devCodeCamp is closed

This school is now closed. Although devCodeCamp is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and devCodeCamp alumni reviews on the school page.



Average Rating4.76
245 Reviews
3 Courses

DevCodeCamp offers various full-time and part-time, live online coding bootcamps that meet prospective students where they're at in their career. devCodeCamp offers a 12-week Software Development Bootcamp Full Time, a 24-week Software Development Bootcamp Flex Self-Paced, and a 24-week Data Analytics Bootcamp Flex Self-Paced. Bootcamp students are taught how to think like software engineers, working on real-world projects in a collaborative environment. The devCodeCamp instructional team brings knowledge and passion as well as patience and empathy. The curriculum for each bootcamp is designed with the demands of the market at the forefront, yet their core philosophy is to teach software concepts transferable to any programming language. 

No experience is required to apply to the bootcamps, but applicants must be problem-solvers who are willing to learn and have a desire to be challenged.

DevCodeCamp students will receive career services while enrolled in the program. Students will learn how to create a resume, cultivate their LinkedIn presence, navigage their job search, and prepare for job interviews.

245 devCodeCamp Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Dylan
    Automation Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Nov 10, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    devCodeCamp was the best decision to better myself in a development career path. Started in college, but didn't think I was getting enough information. I took a chance with dCC and ended up beating out 3 college developers for a position at MSI Data.
  • Steven Volbrecht
    Steven Volbrecht
    Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Nov 08, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    tough but rewarding

    I tell everyone that it is tough and designed to be that way. I also tell everyone that it is worth it. The instructors know their stuff, the course is centered around actual projects that give you something you can show off and you come out of it with functional knowledge of coding and web development.

  • Julie Dressner
    Julie Dressner
    Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Oct 17, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Career Shift

    At the time I found devCode I really wasn't sure what career shift I wanted to pursue, but I knew I needed to make a change.  The staff at devCode were very friendly and answered all my questions and gave me time to look into software development and decide if that was the career shift I wanted.  I am very glad that I did choose devCode.  The program was very challenging but rewarding, the instructor were fantastic and always willing to help answer questions or to go over concepts that we ...

  • Nevin Seibel
    Nevin Seibel
    Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Oct 17, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    The decision to join devCodeCamp was definitely the best career decision I've ever made.    My initial concerns were that this course was going to be way too much work for me. And in the beginning, it was a little overwhelming with how much informa...

  • Eric Henderson
    Eric Henderson
    Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Aug 20, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    devCode is the real deal.

    I went in with no coding experience.  After a short time I was solving problems in ways I never thought about.  The instructors were awesome, always available, and helpful along the way.  After completing the program, they helped me get in contact with recruiters of great companies. With devCode in my corner, I was able to get my first development job.  I'm excited for what the future holds.

  • Aaron Edelman
    Aaron Edelman
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Jun 27, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Skeptical to Hired

    I started contemplating devCodeCamp after evaluating my career in the insurance industry, and deciding that I would much prefer working in IT. I spent a month after quitting my job trying the self-study route using free online resources such as CodeAcademy and the online MIT CS101 course. I found it was difficult to focus and self-motivate for the 8-10 hours a day I knew it would take to learn enough to switch careers. I had read negative reviews of coding bootcamps, and of devCodeCamp in ...

  • Lance Yang
    Lance Yang
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    May 24, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Tough and Challenging

    My time at devCodeCamp was pretty great, the instructors were there to help. They taught the basics of the basics in the beginning making sure that everyone was on par with one another. 

    Of course things get tougher afterwards and that's where you begin to shine, you learn how to learn, you learn how to ask specific questions pertaining to what you are trying to do, and you learn how to break things down to find solutions. 

    devCodeCamp is located in Wisconsin, I actually ca...

  • Nathan Whitcomb
    Nathan Whitcomb
    Software Engineer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Feb 26, 2018
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The devCode Review

    devCode works. Period. Full stop. 

    I have seen it work for dozens and dozens of grads.

    I came to devCode in the spring of '17, looking to start a second career as a software developer. With an English Major and six years of experience teaching English, I exemplify the kind of person who you don't expect to become a software developer. And indeed. when I started at devCode in March 2017, I had no piror knowledge of coding whatsoever. Yet here I am today, less than a year...

  • Andrew Jordan
    Andrew Jordan
    Application Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Sep 22, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Program, Greater Experience Gained

    When starting devCodeCamp, I had next to no experience with development. I knew a little about html and css but nothing that could be considered a marketable skill. Starting off the program was more than manageable in learning the basics of coding. After the first 3 weeks the honeymoon was over and the program was fast in amercing the students in more challenging projects and material. I quickly found myself learning and growing from project to project. The work was moderately challenging ...

  • Evan Taylor
    Evan Taylor
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Milwaukee
    Aug 26, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Challenging and rewarding

    I came to devCodeCamp with no coding experience and very little computer skills whatsoever. I was 19, just barely out of high-school. All I had coming in was an interest in coding and a passion for building new things. There were times I excelled, and times I struggled, but pushed through it and completed the course learning more than I ever thought was possible in such a short period of time. It was by far one of the most challenging things I have ever done and I don't regret a single min...

  • Marissa T.
    Marissa T.
    Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Jul 11, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Motivation is Key

    If you are curious about what you can make and have a desire to learn something new everyday, devCodeCamp may be for you. After realizing I wanted a career-change with a focus on technology driving business, I was intrigued to enter the coding world. Going back to school for 2-4 years knowing many of the additional classes would be a waste of time and money, I researched the on-site expedited alternative, devCodeCamp. After dabbling with free online resources, I decided to quit my full-tim...

