente reco...
  • Shady
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
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    Nov 18, 2021
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    Lo mejor que puedes hacer

    Solo cosas buenas que decir. Es una experiencia dura pero a la vez super gratificante. Desde el primer día hasta el último es un reto, debes darlo todo pero siempre veras los resultados de ese esfuerzo.
    Además cuentan con unos mentores que a parte de tener un amplio conocimiento son unas grandes personas, esto lo notas, y con su apoyo no te quedas atrás.

    A día de hoy me siento preparado para desarrollar mis propios proyectos y de seguir aprendiendo para ampliar más mis conoci...
  • Marcos
    Junior Developer • Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp • Zaragoza
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    Nov 17, 2021
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    Great Bootcamp

    Fue duro al principio, pero con ayuda de los mentores y sobretodo la paciencia de Eduardo, fuimos progresando correctamente. Siempre hay cosas por mejorar y lo bueno es que en Lets coder te escuchan y reaccionan inmediatamente a posibles carencias. Sin duda el bootcamp vale la pena  cada euro invertido. las oportunidades que te habre tener el conocimiento y un certificado/diploma que los avale, son importantísimos para acceder a este mundo del IT. Definitivamente recomendaría este bootca...
  • Gabriel
    Software Engineering • Graduate • Online
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    Aug 17, 2021
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    An amazing Bootcamp

    I started the Bootcamp at Let's Coder in January 2021. I started looking for a job on July 15, 2021 and on September 20, 2021 I will start my first job as a software engineer. I think that the Let's Coder bootcamp thanks to its learning by doing methodology has allowed me to learn the knowledge that recruiters require from a junior programmer. In addition, the people at Let's Coder offer a personalized attention and that has allowed me to develop myself properly in the job search process...
  • Roger
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
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    May 10, 2021
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    Tons of knowledge acquired in 3 months

    This Bootcamp is just great, it helped me to start my developer career. This is just the beggining but they taught me the base of development in a great way, now my logic and computational thinking have been improved a lot.
    They also help you find a job after finishing the Bootcamp, this plus my own job search, I got like more than 10 offers in just one week.
    Thanks to Let's Coder, I'm now ready to start a great career, and a new great life.
  • Alexis Parra
    Project Manager and Frontend Developer • Student • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
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    May 10, 2021
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    Don't hesitate! 100% recommended

    Starting the Fullstack Bootcamp was one of the best decissions i've taken in 2021. I needed to redefine my career and web development was my choice.
    After a lot of benchmarking I decided Let's Coder was the best choice.

    I'm not going to lie, it's a fast paced, and sometimes stressful bootcamp, but everything is for the best.
    After completing it I feel I can handle any web development project :)

    Mentors are extremely helpful and the Agile environment prepares you for t...
    Student • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
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    Jan 04, 2021
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    It´s been an amazing adventure, quite hard but very worth it. 
    Manu and all the assistant teachers are amazing and they are with you all the time. And I mean ALL the time, doesn´t matter is 11pm. It´s been wonderfull, and this has change my life. 
  • Cristian
    Student • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
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    Nov 15, 2020
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    Let's Coder bootcamp 2020

    The experience at Let's Coder bootcamp it's intense but with the coordination of the school and the teachers you'll see how much you learn week by week.
  • Alberto
    Student • Student • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
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    Nov 14, 2020
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    Manu Barzi is the man!

    I cannot stress it enough. This is intense! you eat, breath and live code every single day of the week so you have to be prepare for that but, every class with Manu is really enjoyable. He's got this special skill to teach and at the same time make it appealing for us and, believe me, this is really hard when you have students that need to be very focus for hours.
    The other part that make it this bootcamp so special is the fact you have to face really hard challenges to prove your kno...
  • Paula Castellana Marti
    Paula Castellana Marti
    Jr. Full-Stack developer • Graduate • Web Development Bootcamp (Online) • Online
    Jan 26, 2023
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    Este Bootcamp es fantástico. 
    Te enseñan las bases necesarias y además te dan autonomía para que busques tus soluciones y aprendas de una manera más dinámica.
    La mentora, Alexandra, siempre está disponible para ayudar en cualquier problema o duda que surja.
    En general, todo el equipo de Campsite es muy cercano y siempre están dispuestos a ayudar, son una pequeña gran familia.

CampSite Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent CampSite News

How much does CampSite cost?

The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but CampSite does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!

What courses does CampSite teach?

CampSite offers courses like Data Science Bootcamp Online, Web Development Bootcamp (Online).

Where does CampSite have campuses?

CampSite teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is CampSite worth it?

CampSite hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 15 CampSite alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CampSite on Course Report - you should start there!

Is CampSite legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 15 CampSite alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CampSite and rate their overall experience a 4.93 out of 5.

Does CampSite offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like CampSite offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read CampSite reviews?

You can read 15 reviews of CampSite on Course Report! CampSite alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CampSite and rate their overall experience a 4.93 out of 5.

Is CampSite accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. CampSite doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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