devCodeCamp is closed

This school is now closed. Although devCodeCamp is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and devCodeCamp alumni reviews on the school page.



Average Rating4.76
245 Reviews
3 Courses

DevCodeCamp offers various full-time and part-time, live online coding bootcamps that meet prospective students where they're at in their career. devCodeCamp offers a 12-week Software Development Bootcamp Full Time, a 24-week Software Development Bootcamp Flex Self-Paced, and a 24-week Data Analytics Bootcamp Flex Self-Paced. Bootcamp students are taught how to think like software engineers, working on real-world projects in a collaborative environment. The devCodeCamp instructional team brings knowledge and passion as well as patience and empathy. The curriculum for each bootcamp is designed with the demands of the market at the forefront, yet their core philosophy is to teach software concepts transferable to any programming language. 

No experience is required to apply to the bootcamps, but applicants must be problem-solvers who are willing to learn and have a desire to be challenged.

DevCodeCamp students will receive career services while enrolled in the program. Students will learn how to create a resume, cultivate their LinkedIn presence, navigage their job search, and prepare for job interviews.

245 devCodeCamp Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Brennan
    Graduate • Software Development Flex Self-Paced Bootcamp • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 12, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    An Amazing Opportunity with Great People

    As a young, inexperienced programmer, I entered into devCodeCamp, with minimal prior experience, but a broad foundational knowledge of concepts.  I partook in the Web Development course and the beginning days were focused on building a strong base.  It picked up quickly and took on a fast paced nature that persisted throughout the entirety of the course.  The instructors for class were well-balanced between guiding and not just giving you the solution outright to the problem at hand...
  • Jeffrey Peplinski
    Graduate • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 10, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Career Starter

    I've had a varied professional experience in life. I am a veteran of the US Navy where I was an Arabic Language Analyst, have a bachelor's in music composition, and worked as a geo-location operator for the NSA. I've always had a great interest in building creative, logical structures (musical or otherwise), technology, and languages. I am excited to start a career in software development because I believe it's in my wheelhouse, it's expanding more and more, and there is great upward mob...
  • Jared Martin
    Full Stack Software Developer • Student • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Mar 10, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Excellent Training Opportunity

    I came into this school with little to no knowledge of coding besides my desire to learn, they took that desire to learn and transformed it into knowledge. In a short time I was writing code that I would not have been able to even understand the week before. They truly took my passion to learn and turned it into a career field for me. I can now design and develop full stack applications and understand what already written code is attempting to do. I can truly call myself a full stack dev...
  • Audrey Schmidt
    Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 23, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Amazing and thoughtful bootcamp!

    Just last year I was a full-time pharmacist. I took a leap of faith to pursue my passion for software development. My time at devCodeCamp has been wonderful. The instructors made it fun and easy to learn, while providing priceless tips and support along the way. The curriculum allowed me to become proficient in working individually as well as with teams. From knowing nothing about coding to becoming confident in my Python, JavaScript, React.js and other skills I have never doubted the ut...

    devCodeCamp of devCodeCamp

    Company Administrator

    Mar 01, 2022

    Thank you for the kind words, Audrey. We are excited to continue assisting you on your journey to becoming a professional developer!
  • Victor Paturzo
    Prospective Web Developer • Student • Computer Science Engineer Program • Online
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    Jan 20, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Accelerated Program

    As someone who didn't know very much about computers, let alone software development, my time with devCodeCamp taught me more about web development (MERN) than I could have imagined.  My first impression of devCodeCamp was established before I even started.  As a fresh veteran, I was looking to use my GI Bill for a program when I had found out that many boot camps were no longer accepting GI benefits due to the bill set to end their use by 12/21/2021.  The team at devCodeCamp were kind e...
  • Nolan Beihl
    Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jan 10, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Amazing Course

    I started this year off working at the United States Air Force Academy as an onsite EMT for the athletic department.  While there I was tasked with designing a testing procedure for detecting COVID-19 in the cadet athletes so that they could continue to practice and compete.  Within 2 weeks I had designed and manufactured, with a 3d printer, a device that enabled us to test 100+ athletes per hour and provide results within 15 minutes. While at the Academy I was introduced to the world of...
  • Dan
    Graduate • Computer Science Engineer Program • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Dec 31, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Following My Dreams

    I've known for a long time that I wanted to develop software. In 2018 I began a Computer Science degree, and I loved the Software Development courses I took, but after a year of working full time, going to school full time, and being a full time single parent, I realized I was not going to be able to give all my responsibilities 100% for 3 more years. I was forced to leave my dream behind and continue to work and parent for my mental health and my daughter's wellbeing.

