Hack Reactor by Galvanize is an educator for rapid career transformation, offering software engineering bootcamps designed so that anyone with motivation can succeed, regardless of education, experience, or background. Hack Reactor by Galvanize bootcamps are challenging and designed to fit a student’s schedule and skill level. Bootcamps include a 16-Week Software Engineering Immersive with JavaScript and Python, designed for beginners, as well as a 12-Week Software Engineering Immersive.
Applicants to the 12-week Software Engineering Immersive need to pass a Technical Admissions Assessment (TAA), which tests for intermediate coding competency. There is a free, self-paced bootcamp prep course that can be accessed to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript. Those applying for the 16-week program do not need to pass the TAA or take any prep courses. Applicants to all programs need to pass an aptitude test, a brief typing test, and an admissions interview.
In addition to its software engineering programs, Hack Reactor provides a large network of professional peers, 1:1 coaching, mock interviews, job training, and more. All students graduate as autonomous, full-stack software engineers, fully capable of tackling unique problems and building complex applications on the job. Hack Reactor alumni join a diverse, engaged network of fellow students, instructors, staff, and alumni, including 14,000+ graduates at 2,500 companies.
After our 12-week online coding bootcamp, you'll be what you want to be: a software engineer, fully capable of tackling unique and unfamiliar problems and building complex applications on the job. We’re pleased to announce that starting with our June 2023 cohorts, we’re adding GitHub Copilot to the instructor-taught curriculum for all our coding bootcamps.
During the program, you can expect:
1) Real engineering work, right away: You'll work through hundreds of hours of problems designed to prepare you for success in technical interviews and in the workplace.
2) Real tools and practices to build job-ready skills: You'll gain the skills to plan, scope, build, and manage applications. You'll learn cutting-edge tech like React and ES6, along with Full Stack JavaScript and computer science fundamentals.
3) Real-world expectations to help launch your career: We'll challenge you to meet deadlines and requirements, build autonomy, communicate with precision, and collaborate effectively. Then we'll help you land the job you've worked so hard to prepare for.
4) As a remote learner, you can also expect live online instruction and interaction. Learn to code in real-time from world-class instructors, pair program with your classmates, and build your network during after-hours online events.
You’ll also have access to our team 6 days a week. As questions arise, you'll have the support you need, inside and outside of class time. Reach out to instructors and mentors to set up real-time videoconferences, and stay in touch with your peers on Slack at any hour.
Learn more: https://www.galvanize.com/hack-reactor/intermediate/full-time-bootcamp/
Yes, we’re proud to offer Merit Scholarships for this program. Learn more: https://www.hackreactor.com/scholarships
Getting In
Minimum Skill Level
All applicants must pass a coding challenge and Technical Admissions Assessment (TAA), which tests for intermediate coding competency. Our Prep programs will help you get there: https://www.hackreactor.com/prep-programs
Prep Work
Once accepted and prior to your start date, incoming students should plan to spend about 90-120 hours on our Precourse curriculum. When done, you'll have a strong foundation in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and more, and you'll be ready for Day 1.
If you’re a beginner interested in maximizing your hiring potential, look no further than this program, where you’ll go from beginner to job-ready in 16 weeks. Gain the skills you need to be a full-stack software engineer through a modern, unit-based curriculum where career readiness is central.
Students commit 40-60 hours per week for 16 weeks, and can expect:
1) In-demand tech and computer science. Become a full-stack engineer in just 16 weeks through a curriculum that includes algorithms, data structures, networking, and databases. Learn Python and JavaScript, the two most in-demand programming languages, plus state-of-the-art AI tools like GitHub Copilot, which helps students position themselves to compete in an evolving job market that increasingly utilizes AI tools for enhanced productivity in software development.
2) Expert instruction. With our learning methods and training, you’ll have the foundation necessary to succeed in today’s industry and be equipped to gain fluency in future technologies and trends quickly. You’ll build durable knowledge through flipped classroom practices and project-based learning, where you’ll have practical hands-on experience while maximizing classroom time with expert instructors. Additionally, spaced repetition learning is built directly into the program. Not only does this further solidify your skills and knowledge quickly, you’ll also have mental models that stick.
3) Training for long-term career health. Gain skills that lead to career sustainability, including how to establish and maintain healthy and supportive work relationships, use stress management to reduce fatigue and frustration and have confidence in your decisions.
4) Career services. Throughout your 16 weeks, our experienced Career Services team will help you prepare to land the job of your dreams. Get 1:1 coaching tailored to your skills and needs, go through mock interviews, build your professional resume, and more.