  • Lao V.
    Lao V.
    Graduate • Milwaukee
    Jun 07, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Honest review from grad...

    My initial reaction was that the tuition was beyond my budget, and if I invested money and time into this, I NEEDED to get something out of it. dCC (devCodeCamp) was honest with me from the beginning, that employment is not guaranteed and the course would entail long hours and dedication for the next 3 months. I was very confident in my ability to succeed in the course, but I was unsure and new to the software development field. I didn’t know whether completion of the course wo...


devCodeCamp Alumni Outcomes

Recent devCodeCamp News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated May 12, 2021
After years touring with the Air Force Band, trumpeter Andrew Syzmanek was looking for a new kind of challenge. When a Python course piqued his interest in tech, Andrew (and his wife, Amelia!) decided to enroll in devCodeCamp to pivot into software development. Using the GI Bill to cover his bootcamp tuition, Andrew walks us through what it was like to make a career change through a coding bo...
Rachel Meltzer
Rachel Meltzer
Updated April 29, 2021
With almost all personal banking, lending, electronic payments, and trading done online these days, financial technology is an in-demand field for technologists in 2021. But do the top fintech companies actually hire coding bootcamp graduates? We’re breaking down what to expect at a financial technology company, and the top 6 Fintech companies that hire bootcamp alumni. Plus, our tips for emp...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated March 16, 2021
Ten years back, Brent Solomon worked for a top tech company, but his adventurous spirit led him to travel the world as a U.S. Marine. His lifelong passion for tech led him to enroll in devCodeCamp’s full-time remote bootcamp, where he refreshed his skills plus learned the programming he needs to land a job in today’s tech world! Find out what stood out about devCodeCamp in the application pro...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated December 03, 2020
U.S. Army veteran Fatima Konteh had dreams of becoming a nurse, but a digital course inspired her to pivot into tech. Fatima chose devCodeCamp because they accepted the GI Bill and had a supportive community of veterans to learn alongside. Fatima shares why learning the developer mindset is so crucial for career-changers, and why a coding bootcamp is an excellent experience for veterans who w...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated July 01, 2019
June 2019: a coding bootcamp fundraise, an interesting acquisition, and great new initiatives to encourage more women and underrepresented groups to get into tech. In this month’s podcast, we talk about the status of the tech skills shortage, what is happening to fill the gaps in areas like data science and cybersecurity, and the ongoing conversation around ISAs (income share agreements)....
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated September 28, 2017
Need a rundown of everything that happened in the coding bootcamp industry this September? You’re in luck! We’ve collected all the most important news in this blog post and podcast. This month, we kept up with the status of the bootcamp industry, learned about how bootcamps are thriving in smaller markets, and explored different ways to pay for bootcamp. Plus, we added 7 new schools from ar...
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Liz Eggleston
Updated December 14, 2023
A coding bootcamp can propel your career in tech to new heights, but that often means quitting a job, uprooting your life, or moving to a new city. Maybe you’re moving to a new city to become a developer and need a short-term housing option. Or perhaps you’re an international student without credit history. Regardless of your background, funds can become tight when committing to a full-time, ...
Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated October 07, 2015
Welcome to the September News Roundup, your monthly news digest full of the most interesting articles and announcements in the bootcamp space. Do you want something considered for the next News Roundup? Submit announcements of new courses, scholarships, or open jobs at your school!   This Week on Course Report: Should you learn web or mobile development first? We dive into this ...
Harry Hantel
Harry Hantel
Updated September 03, 2015
Welcome to the August News Roundup, your monthly news digest full of the most interesting articles and announcements in the bootcamp space. Do you want something considered for the next News Roundup? Submit announcements of new courses, scholarships, or open jobs at your school! Reminder: Have you taken & shared our 2015 Student Outcomes & Demographics Survey? It takes less tha...
Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated July 17, 2015
  Erik had a degree in Aviation and an MBA when he decided to change careers. He had enough experince with traditional education to know he didn’t want another 4-year degree, so Erik researched coding bootcamps in Milwaukee, and enrolled at DevCodeCamp. We chat with Erik about the “sub-level program” during DevCodeCamp’s application process, the AngularJS project (called ThisIsPrettyNeat, ...
Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated April 24, 2015
When Dave Gold was approached by Milwaukee coding bootcamp devCodeCamp to teach software design, he jumped at the chance to build a coding curriculum from the ground up. As devCodeCamp prepares for their first cohort in April, we talk to Dave about preparing a curriculum around the demands of the Milwaukee job market, the rigorous process of accreditation, and how he plans to create a rea...
Harry Hantel
Harry Hantel
Updated December 15, 2016
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devCodeCamp Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does devCodeCamp cost?

devCodeCamp costs around $17,900. On the lower end, some devCodeCamp courses like Web Development Flex; a self-paced Bootcamp cost $9,400.

Where does devCodeCamp have campuses?

devCodeCamp has in-person campuses in Milwaukee. devCodeCamp also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is devCodeCamp worth it?

devCodeCamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 245 devCodeCamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed devCodeCamp on Course Report - you should start there!

Is devCodeCamp legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 245 devCodeCamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed devCodeCamp and rate their overall experience a 4.76 out of 5.

Does devCodeCamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like devCodeCamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read devCodeCamp reviews?

You can read 245 reviews of devCodeCamp on Course Report! devCodeCamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed devCodeCamp and rate their overall experience a 4.76 out of 5.

Is devCodeCamp accredited?


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