    In Septembe...
  • Ben Fischer
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Dec 21, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great Bootcamp

    The Full Stack Software Development course I took through devCodeCamp was more than I expected, in a good way. You are immediately thrown into the curriculum and learn new things immediately.  The course can become difficult at times but as long as you stay consistent and ask for help when needed, you will be just fine. Overall, it was a great experience that gives you the skills to succeed as a developer and in other parts of life.
  • Larry Hatcher
    Graduate • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Dec 10, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full Stack Development

    This course starts off very fast and can be confusing if you let it. I had no coding experience when I started off and felt like I could've made a mistake. I stuck with it though and after the first couple of weeks I started getting things. The instructors knowledgeable and attentive. I was able to get a response from them when I needed help, they would lead me into the right direction sometime making me work the answer out vs just giving me the answers. You build a good relationship whi...
  • Dominique Steward
    Student • Online
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    Dec 10, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full Stack Web Development

     This course starts off very fast and overwhelming. If you have no experience coding, you are in for a tough time. With that said, with proper study time after class and asking for help from the wonderful instructors, I promise you that you will be surprised by how much you actually know from the course. The instructors are the highlight of the course. I was always able to get a response from them and whenever I needed to bounce ideas from them, they would lead me into the right directio...
  • Christopher Molitoris
    Graduate • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 24, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full-Stack Developer Course

    I know some of you are reading this and contemplating taking the course or even just apprehensive about being a developer. What I am going to recommend is that you first look into programming and see if it's for you. Not a lot, just a few videos on YouTube and maybe open up an IDE to write some code. Once you know that this industry is for you, take the course AND put your heart into every day. I personally came into this course with a solid foundation of coding/development from self-lea...
  • Justin Campbell
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Software Development Flex Self-Paced Bootcamp • Milwaukee
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 23, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Full Stack Developerment

    I am very grateful for devCodeCamp. I began the course with absolutely NO experience. They taught me everything that I needed to know and helped me throughout the 12 week process. As a graduate, they seamlessly transitioned me into there Career Services Dept. and now I am beginning a new journey. Thanks devCodeCamp!

devCodeCamp Alumni Outcomes

Recent devCodeCamp News

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Jess Feldman
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After years touring with the Air Force Band, trumpeter Andrew Syzmanek was looking for a new kind of challenge. When a Python course piqued his interest in tech, Andrew (and his wife, Amelia!) decided to enroll in devCodeCamp to pivot into software development. Using the GI Bill to cover his bootcamp tuition, Andrew walks us through what it was like to make a career change through a coding bo...
Rachel Meltzer
Rachel Meltzer
Updated April 29, 2021
With almost all personal banking, lending, electronic payments, and trading done online these days, financial technology is an in-demand field for technologists in 2021. But do the top fintech companies actually hire coding bootcamp graduates? We’re breaking down what to expect at a financial technology company, and the top 6 Fintech companies that hire bootcamp alumni. Plus, our tips for emp...
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Jess Feldman
Updated March 16, 2021
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Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated December 03, 2020
U.S. Army veteran Fatima Konteh had dreams of becoming a nurse, but a digital course inspired her to pivot into tech. Fatima chose devCodeCamp because they accepted the GI Bill and had a supportive community of veterans to learn alongside. Fatima shares why learning the developer mindset is so crucial for career-changers, and why a coding bootcamp is an excellent experience for veterans who w...
Imogen Crispe
Imogen Crispe
Updated July 01, 2019
June 2019: a coding bootcamp fundraise, an interesting acquisition, and great new initiatives to encourage more women and underrepresented groups to get into tech. In this month’s podcast, we talk about the status of the tech skills shortage, what is happening to fill the gaps in areas like data science and cybersecurity, and the ongoing conversation around ISAs (income share agreements)....
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Need a rundown of everything that happened in the coding bootcamp industry this September? You’re in luck! We’ve collected all the most important news in this blog post and podcast. This month, we kept up with the status of the bootcamp industry, learned about how bootcamps are thriving in smaller markets, and explored different ways to pay for bootcamp. Plus, we added 7 new schools from ar...
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Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
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Harry Hantel
Updated September 03, 2015
Welcome to the August News Roundup, your monthly news digest full of the most interesting articles and announcements in the bootcamp space. Do you want something considered for the next News Roundup? Submit announcements of new courses, scholarships, or open jobs at your school! Reminder: Have you taken & shared our 2015 Student Outcomes & Demographics Survey? It takes less tha...
Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated July 17, 2015
  Erik had a degree in Aviation and an MBA when he decided to change careers. He had enough experince with traditional education to know he didn’t want another 4-year degree, so Erik researched coding bootcamps in Milwaukee, and enrolled at DevCodeCamp. We chat with Erik about the “sub-level program” during DevCodeCamp’s application process, the AngularJS project (called ThisIsPrettyNeat, ...
Liz Eggleston
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Updated April 24, 2015
When Dave Gold was approached by Milwaukee coding bootcamp devCodeCamp to teach software design, he jumped at the chance to build a coding curriculum from the ground up. As devCodeCamp prepares for their first cohort in April, we talk to Dave about preparing a curriculum around the demands of the Milwaukee job market, the rigorous process of accreditation, and how he plans to create a rea...
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Harry Hantel
Updated December 15, 2016
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devCodeCamp Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does devCodeCamp cost?

devCodeCamp costs around $17,900. On the lower end, some devCodeCamp courses like Web Development Flex; a self-paced Bootcamp cost $9,400.

Where does devCodeCamp have campuses?

devCodeCamp has in-person campuses in Milwaukee. devCodeCamp also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is devCodeCamp worth it?

devCodeCamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 245 devCodeCamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed devCodeCamp on Course Report - you should start there!

Is devCodeCamp legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 245 devCodeCamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed devCodeCamp and rate their overall experience a 4.76 out of 5.

Does devCodeCamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like devCodeCamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read devCodeCamp reviews?

You can read 245 reviews of devCodeCamp on Course Report! devCodeCamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed devCodeCamp and rate their overall experience a 4.76 out of 5.

Is devCodeCamp accredited?


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