Learn more: https://www.hackreactor.com/online-coding-bootcamp/beginner-coding-bootcamp/
Yes, we’re proud to offer full-tuition scholarships and $2500Merit Scholarships. Learn more: https://www.hackreactor.com/scholarships
Getting In
Minimum Skill Level
None. No coding experience is needed.
Prep Work
Applicants are required to pass a typing test and non-technical cognitive assessment. Once accepted, students are given Course Primers (not required but highly encouraged), which help everyone refresh on computer literacy and high school math.
Joining Hack Reactor was hands-down one of the best decisions that I could have made for myself. The program does an extraordinary job of providing students with the tools they need to be successful, both technically and professionally. In-depth lectures, supportive campus staff, exciting challenges and projects, and all-around amazing people. I came into the program with a decent amount of coding experience and was surprised to learn much more than I was expec...
Joining Hack Reactor was hands-down one of the best decisions that I could have made for myself. The program does an extraordinary job of providing students with the tools they need to be successful, both technically and professionally. In-depth lectures, supportive campus staff, exciting challenges and projects, and all-around amazing people. I came into the program with a decent amount of coding experience and was surprised to learn much more than I was expecting to. The program is dedicated to the success of each student and will do everything they can to help you land your first job as a software engineer. With that said, be prepared to put in the work. As helpful and dedicated as the staff members are, nothing is going to be handed to you on a silver platter. The assignments are tough and it’s not uncommon for students to be coding late nights. The environment is fast-paced - expect to learn something completely new every couple of days for the first six weeks. It will be up to you to reach out for help or find additional resources if you’re not understanding something. But in return, expect a fantastic support group from both local and program-wide staff, a powerful network of alumni for you to connect with, your own Career Services Manager that will push you through the job search, and friends that will last a lifetime!
I had been eyeing hack reactor for the past 5 years and finally decided to make the switch and attend in fall 2020. I'm so glad I did! I attended the Austin campus (remote due to covid) and the staff was amazing. While yes, everything they teach could be found online for free - the path, support and friends that I found with hack reactor made it worth every penny. It definitely wasn't an easy program, about 11 hours a day, 6 days a week - but it was packed full of lectures, practice, pro...
I had been eyeing hack reactor for the past 5 years and finally decided to make the switch and attend in fall 2020. I'm so glad I did! I attended the Austin campus (remote due to covid) and the staff was amazing. While yes, everything they teach could be found online for free - the path, support and friends that I found with hack reactor made it worth every penny. It definitely wasn't an easy program, about 11 hours a day, 6 days a week - but it was packed full of lectures, practice, projects and career advice. While I'm still starting the job search, the amount of support after the program is over is also great. I have constant meetings with my Career Services manager and he always gives great advice and is constantly available to answer questions. It was a lot of work to get admitted, and a lot of work to get through the program, but I'm really happy I did.
Software Engineer • Graduate • 12-Week Software Engineering Immersive • Los Angeles
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Dec 08, 2020
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Hack Reactor is a great place to get started
Hack Reactor is a great place for very little or no computer science background people to start their journey to become a professional software engineer. I was a complete outsider in the software and computer field before HR. From a little knowledge about Javascript when I started my cohort, I graduated being able to create full-stack applications and then got a job as a software engineer a month and a haft later. I also appreciate the soft skills I got from HR. From small things like e...
Hack Reactor is a great place for very little or no computer science background people to start their journey to become a professional software engineer. I was a complete outsider in the software and computer field before HR. From a little knowledge about Javascript when I started my cohort, I graduated being able to create full-stack applications and then got a job as a software engineer a month and a haft later. I also appreciate the soft skills I got from HR. From small things like explaining problems clearly when I need help, to pair programming skills, to be autonomous in learning new technologies, all of these skills help me so much in my day to day tasks. The career week and the job search program are big pluses since they keep you sharp with your tech skills and help with job search materials like cover letters or resumes. HR's staff is really great. From cohort leads to tech mentors, to residents, they all really care about students and try their best to help. Enrolling in HR is one of the best decisions I have made.
Graduate • 12-Week Software Engineering Immersive • Los Angeles
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Dec 08, 2020
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Is it (the Software Engineering Immersive) worth it?
If you are here reading this right now, you've probably already done extensive research on Hack Reactor's Software Engineering Immersive program and now you're wondering, "Is it worth it?" As someone who have been through the bootcamp and have pursued a degree in Computer Science at a credited University, I can assure you that this twelve weeks bootcamp is worth a lot more than two (or more) years of college. Let me break down my ratings for you:
Curriculum: I...
