Coder Foundry is a coding bootcamp offering .NET training via a 12-week full-time virtual bootcamp, or a self-paced online platform. The Coder Foundry bootcamp is designed and taught by industry practitioners covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, .NET, and SQL. Graduates will have a fully functioning, enterprise-level portfolio with multi-functioning applications. The curriculum is delivered through project-based collaborative learning and provides students with live interactive instruction, and access to instructors and mentors.
To apply to Coder Foundry, applicants need to complete an online assessment and a series of academic pre-work. Coder Foundry is looking for students eager to get their hands dirty by solving real-world problems, and who have the skills needed to secure entry-level jobs in the Software Development field.
Graduates leave fully qualified for software development jobs and move on to working with the recruiting partner TEKsystems upon graduation. Students receive mock technical interview training and have access to a network of mentors, former students, and ongoing career coaching and job placement support.
I appreciate that everyone involved, is genuinely focused on every student becoming better than they were the day before. Everything is handled in such a manner to ensure that by the end of this course, we won't just think like developers or talk like one, we'll be one.
The extra one-on-one time has been very helpful to me.
I enjoy having the instructors give a small lecture. Most going for about an hour or two at max. Also it was really nice to have a group there you can always converse with and have help with problems you are stuck on.
Being straight out of my first semester of college, this is seeming to be a very masterful education method. It is, in my experience, far superior to the education system used in colleges. I definitely am more productive and successful in projec...
I enjoy having the instructors give a small lecture. Most going for about an hour or two at max. Also it was really nice to have a group there you can always converse with and have help with problems you are stuck on.
Being straight out of my first semester of college, this is seeming to be a very masterful education method. It is, in my experience, far superior to the education system used in colleges. I definitely am more productive and successful in project based, rather than memorization and theory based, education.
I really like the help that I am able to get from the instructors. Concepts that only sort of make sense to me are explained clearly when I ask the instructors about them. I also like that even though I don't have as strong a background as some of the other students, I am noticing a significant amount of improvement, owing to the fast-paced nature of the course. The instruction is great and I have no issue getting assistance when I need it. There isn't anything I would c...
I really like the help that I am able to get from the instructors. Concepts that only sort of make sense to me are explained clearly when I ask the instructors about them. I also like that even though I don't have as strong a background as some of the other students, I am noticing a significant amount of improvement, owing to the fast-paced nature of the course. The instruction is great and I have no issue getting assistance when I need it. There isn't anything I would change.
This has been very hard, exhilarating, and awesome! I wish I had done this earlier. I'm being pushed beyond what I thought was my maximum, and yet this pushing is making it all come together faster and in more depth than I ever could have done on my own. Thank you, Coder Foundry!
Coder Foundry offered mentorship, which is what I valued the most out of my experience here.
Working on projects instead of just reading textbooks or working on homework has given me an even larger set of skills that I can take with me to the workplace immediately.
My experience at Coder Foundry was amazing. You're able to directly apply what you learned in the class instead of just learning theory. It was really cool to get a hands-on experience with the code.
It was difficult balancing the workload between my contract job and this program, but I enjoyed the "accelerated learning" model of learning C# and .NET
I am proud of how well I mastered MVC - once I started each project, I had everything working within a week, which is a great accomplishment for me.
Most proud of the fact that I learned and mastered MVC.
Everything went well for me. I made myself very marketable with a new understanding of MVC, and I landed a job through Coder Foundry long before the program had ended.
How much does Coder Foundry cost?
Coder Foundry costs around $14,900.
What courses does Coder Foundry teach?
Coder Foundry offers courses like .NET Full Stack Virtual.
Where does Coder Foundry have campuses?
Coder Foundry has in-person campuses in Greensboro. Coder Foundry also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Coder Foundry worth it?
Coder Foundry hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 143 Coder Foundry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Coder Foundry on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Coder Foundry legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 143 Coder Foundry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Coder Foundry and rate their overall experience a 4.71 out of 5.
Does Coder Foundry offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Coder Foundry offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Coder Foundry reviews?
You can read 143 reviews of Coder Foundry on Course Report! Coder Foundry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Coder Foundry and rate their overall experience a 4.71 out of 5.
Is Coder Foundry accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Coder Foundry doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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