
Coder Foundry

Average Rating4.71
143 Reviews
1 Course

Coder Foundry is a coding bootcamp offering .NET training via a 12-week full-time virtual bootcamp, or a self-paced online platform. The Coder Foundry bootcamp is designed and taught by industry practitioners covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, .NET, and SQL. Graduates will have a fully functioning, enterprise-level portfolio with multi-functioning applications. The curriculum is delivered through project-based collaborative learning and provides students with live interactive instruction, and access to instructors and mentors.

To apply to Coder Foundry, applicants need to complete an online assessment and a series of academic pre-work. Coder Foundry is looking for students eager to get their hands dirty by solving real-world problems, and who have the skills needed to secure entry-level jobs in the Software Development field.

Graduates leave fully qualified for software development jobs and move on to working with the recruiting partner TEKsystems upon graduation. Students receive mock technical interview training and have access to a network of mentors, former students, and ongoing career coaching and job placement support.

143 Coder Foundry Reviews

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  • Alex
    Consultant - Engineer • Graduate • .NET Full Stack Virtual • Greensboro
    Dec 15, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Awesome Experience

     I had knowledge of basics in Html and C# going into the class. This knowledge was greatly expanded during the class. This is not a normal 9-5 class. For several weeks hard work and dedication to keep up with the projects and the rest of the class paid off. I interviewed and landed a job before the class was over. The skills I learned there allowed me to get into the field and I felt the interview prepping and assistance on presentation were also helpful. I felt like the instructors care...
  • Alberto Morales
    Alberto Morales
    Nov 09, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Course

    This is a great course! You get to build your own Portfolio using Front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, JS. and also create Full Stack web applications using MVC and C# on the back end. You will need to dedicate extra time after class to complete all the projects. 
  • Spencer Braswell
    Spencer Braswell
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Immersive • Greensboro
    Oct 10, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full Stack Immersive Bootcamp

    This Boot Camp was great! I learned a lot and the job placement services stuck with me through Covid! I would recommend this course, but be ready to work hard. It is not easy but the results are worth it!
  • Jacob Bullin
    Jacob Bullin
    Sep 08, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Place To Expand Your Knowledge

    In lieu of my previous review of Coder Foundry (CF), I would like to say that I gained a lot from their program. I previously said they told me a degree is not required; I would still urge you to go get one. CF’s program is good but focuses on more advanced topics within web development rather than spend a lot of time on the fundamentals. Also, a lot of companies are looking for a degree. I’m not saying it isn’t possible to land a job without one, but if you want to make the big bucks, y...
  • Ira
    Web Developer & QA Engineer • Student • Full Stack Immersive • Greensboro
    Dec 20, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Great place to work & learn

    I started already having some coding knowledge but got a lot better at actually using it to create great Web UIs.  I really feel like this will open more doors for me.

  • Matthew Park
    Matthew Park
    Student • Full Stack Immersive • Greensboro
    Dec 19, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Amazing Instructor

    Coder Foundry has an amazing process and an amazing staff. The instructor is definitely my favorite teacher of all time. He knows his stuff and he knows how to explain it thoroughly.

    Expect to work even when class is over. If you do, you'll learn a lot more.

    They do a lot for job placement which is amazing.

  • Brandon
    Student • Full Stack Immersive • Greensboro
    Dec 19, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Coder Foundry is legit.

    I started my boot camp on September 30th of 2019 and overall have been thoroughly impressed. The entire staff I have worked with are nice and professional. The main instructor Jason, is extremely knowledgeable on the subject material and always goes above and beyond to explain things students may not be understanding. The director of education Antonio was a fantastic source of extra help to me and other students during our time here. The TA in the class at the time Greg pretty much worked ...

  • Justin Fisher
    Justin Fisher
    Dec 19, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Some of the best instructors I've ever had the pleasure of learning from! Very fast paced but very well taught! Thank you Jason!

    Sep 27, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great school

    Very friendly and knowledgeable staff of instructors. Would definitely recommend to friends and family
  • William
    Student • Full Stack Immersive • Greensboro
    Sep 27, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Thank you

    I want to say thank you, especially to the teacher, Jason. For not only his excellent knowledge of coding, but his ability to teach it to others. He is a very patient man, and an understanding mentor. My only con I could give of this course, if the amount of time is limited to 3 months. 3 months simply is not enough to learn everything he has to offer. If I could, I'd take the class again, but with a better mind because of him.

    And the recruiter  Natosha is excellent. The ace in ...

  • Hunter
    Student • Full Stack Immersive • Greensboro
    Sep 26, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Experience

    After 12 weeks of going at it, this program is over. It's been a really good run and I'm sure there's still better things coming. The curriculum moved a little behind the original schedule, so we didn't cover Xamarin much (although we did look at it the last couple of days), but I suspect that was mostly because of the abnormally large size of my class. I've heard that the next class will be divided into two so that students can recieve more one-on-one help when needed. That said, the staf...

  • Drew
    Jr Web Dev • Graduate • Full Stack Immersive • Greensboro
    Sep 18, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Decision

    I ultimately ended up signing on for the 3-month full stack course because I liked the idea of a project-based learning experience, and because I liked the dedicated staffing resources. No regrets. All the staff are super friendly. The educators all have a slightly different style of teaching (all quite good), but adhere to the same loose curriculum- I found the different angles of approach to the same problems to be very interesting and informative. Having done the project-based learning ...


Coder Foundry Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does Coder Foundry cost?

Coder Foundry costs around $14,900.

What courses does Coder Foundry teach?

Coder Foundry offers courses like .NET Full Stack Virtual.

Where does Coder Foundry have campuses?

Coder Foundry has in-person campuses in Greensboro. Coder Foundry also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Coder Foundry worth it?

Coder Foundry hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 143 Coder Foundry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Coder Foundry on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Coder Foundry legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 143 Coder Foundry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Coder Foundry and rate their overall experience a 4.71 out of 5.

Does Coder Foundry offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Coder Foundry offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Coder Foundry reviews?

You can read 143 reviews of Coder Foundry on Course Report! Coder Foundry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Coder Foundry and rate their overall experience a 4.71 out of 5.

Is Coder Foundry accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Coder Foundry doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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