If you are here reading this right now, you've probably already done extensive research on Hack Reactor's Software Engineering Immersive program and now you're wondering, "Is it worth it?" As someone who have been through the bootcamp and have pursued a degree in Computer Science at a credited University, I can assure you that this twelve weeks bootcamp is worth a lot more than two (or more) years of college. Let me break down my ratings for you:
Curriculum: I won't dive too deeply into the tech stacks because technology changes everyday and great programs should adapt to those changes and provide you with the best curriculum to keep you updated on the current tech stacks. What is really important is not WHAT you learn but HOW you learn it. Hack Reactor instills autonomy into its students and at first you might feel like you're just thrown to the wolves but trust me, it is a valuable skill to have. Hack Reactor provides a professional experience in an educational environment by putting you in the same situations that you would find yourself in the professional career and they prepare you by forcing you to learn autonomously. You are going to have vague lectures, vague assignment requirements, vague directions, vague answers...well, you get the point. If you are like me then your first thought would be "I didn't pay $20,000 to learn and do everything on my own" and you would be kind of correct. Hack Reactor wants you to learn and do MOST of everything on your own (or in a team) because you are not going to be handheld in a professional working environment, but this is where Hack Reactor shines. They provide you guidance and show you HOW to figure things out on your own so that when the time comes and you're at your first engineering job and you have no clue what to do, you're going to be able to overcome those moments of uncertainty. Hack Reactor provides students with all of the technical support a student needs to not only excel in the program, but in their future career.
TLDR; You might definitely will have moments where you have to learn and figure things out on your own, but Hack Reactor will help you figure out how to do that efficiently and effectively.
Job Assistance: "Does this program guarantee me a job?" No, it does not guarantee you a job and I've had to explain this to my fellow friends a few times. Hack Reactor can't force a company to hire you, give you an interview, or read your job application. What Hack Reactor does is help shape each student into an ideal candidate and shares best practices to strengthen your chances of being seen by companies. Hack Reactor will provide you a Career Service Mentor along with Career Services to guide you during your job search and provide support before and during your job search and it extends after you graduate from the bootcamp! Hack Reactor also introduced its new Job Search Program that any graduate can opt into but I did not opt into it so I cannot provide a review. My Career Service Mentor, Marah, is a game changer and she helped open my eyes on how the technical world works in term of job search. After you graduate, you will still meet up with your Career Service Mentor weekly then bi-weekly and you can always talk to them when you have questions!
TDLR: Hack Reactor will make sure you graduate with an all-star LinkedIn account, a job ready resume, a well revised cover letter, and other materials that will help you stand out during your job search. They also provide support before and after your graduation because they truly care about each and every one of their students.
Instructors: (Bare in mind that these were my instructors for the LA campus) Hilary Upton - Cohort Lead: 5/5 stars. She truly cares about every student and she makes sure to provide a safe space for all students to voice their concerns. We would have weekly retrospectives where Hilary would get our inputs/thoughts on how the week went and if we had any concerns/comments that we wanted to share. It made us feel heard and it showed how much Hack Reactor values its students and their well-being.
Julian Yuen - Program Lead: 5/5 stars. Julian might show up to the first day in a suit but don't worry, he's not scary at all. Whenever Julian taught/led a lecture, it would feel as if my brain was being cuddled and nursed to health with amazing, well explained information. Julian will refer to himself as "Uncle J" and that's what he really is, the kind loving uncle that cares about his nieces and nephews. I remember not feeling so great about myself, my skills, and my work and I remember some of my cohort mates feeling the same way. Some of us started to succumb to imposter syndrome and when I brought it up to Julian, he immediately made time out of his busy schedule to have a personal talk with us. Honestly, I wanted to give up at one point because I felt like I was not good enough but Julian was the reason why I stayed. Going back to why I only pursued a Computer Science degree but never finished it, the reason was that my professors (and the department head) instilled in the class and me that if we were not in the top 10% of the class, that we were not good enough to make it in the field. It was demoralizing after two years of hearing "No one is going to hire you if you don't get an A. Change your major." and I honestly felt like my efforts during college was all for naught. My professors never saw my passion, my hard work, my desperate attempts to stay awake in class because I stayed up all night to finish an impossible assignment, and they placed me as (and most of my class) "unworthy". During the bootcamp, I started to feel that same feeling of "unworthy" and Julian stopped me in my tracks when I humorously voiced my concerns. He shared his personal experiences with imposter syndrome, assured me that I was enough and that I deserved to be where I am. It wasn't a "one time thing" either because every single time Julian sent me an email, he would remind me to not let imposter syndrome get the best of me and he made sure to remind me that I am enough. That should go to show the dedication and care that the Hack Reactor staff has for its students and I am forever grateful for them and Julian. Thanks Uncle J and sorry for the cheesy description if you are reading this. You really changed my outlook on myself and it has kept me motivated throughout my job search and I know it will keep me motivated for the rest of my career.
