
Data Application Lab

Average Rating4.5
9 Reviews
2 Courses

Data Application Lab is a 19-week, full-time data science bootcamp in Los Angeles, Silicon Valley, and online. Data Application Lab believes that there is a significant gap/lag between the industry practical needs and academic education. To close the gap in a short time, Data Application Lab introduces cutting-edge technology and tools in industries by practical lab projects, so that every trainee in our program can fully understand our lectures from hands-on experience. This bootcamp invites multiple senior engineers to help students get comprehensive understanding of data science. Also, professional TAs with industry experience are hired to answer questions and assist each student's study. To provide better study environment, the school's hadoop/Spark cluster is available for each trainee 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Data Application Lab provides Java/SAS/SQL programming classes for students with less background in computer science. The school also has a 10-week internship or end to end project to help students get hands-on experience.

9 Data Application Lab Reviews

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  • Arlene Wimbley
    Student • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    May 09, 2024
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    challenging and insightful

    This program was very challenging to me. There were times that I thought I would not make it through and wanted to quit. I had to remind myself that this program is only introducing me to the various plethora of tools in data analytics. Some tools I have heard of and other I had not. There were some of the concepts and tools that I would never seek out and there are those I want to learn more about. To be successful in this program, you will need to be committed. You nee...
  • Carlos Guillermo Otero Perez
    Carlos Guillermo Otero Perez
    Ingeniero de Sistemas • Graduate • Data Science • Online
    Jan 23, 2023
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    excellent course

    Este es un curso excelente, el cual me ha servido mucho a nivel académico y profesional. Este es un corso muy actualizado. Y con un contenido muy fa´cil de entender. les agradezco mucho la oportunidad por haber podido participar en él.
  • vera
    Student • Online
    May 04, 2019
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    DS reviews

    ds课程教了很多industry related knowledge, 是之前在学校课堂里没有接触到的。而且老师都是一线公司的data scientist, 讲的知识对于找工作很实用。一开始会讲ds各个模块的基础知识,每节课后会有一个mini project,可以很好地训练coding能力并且增强理解,而且ta也会讲作业。基础知识讲完后,课程有kaggle competition,fintech,Recommender System,NLP,这些project对完整做一套feature engineering,data analysis,model building 很有帮助,而且老师会给很多tips。同时,课程还包括data scientist interview,会总结很多面试题目和技巧,还可以自己约老师一对一辅导面试~~~ btw,老师声音都很好听~而且很幽默~😝,把知识讲的很容易理解~

  • Fion Liu
    Fion Liu
    Student • Data Science • Online
    Jan 22, 2019
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    Data Scientist Bootcamp review

    I took the DS bootcamp during October, it was a great bootcamp which had almost all industry requirement to build up your technical skills and helps you go through techncial interviews. If you are really looking forwards to step into the data world, the bootcamp could be your choice. It can also helps you get familiar with some big data platform such as Hadoop, Spark and Hive. The most effective way is the instructors will take you into some experiences of the Kaggle Competiit...

  • Leo
    Business Operation Analyst (Intern) • Applicant • Data Science • Online
    Jan 11, 2019
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    A good bridge between school and work

    This is an overall good learning experience with an intense schedule.

    The most important highlight is its practical view of the industry, as the materials comes from real world data and projects and the instructors have in-depth knowledge and experiences in industries.

    Also, with a diverse composition of students, some whom are students like me and some of them are young professionals, I also gain insights of how the career development process could be like.


  • frank
    Student • Data Science • Online
    May 06, 2018
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    a little disappointed

    Though a couple of teachers are pretty good, the overall course fails short of my expectations,

    1. the big projects aren't very helpful. some teacher are not familar with the project thus can't help the issues we encountered.

    2. The boasted clusters are only for limited usage ( hive query ), it is not for big data experiments such as spark jobs, etc.

    3. the sales guy were vague about the choice of elective projects but actually it is very rigid, you can only choose ...

  • Sean
    Graduate • Data Science • Online
    Aug 19, 2016
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    DS program review

            作为DS program 4月班的学员,最深刻的感受是这个项目最够的practical, 首先从师资角度,讲课的老师来自于一线互联网公司的data scientist,手把手教大家做数据预处理和跑模型,其次,采用业界流行的python语言进行示范,并且涉及到hadoop,spark,hive的工具使用操作,值得一提的是在project 模块中,通过老师的指导,kaggle比赛很有可能取得不错的成绩,最后的end to end project会按照企业的需求,从数据的抓取、数据的清洗到最后的模型调优和预测,完整走完一遍流程。因此,通过理论和project的结合,会把我们短时间内expose在data science的领域中,相信踏踏实实跟下来,定会有所心得~

  • Lingfei Mao
    Data Science • Online
    Jan 03, 2019
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    Great bootcamp for data science learning

    I really recommend the business analytics course and data scientist course at Data Application Lab.

    I took these bootcamp in 2018. The courses are perfect for students who want to pursue a career in data science field but don't have education background. 

    I did several hands-on projects in the bootcamp, in which we would use statistical modeling and machine learning algorithms to solve real business problems. Those projects have allowed me to drastically expand my data ...

  • Nancy
    Data Analyst Intern • Graduate • Data Science • Los Angeles
    Jan 03, 2019
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    Data Scientist Course Review

    I started the DS course in last August. In order to balance between my schoolwork and the DS training course, I made a lot of efforts.  The instructors taught a high volume of DS knowledge every class. I need to review and practice in time to remember all the points they made. If I got questions, the teaching assistant would kindly help me. There are two Q&A sessions every week. What I found most valuable about the course is the high-profile data science projects, which gu...


Data Application Lab Alumni Reviews Summary

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Accepts GI Bill

How much does Data Application Lab cost?

Data Application Lab costs around $5,200.

What courses does Data Application Lab teach?

Data Application Lab offers courses like Data Engineer, Data Science.

Where does Data Application Lab have campuses?

Data Application Lab has in-person campuses in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley. Data Application Lab also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Data Application Lab worth it?

Data Application Lab hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 9 Data Application Lab alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Data Application Lab on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Data Application Lab legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 9 Data Application Lab alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Data Application Lab and rate their overall experience a 4.5 out of 5.

Does Data Application Lab offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Data Application Lab offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Data Application Lab reviews?

You can read 9 reviews of Data Application Lab on Course Report! Data Application Lab alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Data Application Lab and rate their overall experience a 4.5 out of 5.

Is Data Application Lab accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Data Application Lab doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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