
Nuclio School

Average Rating4.6
257 Reviews
2 Courses

Nuclio School is a digital training school based in Spain, and courses are held online and in-person at campuses in Barcelona and Madrid. Nuclio offers Master’s programs in Data Science, Digital Product Management, UX/UI Design, Full Stack Development, Blockchain, Digital Marketing, and more. Courses are offered in English and Spanish. Nuclio School offers small, collaborative classes taught by tech sector professionals.  

Applicants should expect an interview during the admissions process, but do not need programming experience to apply. Ideal applicants are career changers, recent university graduates, or entrepreneurs. Successful graduates are issued a certificate to show their qualifications by Nuclio School.

Nuclio School offers Career & Talent Services, and students will receive personalized career support. Career & Talent Services covers personal branding, mock interviews, networking, and support during the job search process. Nuclio School also supports students who are entrepreneurs through mentorship and helping them with pitches and building their teams.

257 Nuclio School Reviews

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  • Jacinto
    Student • UX/UI Design Program • Barcelona
    Mar 26, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Mi peor experiencia

    - no material
    - no apoyo
    - ambiente toxico
    - relación calidad/precio mala

    Apuntate solamente si quieres gastar tu tiempo y salud mental
  • Guillermo Fernández
    Guillermo Fernández
    Student • Barcelona
    Dec 31, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Mi experiencia

    Desde que empecé este máster hubo un antes y un después en mi vida. Quería un cambio en mi vida y me matriculé en Data Science. Estoy muy contento. Los profesores son todos muy amables. El equipo es súper atento y mis compañeros...Son mi nueva familia. Volvería a escoger Nuclio Digital School otra vez, sin duda alguna... 
  • John S.
    John S.
    Graduate • Digital Product Management Program • Barcelona
    Dec 21, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


     Nuclio is brilliant. The teachers have an excellent level. All teachers in their field, but they teach with humility and empathy, enriching you. The companions have been spectacular, the final project is well chosen so that you can enrich yourself… The material is of high quality with a direct teaching purpose. The academic service is also outstanding, the infrastructures, the networkings… And this does not end once you finish the course, this continues, it is a non stop meeting with co...
  • David
    Graduate • UX/UI Design Program • Barcelona
    Dec 16, 2020
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    Gran aprendizaje

    Aunque me he pasado meses sin levantarme de la silla del despacho, he surfeado enormes curvas de aprendizaje. Qué importante es que te apasione lo que haces, sé que solo así ha sido posible. ¡Gracias Nuclio Digital School, y a todas los profesores y compañeros que han formado parte de esta aventura! 
  • Pedro Gutiérrez
    Pedro Gutiérrez
    Marketing Specialist • Student • Digital Product Management Program • Barcelona
    Dec 15, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Buena atención

    Agradezco mucho el apoyo y seguimiento tanto por parte del director como de las chicas del departamento académico. Hay momentos en los que si tienes un pico de trabajo y no tienes mucho tiempo se te hace un poco cuesta arriba, pero te ayudan en todo lo necesario y están súper pendientes.
  • Cherly
    Student • B2B Management Program • Barcelona
    Dec 15, 2020
    Overall Experience
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    Fulfilling experience

    I started this masters degree in November and it has been going great. I must say that everything is done to a professional level from the treatment we receive from the teachers to the online learning materials 

    Since I have started, I have been able to expand my knowledge. The classes I have had until now have been fantastic; Extremely practical and very clearly explained.  Happy to be here!

  • Carla Rodríguez
    Carla Rodríguez
    Graduate • Data Science Bootcamp ( English) • Barcelona
    Dec 15, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Muy buen experiencia

    Hace unos meses comencé mi experiencia en Nuclio Digital School en el máster de Data Science. Han sido 16 semanas muy intensas donde he aprendido a construir modelos predictivos y Deep Learning. Los profesores son brillantes y siempre están dispuestos a resolver todas nuestras dudas. En especial, el director del máster es una gran profesional y se refleja en su manera de impartir las clases. Recomiendo este programa a todos los que estén interesados en analizar y entender los datos, y de...
  • Carlos Granda
    Carlos Granda
    Project Manager • Student • Digital Product Management Program • Barcelona
    Dec 08, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Digital Product Management

    The school is not prepared for offering all the Courses they are offering. There is no Educational plan and no knowledge of how to organise a course. They offer online courses....but that is just a camera filming the whole class, with bad sound, no editing, etc. There are no support materials to help you grow with the's a complete nonsense. The classes are not organised or follow a logic continuation. It's just a bunch of professionals of the Product Management that come and ...

    Laura Jiménez of Nuclio School

    Academic Coordinator

    Dec 18, 2020

    According to our records, we have never had a student named Carlos Granda, so we must assume this comment as fraud.
  • Fernando
    Product Owner • Student • Digital Product Management Program • Barcelona
    Dec 03, 2020
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Malisima experiencia

    He iniciado el Digital Product Management Master en Nuclio Digital School y realmente estoy muy decepcionado, estos son algunos de los motivos:
    • Las clases de modalidad online no están adaptadas, han visto un filón de negocio y se han limitada a poner una cámara en la sala.
    • No existe material de estudio, a causa de que no tienen suficiente conocimiento para elaborarlo.
    • Se desarrollan muy pocos temas como métricas, business intelligence, marcos de trabajo agiles, etc,  para ...

    Laura Jiménez of Nuclio School

    Academic Coordinator

    Dec 17, 2020


    Lamentamos profundamente su opinión, puesto que consideramos que no se ajusta a la realidad.