Anthony Kim - Tech Mentor: 5/5 stars. Anthony runs the junior phase during Hack Reactor and he does his best to make sure that every student makes it to the senior phase. Whenever I struggled with the material, I would bombard Anthony with questions and he would always answer me with kindness and guidance. He made time to review code with me and to further elaborate on topics that I was not 100% sure of and I am forever grateful for his dedication. Anthony, if you are reading this, I'm sorry for asking so many questions and I don't think you're scary! (maybe a little)
SEIRS / Other instructors: 5/5 stars. The staff is well picked and they're all caring and attentive to you. They just want to see you succeed!
Overall Experience: Hack Reactor not only strengthened my skills as a Software Engineer, but it also strengthened me as a person. From the staff to the curriculum to the job assistance, it is a well versed program that provides you will all of the tools you need to succeed in your professional career. "Is it worth it?" That is up to you to decide. I came in with an open mind and I took the program as more than just a classroom where you learn the fundamentals and ins&outs of a technology because Hack Reactor teaches you how to be a strong engineer that can take on any technology and that to me makes Hack Reactor worth it.
Job seeker • Graduate • 12-Week Software Engineering Immersive • San Francisco
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Dec 04, 2020
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Remote program (through the SF campus) greatly exceeded my expectations
I started prepping for Hack Reactor with the intention of joining the full-time, in-person immersive in San Francisco. COVID changed my plans along with everyone else's, and I delayed my start by three cohorts hoping for an in-person experience. I finally gave in and did the program remotely, and in the end I'm so glad it all worked out this way. The remote program completely exceeded all of my expectations, and Hack Reactor as an organization as really nailed down how to grow and foster...
I started prepping for Hack Reactor with the intention of joining the full-time, in-person immersive in San Francisco. COVID changed my plans along with everyone else's, and I delayed my start by three cohorts hoping for an in-person experience. I finally gave in and did the program remotely, and in the end I'm so glad it all worked out this way. The remote program completely exceeded all of my expectations, and Hack Reactor as an organization as really nailed down how to grow and foster community through Zoom and Slack. Each cohort is assigned a set of staff that includes technical mentors, psychological/social mentors, a career coach, and a team of recent grads selected for both personality traits and technical skills, and they do a fantastic job selecting all these people. There are tons of free resources you can use to teach yourself Javascript, so why pay so much for a program like this? Far and away, what made the experience for me was the people, and Hack Reactor absolutely nails hiring support staff who are the right combination of tough, caring, honest, and helpful to keep you on track while still letting you pull your own weight.
An example: On more than one occasion our tech mentor had almost preternatural patience with me when I was struggling with certain concepts and asked him for help understanding them. A lesser mortal would probably have broken down in a frustrated rage and just given me the final answer after enough time had passed, depriving me of the chance to make the connection for myself, but he gave me all the time I needed to get there without betraying even a hint of frustration. From the top down, the staff genuinely wants to help you learn, and help you learn how to learn, and they do it with just the right amount of assistance.
This program pushes you, and pushes hard. This was a formative program for me because of how stretched I felt, which was a new feeling. I am still in the job search process now, and while it can alternate between being demoralizing, terrifying, or just a plain slog to get through, I feel very well supported by both staff and the alumni community. There is an active community of alums who offer motivation, encouragement, tips, and sympathetic ears, and between direct conversation and getting to be spectator to some of their conversations, I feel like I'm constantly being buoyed by the system. The support during the job search and alumni community might alone be worth the price of the program. Whenever I get an offer I know they'll have my back for the negotiation process as well. I'm really glad I found this community and I feel like I'm in good hands going forward.
Graduate • 12-Week Software Engineering Immersive • San Francisco
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Nov 23, 2020
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Worth it for Computer Software and Engineering college majors
Unlike most applicants and my cohortmates, I decided to apply and attend the Hack Reactor program as someone who graduated with a computer engineering degree and had a bit of software developer experience. At the time it was two years after I graduated and my job search wasn't going well due to behavioral issues I had.
Hack Reactor not only allowed me to move up but importantly to move out of where I was. The staff in the San Francisco campus were very respectful of everyone's nee...
Unlike most applicants and my cohortmates, I decided to apply and attend the Hack Reactor program as someone who graduated with a computer engineering degree and had a bit of software developer experience. At the time it was two years after I graduated and my job search wasn't going well due to behavioral issues I had.
Hack Reactor not only allowed me to move up but importantly to move out of where I was. The staff in the San Francisco campus were very respectful of everyone's needs and contributed to a bootcamp culture and curriculum that is challenging, rigorous, yet also personalized for everyone through weekly one-on-ones with the cohort lead. When I attended the program there was another cohort that started at the same time and both cohorts had incredible diversity. There were people from all sorts of backgrounds including two PhDs and a few others with computer science backgrounds, yet all motivated as prospective software engineers.
Naturally, Hack Reactor bootcampers don't always know the solution to problems they're facing and seek out help. The program has a help desk that handles this pretty well. It's a ticketing queue that gets responded to by Software Engineering Immersive Residents (SEIRs), and they are guided in such a way that steers them towards the right direction and being encouraged to follow techniques such as timeboxing and web searching instead of being given an answer.
Before I found my first position after graduation, I decided to apply and become a SEIR near the end of the program, because I was very motivated to share my knowledge and to help my peers. Thus I worked part-time for Hack Reactor for three months to interview applicants to the program, to run the help desk, and to engage with students. The SEIRs make up much of the teaching ability in a cohort, but they don't necessarily have software engineering experience beyond the program. The tech mentors for each cohort may or may not have that as well, so I'm giving 4 stars for instructors because they could be improved on especially at a time when most or all of HR has gone remote.
Although the program explicitly does not guarantee any student a job after graduating, the resources you receive are well worth the cost of the program, whether paying up front or after the program. In the first six months after graduation you are assigned a career coach and given resources for a job seeking routine. More importantly you are given access to the alumni Slack group to be able to connect with thousands of other graduates. I am starting to truly appreciate the value of the alumni group a year after I started my position and am looking to make a second job search.
Software Engineer • Graduate • 12-Week Software Engineering Immersive • San Francisco
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Nov 12, 2020
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Best decision of my life
One of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. I even came in with previous software development experience, and still learned much more than I originally hoped for. They don't just transform you into a competent software engineer, but also help improve your all-around character. I've learned to present myself better to both employers and friends, and have become someone that (hopefully) anyone would love to work with. I graduated 5 years ago now (summer of 2...
One of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. I even came in with previous software development experience, and still learned much more than I originally hoped for. They don't just transform you into a competent software engineer, but also help improve your all-around character. I've learned to present myself better to both employers and friends, and have become someone that (hopefully) anyone would love to work with. I graduated 5 years ago now (summer of 2015), but still keep in touch with everyone from my cohort, and I am fairly certain I speak for all of them when I say that Hack Reactor transformed their lives for the better. I myself have been working at Facebook now for 2 years and love it - and my others cohort-mates are at Google, Uber, LinkedIn, Lyft, Square, and other top companies! The alumni network is especially outstanding, and I want to call out Marlene Tang for always being responsive and available to help. She helped me land my first job right out of Hack Reactor at Pivotal Labs by introducing me to another alumni that worked there. Even years later right before I landed my job at Facebook, she helped me through my interview prep and introduced me to other alumni at Twitch and LinkedIn to help me get strong competing offers. I don’t live in the Bay Area anymore but every time I visit, my cohort-mates and Marlene always come out for a reunion and make me feel right at home - you really do develop life-long relationships over the course of those 3 months. Speaking from my experience, I would definitely recommend Hack Reactor to anyone looking to make the switch to software engineering.
Software Engineer • Graduate • 12-Week Software Engineering Immersive • San Francisco
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Nov 10, 2020
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Worth the investment for career support alone
It’s been almost four years since I’ve graduated from the program (SF onsite, June - September 2016), but enough people have reached out to me since then that I felt like it was worth the time to summarize my thoughts and experiences for others. Hack Reactor was, by far, one of the best decisions I’ve made to jumpstart my career. I did pretty extensive research beforehand to try to figure out which bootcamp was right for me, and HR stood out immediately because ...