    Usted adquirió nuestro programa en Digital Product Management en modalidad streaming, formato en el que hemos formado a más de 150 alumnos desde la primera etapa de confinamiento, instalando en cada una de las aulas dispositivos de vídeo y audio específicamente para la realización de este formato.

    En referencia a su segundo punto, contamos con un claustro de profesores que, además, son profesionales activos en grandes empresas del sector (SkyScanner, King, Atrápalo, Adevinta, etcétera), y consideramos que este es un valor añadido del programa, puesto que aportan el know-how y el conocimiento práctico de lo que se está haciendo a día de hoy en la industria. 

    Amablemente le indicamos que las sesiones específicamente destinadas a la preparación de la certificación como Product Owner se realizan al final de programa por lo que, en su caso, todavía no se han impartido. Puede consultar las fechas concretas en el calendario académico del programa.

    Desde la escuela se organizan 3 Pitch Day al año en los que los alumnos que tengan un proyecto propio pueden exponerlo frente a un comité experto, ampliando las oportunidades de crear nuevas startup exitosas. 

    Por otra parte, para los alumnos que buscan encontrar trabajo tenemos una serie de actividades planificadas para apoyarlos en todo momento hasta que encuentren su primer empleo.

    En cualquier caso, tal y como le hemos indicado en varias ocasiones, usted ha faltado de forma injustificada a más de la mitad de sesiones impartidas, por lo que consideramos que su opinión, tanto acerca del contenido como del claustro, está considerablemente sesgada.

    Cabe tener en cuenta que, efectivamente, el formato streaming permite una flexibilidad adicional al formato presencial, pero el seguimiento de las clases es esencial para el correcto desarrollo de la formación. 

    Por otra parte, Nuclio pone a disposición de los alumnos encuestas de satisfacción de las que tampoco tenemos constancia que haya hecho uso de forma regular. A pesar de ello, diversas figuras del Departamento Académico, incluyendo al director del programa, han estado en contacto con usted para recibir sus comentarios por vías distintas a las estipuladas y se le han intentado ofrecer soluciones a la problemática que usted presentaba. Lamentablemente, sus respuestas a estas propuestas fueron siempre negativas y muy poco respetuosas. 

    Tal y como le hemos comentado, para cualquier duda puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros e intentaremos resolverla.  
  • Antonio Nava
    Antonio Nava
    Front End Developer • Full Stack Developement Program • Barcelona
    Oct 30, 2019
    Overall Experience
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    Nuclio's Bootcamp is a hands-on coding Master oriented for students who wants to improve their career as a Full Stack Developers based on the main stacks demanded in Barcelona & Spain job offers for developers. During the program you will learn how to develop real projects using Scrum methodology, product Backlog and Sprints. I recommend this School for everybody who wants start his career as a Full Stack Developer. 

  • Carlos
    Full Stack • Graduate • Full Stack Developement Program • Barcelona
    Oct 30, 2019
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Nice place to learn

    I was in Nuclio Digital School studying the full stack Bootcamp. I have to say, it was a hard job because is a lot of content, practices, and projects to do in just a few months, but the professors are very accessible. 

    The people and the environment was lovely, a lot of entrepreneurs, and a lot of good-vibe people.

    The academics assistants were there to help us in all, and Barcelona was the perfect place to study. If you want to live in the city, I h...

  • Marie Alexandra
    Student • Madrid
    Apr 29, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Un curso muy especial!

     El curso de English 4 Tech ha sido excelente para mejorar mi inglés en el ámbito digital y empresarial! Las clases son muy didácticas y prácticas, aborda las tendencias del sector tecnológico y de negocios... con esto pude aprender terminologías específicas y sentirme más segura comunicándome en inglés en un entorno profesional con mis compañeros de la escuela. El instructor es un experto y hace que el aprendizaje sea muy interactivo! En fin, una gran inversión de tiempo para fortalecer...

Nuclio School Alumni Outcomes

Nuclio School Scholarships

€500 Nuclio School Scholarship

Course Report is excited to offer an exclusive Nuclio School scholarship for $500 off tuition!


This scholarship cannot be combined with other offers.

Qualifying Courses

  • All courses in Barcelona

Recent Nuclio School News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated January 15, 2025
Most programming languages today rely on English vocabulary and syntax, which can make it difficult for non-native speakers who are learning how to code. While the majority of coding bootcamps are taught in English, Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps are gaining traction. To make it easier for our hispanohablante readers, check out Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps currently available online o...

Nuclio School Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 185+ reviews of Nuclio School on Course Report, alumni highlight the practical approach of the courses, the expertise of the instructors, and the comprehensive curriculum. A review reflects this sentiment, stating, "The hands-on experience and supportive environment were key to my learning."​​ However, some reviews suggest a need for more student interaction opportunities.
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Recent Nuclio School News

How much does Nuclio School cost?

Nuclio School costs around €7,900.

What courses does Nuclio School teach?

Nuclio School offers courses like Data Science Bootcamp ( English), Data Science Bootcamp (Spanish).

Where does Nuclio School have campuses?

Nuclio School has in-person campuses in Barcelona and Madrid. Nuclio School also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Nuclio School worth it?

Nuclio School hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 257 Nuclio School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Nuclio School on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Nuclio School legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 257 Nuclio School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Nuclio School and rate their overall experience a 4.6 out of 5.

Does Nuclio School offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Yes, Course Report is excited to offer an exclusive Nuclio School scholarship for $500 off tuition! Nuclio School accepts the GI Bill!

Can I read Nuclio School reviews?

You can read 257 reviews of Nuclio School on Course Report! Nuclio School alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Nuclio School and rate their overall experience a 4.6 out of 5.

Is Nuclio School accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Nuclio School doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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