It’s been almost four years since I’ve graduated from the program (SF onsite, June - September 2016), but enough people have reached out to me since then that I felt like it was worth the time to summarize my thoughts and experiences for others. Hack Reactor was, by far, one of the best decisions I’ve made to jumpstart my career. I did pretty extensive research beforehand to try to figure out which bootcamp was right for me, and HR stood out immediately because of how structured and intense it was. I was serious about making the career pivot as quickly as possible, and I wanted to be surrounded by people who would push me to be my best. The curriculum (and industry) changes enough that it’s probably not worth me focusing on the education side of it, so instead, I want to talk about the job placement support afterwards. Both jobs that I’ve gotten since graduating are due to the Hack Reactor network, and specifically, the alumni support program. I truly believe that the resources available after graduation is worth the entire financial investment and more. I was assigned Marlene as my career coach, and I seriously lucked out. She truly goes above and beyond the scope of her duties to ensure that she is accessible at all hours and under all circumstances. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve reached out minutes before phone interviews for last-minute pep talks, or spent hours of her time getting her help to draft the perfect response during salary negotiations. When I started my second job search, I reached out to Marlene on a whim to see if she might be able to give some job search advice, but she went even further to connect me with other alumni, the corporate partnership program, and personally coached me through each one of the offers I landed. I was one and a half years past my graduation date, and she wasn’t even a full-time career coach anymore, but it didn’t matter to her. However, it truly made a huge difference for me to not have to go through the job search and interview process on my own. Everyone’s post-graduation experience is different, but what I truly think makes Hack Reactor stand out is that they actually have dedicated resources to make sure your successes don’t end after you finish your classes. Having Marlene by my side during the most life-altering job search of my career is something that I will be forever grateful for and why I consistently recommend Hack Reactor to others who are seriously considering coding bootcamps to make the career shift. It’s worth the investment a thousand times over.
Student • 12-Week Software Engineering Immersive • San Francisco
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Nov 06, 2020
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
More Than Just An Education
Going in, I had set the parameters of my expectations somewhat strictly. I simply wanted to learn what it takes to become an employable software engineer- some who removes, rather than contributes to, technical debt.
Hack Reactor was so much more than just that.
Of course, the curriculum gave me enough experience that I could figure my way around any web development projects. The junior phase strengthened my confidence with various specific technologies through challenging ...
Going in, I had set the parameters of my expectations somewhat strictly. I simply wanted to learn what it takes to become an employable software engineer- some who removes, rather than contributes to, technical debt.
Hack Reactor was so much more than just that.
Of course, the curriculum gave me enough experience that I could figure my way around any web development projects. The junior phase strengthened my confidence with various specific technologies through challenging sprints. The senior phase allowed me to consolidate my understanding of web frameworks + database technologies into viable products, as well as flesh out communication skills by coordinating development with peers, who at this point were working with me as partners.
But it takes much more than only technical expertise to excel in the tech industry. Hack Reactor provided networking opportunities and informative talks from experienced software engineers that grants new grads with the assurance of mentorship and community, making even life-changing transformations far less scary.
Something I deeply appreciated about the organization of the cohorts was the stimulating diversity of my peers. People truly came from all walks of life. This aspect of the program sets it apart from traditional university programs in that you are no longer immersed in your same age stratum. I was the youngest in my cohort, so I went through the program with the mindset that I'll have the most to learn from the life experiences of others. This made Hack Reactor more than just an education. It was a life experience.
Senior Software Engineer • Graduate • San Francisco
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Aug 13, 2020
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
Senior Software Engineer
I went through Hack Reactor in 2014 and had a great time back then. My original experience with the program is less relevant than the more recent reviews you see, so I want to talk about job and negotiation help that I received 6 years after graduating during my third job search in 2020.
I received offers from Amazon, Box, Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Square and was having a hard time making the final call between joining Facebook and Netflix. I'd been discussing my decision in ...
I went through Hack Reactor in 2014 and had a great time back then. My original experience with the program is less relevant than the more recent reviews you see, so I want to talk about job and negotiation help that I received 6 years after graduating during my third job search in 2020.
I received offers from Amazon, Box, Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Square and was having a hard time making the final call between joining Facebook and Netflix. I'd been discussing my decision in the alumni Slack group, and Marlene, the alumni director, reached out to me to see if she could help. It's definitely nice to have a total pro on your side when you're talking with recruiters. Marlene gave me some invaluable advice over the final week of my negotiations and helped me seal the deal with Netflix. Before all of this, I gained huge benefits by practicing for interviews with members of the alumni community. I can't think of a better group to be in to get such a good pulse on working in the tech industry.
All this to say, Hack Reactor isn't just a one-time thing you go through for a few months and forget about. There's a huge and growing community of people who want to help you throughout your career, and every year, I'm more glad I joined this community.
Student • 12-Week Software Engineering Immersive • New York City
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Aug 10, 2020
Overall Experience
Job Assistance
THE best educational experience in my life
I have done a lot of educational programs, but this was by far the best educational experience of my life. The program is so hands on and concrete--there's no extra stuff that you can just coast through. Instead, you learn actionable skills and apply them immediately on projects. Staff is brilliant and very good at what they do, curriculum is well-tailored for anyone trying to get into the coding field, and facility was clean and well-maintained. You graduate with a body of work that you...
I have done a lot of educational programs, but this was by far the best educational experience of my life. The program is so hands on and concrete--there's no extra stuff that you can just coast through. Instead, you learn actionable skills and apply them immediately on projects. Staff is brilliant and very good at what they do, curriculum is well-tailored for anyone trying to get into the coding field, and facility was clean and well-maintained. You graduate with a body of work that you can use to start applying immediately. It's all full-stack JavaScript, which is good for applying to start-ups and more "high tech" (Google, Paypal, etc) but they teach you fundamentals well enough that I actually ended up with two Java developer job offers in the middle of the pandemic! Best part of the program is the people though--just incredible and smart people who you get really close to. Can't wait to see what they end up doing!
I'm halfway through the remote part time program and I am 100% happy with my decision to go to Hack Reactor. The staff are fantastic, the curriculum is challenging, you learn rapidly, and fellow students are great. The culture and community aspects are even better than I could have hoped for. The staff are equal parts demanding and encouraging. The organization is constantly tweaking the curriculum and teaching methods to improve student outcomes. Above all they genuinely care about each...
I'm halfway through the remote part time program and I am 100% happy with my decision to go to Hack Reactor. The staff are fantastic, the curriculum is challenging, you learn rapidly, and fellow students are great. The culture and community aspects are even better than I could have hoped for. The staff are equal parts demanding and encouraging. The organization is constantly tweaking the curriculum and teaching methods to improve student outcomes. Above all they genuinely care about each and every student and are so supportive.
That said... it's HARD. Even if you are a working dev who wants to level up your skills I promise it will be challenging. I came into HR as a beginner so for me, meeting the basic minimum requirements is plenty hard. But each project has advanced content and if that isn't enough there's another section called 'nightmare mode.' The staff will make sure you are being challenged - but for most of us the basic curriculum and speed at which you need to finish things is plenty.
I love the part-time program. Some of my cohort mates have kids. Some are working full time. Some are managing both. The part-time program is the exact same curriculum as the full time program but instead of doing it over 13 weeks you do it over 36 weeks. There are 20 hours per week of time required. So you can keep your job and do Hack Reactor at the same time. Personally I'm not working while going through Hack Reactor. I'm an older student (almost 50) and having more time for my brain to absorb content is helpful.
HR helps prep you for coding interviews by requiring you to practice toy problems. For full time folks you'll do one every day. For part-time you usually do two per week. By the time you finish HR you will have done 60 of them. So they build in interview prep into the entire program.
The curriculum is frequently frustrating but I have to admit it's absolutely necessary. Having studied the best way to teach coding, HR has learned that it's through doing not lectures. There are some lectures which will give you a base to jump off of but every new project you're jumping in the deep end. So frequently students feel frustrated. But it's also in that frustration that you learn. There are plenty of tools to help you get unstuck and they teach you to use them. You can schedule office hours with staff or call the help desk when you're stuck. Help desk is great. It's staffed by recent graduates who just went through what you are going through. They are trained to not take away too much of your pain (since that's where learning happens) but rather to help point you to documentation or ask you questions about your code. 'What is line 12 doing? Why do you think that? Have you checked to make sure it's really doing what you think it's doing?' etc. You also do pair programming in most of the junior phase (first half of the program). This brings its own frustrations but also joys as you work with a partner to complete a project. You learn how to work with people who think differently than you do.
I was skeptical at first about the remote program. In fact I went to the in person program in Seattle in Februray 2020 to start. After three days I decided I needed to bone up on my JS skills more. So I rolled back to the next cohort. Then COVID hit and my housing situation changed and I was no longer in commutable distance for the in person program (and they ended up having to go online b/c of Covid anyhow). Well I have met some amazing friends in the remote program and I think it's just as good as the in-person program. I probably would not have believed that if I hadn't experienced it for myself. There are some big pros too - like you don't have to commute so the time you save packing food, traveling, etc can be used for sleeping. This is especially important if you do the full time program. And you really do get to know people, not just from your cohort but from the 5 other remote part time cohorts as well - watching people from more senior cohorts graduate and get six figure jobs is inspiring.
HR's #1 goal is to turn out autonomous engineers and I believe they do a great job. Is it the best bootcamp out there? I think without going to more than one bootcamp it's hard to say. But is it a top, even elite, bootcamp? Absolutely.
Starting a software engineering career with Hack Reactor’s Beginner Bootcamp requires no coding or pre-course to get started! Nicole Amonette (Software Engineering Program Lead) and Daniel Billotte (Director of Curriculum & Classroom Infrastructure) break down what students can expect to learn in the newly updated curriculum. They offer their advice on how to be successful in this intensi...
As summer wraps up, we’re highlighting news about an $11M coding bootcamp fundraise, and the impact that smaller, regional coding bootcamp programs are having on their communities. We also cover the latest initiatives to diversify tech and train more people in AI skills. And here at Course Report, we released our Best Online Bootcamps of 2024 list! Plus, learn about the 6 new coding bootcamps...
Generative AI is fundamental to the modern engineering workflow. We talked with Zubair Desai from Hack Reactor about the do’s and don’ts of using generative AI as a software development bootcamp students, and what it means to learn how to code in the age of AI. Plus, find out how you’ll use generative AI like GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT in the software engineering bootcamps at Hack Reactor.
This month, we’re celebrating 10 years of coding bootcamps and a big announcement from our own team here at Course Report! We’ll also let you know about new funding for the federal apprenticeship system and “climatetech” jobs, the status of skills-based hiring, and the career outcomes of two coding bootcamp graduates in the news. Plus, learn more about the 10 coding bootcamps we added to the ...
Whether you’re a total coding beginner or have been self-teaching for a while, Hack Reactor has a bootcamp for you! Enrollment Sales Manager, Jeffrey Pryor, illuminates the application process for the full-time beginner and intermediate programs, including what’s involved in the basic prep course and how to prove yourself in the assessment interviews. With a median compensation of $80,000-$80...
When he left the Marines, Kody Low knew he wanted to work in Bitcoin as a developer. He pursued a Master’s degree in computer science, but took a pause to get more hands-on experience. By enrolling in the Software Engineering Bootcamp at Hack Reactor by Galvanize, a preferred partner of the VA, it was easy for Kody to apply VET TEC benefits to fully cover his tuition. Kody shares how he’s adv...
It’s no surprise that 2023’s biggest tech trend was generative AI tools and capabilities. But how will that trend affect a bootcamper’s hireability in 2024? Two experts from Hack Reactor by Galvanize, Lena Johnson (Head of Career Services) and Zubair Desai (Curriculum & Instruction, Lead Software Engineer) map out the programming languages and soft skills employers will be looking for in ...
“AI” is the word of the summer, so we’re rounding up all the news we saw about how generative AI tools will support and expand the tech workforce… not deplete it. After a quiet first half of 2023, we finally saw news about recent coding bootcamp fundraises and acquisitions. We learned of two new ways you would fund your coding bootcamp experience: through Americorps or with your 529 account. ...
We often hear that AI could replace human software engineers — but GitHub Copilot is a tool that developers can use to be more effective. Curtis Schlak, the Vice President of Academics at Hack Reactor by Galvanize, explains just how GitHub Copilot can be integrated into a software engineer’s workflow. With his big picture perspective on how new tools like AI affect tech careers, Curtis offers...
More than 12,000 alumni have graduated from Hack Reactor with average starting salaries of ~$100,000. Thanks to their dedicated Career Services & Partnerships team, directed by Crew Spence, Hack Reactor alumni are connected with a variety of companies and industries. Hack Reactor graduates support each other in an alumni Slack channel, where jobs are shared as well as the triumphs and tri...
Everyone starts learning to code as a beginner – but if you're new to tech, will a coding bootcamp work for you? While a few bootcamps tout low admissions rates and are meant for students with programming experience, the vast majority of bootcamps actually cater to beginners! Small class sizes, project-based learning, networking, and dedicated career coaching are all standard at coding bootca...
Over the past 30 years, the healthcare industry has become more tech-enabled: from medical record digitization to bespoke software for health insurance companies to virtual patient-doctor treatment platforms to the data analysis behind pharmaceuticals. According to a 2022 report from Accenture, more than 75% of medtech executives said that expanding their care settings will significantly reor...
Based on 300+ Hack Reactor reviews on Course Report, alumni frequently praise the intensive and immersive nature of their programs, particularly the Software Engineering Immersive. Alumni often mention the high level of rigor and the comprehensive curriculum that prepares them for careers in tech. One student shared, "Hack Reactor was amazing! I was able to do the bootcamp fully remote, and received a job offer after less than 3 months searching." However, some reviews highlighted the challenging aspects, such as the demanding workload and the need for total commitment during the program.
Hack Reactor teaches students Online in a remote classroom.
Is Hack Reactor worth it?
Hack Reactor hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 331 Hack Reactor alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Hack Reactor on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Hack Reactor legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 331 Hack Reactor alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Hack Reactor and rate their overall experience a 4.62 out of 5.
Does Hack Reactor offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
You can read 331 reviews of Hack Reactor on Course Report! Hack Reactor alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Hack Reactor and rate their overall experience a 4.62 out of 5.