

Average Rating4.97
174 Reviews
4 Courses

OpenBootcamp is an online bootcamp that offers a free, self-paced coding program in the Spanish language covering topics like Python, JavaScript, SQL, React, React, and Angular. At OpenBootcamp, there are different learning roadmaps tailored for each type of student, both those just starting in the world of development as well as those with advanced knowledge looking to upskill. Each user finds the level that suits their needs, including the initial bootcamp 'Learn to Program From Scratch', as well as training in the three specialties of Front-End, Back-End and Full-Stack. OpenBootcamp is continually updating their catalog of course material to stay in line with market demands, always with the objective of providing its community with permanent and free access to this updated and high-quality training. 

OpenBootcamp is designed for everyone and there are no prerequisites. 

OpenBootcamp is designed to get students jobs and the organization has a hiring network of over 50 companies. OpenBootcamp works with students to help them find a match that suits their skills.

174 OpenBootcamp Reviews

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  • Yoan Estrada
    Yoan Estrada
    Frontend Developer Reactjs • Student • Front-end development • Online
    Jul 27, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Excellent Platform

    With this platform with only two months I managed to find a job with his React courses
  • Ángela Ruiz Rivas
    Ángela Ruiz Rivas
    Student • Initiation to programming - From 0 to dev • Online
    Jul 27, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Gran proyecto

    No he visto hasta ahora nada parecido, grandes videos y explicaciones, comunidad excelente y proyección de diez. Muy feliz de conocerlos y formar parte. 
  • Paola Gaviño
    Paola Gaviño
    Student • Full-stack Development • Online
    Jul 26, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Increible que sea gratis

    Es increíble que un bootcamp tan bueno como OpenBootcamp sea gratis al 100%. El diseño de los cursos te ayuda también a prepararte para el área laboral. Mil gracias por compartir su trabajo con el mundo!
  • Virginia
    Full-stack Development • Online
    Jul 26, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Los cursos son realmente de calidad

    Haciendo las rutas de aprendizaje o los cursos sueltos, el resultado es que son realmente buenos, muy completos, muy reales, y te preparan muy bien para el mercado laboral a nivel práctico. Y todo esto es gratis, no cuesta nada cursarlos.
    Muy recomendable.
  • Edwin Rojas
    Edwin Rojas
    Student • Full-stack Development • Online
    Jul 26, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Totalmente gratis ! y con una calidad de enseñanza que supera todas las expectativas 
  • ffmatamorosm
    .Net Developer • Student • Software Development • Online
    Jul 26, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Very good, very courses

    OpenBootCamp has a step-by-step philosophy that is great for getting started and for refreshing concepts.
    Its learning paths are designed in such a way that the knowledge is firmly established. In addition, its creators are always innovating in new ways of learning, new routes, very active social networks.
    Undoubtedly, recommended.
  • Pablo A Celsi
    Pablo A Celsi
    Student • Initiation to programming - From 0 to dev • Online
    Jul 26, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Una vuelta de tuerca al bootcamp

    Cuando hace ya aproximadamente 6 meses lo conoci por casualidad , realmente no entendia el concepto ni creia en la gratuidad , pero esto es una realidad! totalmente gratis toda la formacion y luego de esa misma forma conseguir trabajo sin deberle nada a nadie , realmente una vuelta de tuerca para que todos tengan las mismas posibilidades , un curso de altisima calidad superior a muchos pagos , excelente , excelencia .
    Felicidad de haberlos conocido , la simpleza y estetica de la plata...
  • Matias Acevedo
    Matias Acevedo
    Estudiante de Programación • Student • Back-end development • Online
    Jul 25, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Excelente OpenBootcamp !!!

    Felicitaciones a todo OpenBootCamp, lo mejor que hay en español para aprender y es totalmente gratuito. Mucha gente consigue trabajo. Va en crecimiento absoluto, aumentando sus especialidades muy buena calidad educativa, tiene una hoja de ruta que se adapta de acuerdo al nivel y/o preferencia de cada uno. Los recomiendo totalmente.
  • Rafael Navarro
    Rafael Navarro
    Student • Online
    Jul 22, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Se está gestando un magnífico proyecto en Open Bootcamp que, además, no deja de crecer.

    Hay que verlo. 
  • Andres Valdez Weill
    Andres Valdez Weill
    Solutions Architect • Student • Back-end development • Online
    Jul 22, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    íncreible Bootcamp!

    Es uno de los mejores bootcamps disponibles, gratis y de excelente calidad que me ha ayudado a agudizar mis habilidades para mi carrera profesional. Además los tutores son excelentes!!!
    Analista de Operaciones TI • Student • Front-end development • Online
    Jul 21, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Me parce una Excelente iniciativa el mundo del desarrollo se trata de trabajo colaborativo , por ello es de suma importancia que este tipo de bootcam ofrezca este tipo de conocimientos. 
  • bratciney
    soy estudiante • Student • Full-stack Development • Online
    Jul 21, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    excellente bootcamp

    hace poco entre al bootcamp pero me encanto la calidad de profesores de los cuales aprendo mucho, durante varios meses estuve buscando un bootcamp en el que aprendiera mucho.  Y por fin encontre este espero terminarlo todo.

OpenBootcamp Alumni Outcomes

Recent OpenBootcamp News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated January 15, 2025
Most programming languages today rely on English vocabulary and syntax, which can make it difficult for non-native speakers who are learning how to code. While the majority of coding bootcamps are taught in English, Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps are gaining traction. To make it easier for our hispanohablante readers, check out Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps currently available online o...
Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated June 29, 2022
Course Report · June 2022 Coding Bootcamp News Roundup Happy Summer! This June, tech hiring was at an all-time high despite news of layoffs and hiring freezes. We caught wind of four workforce developments for aspiring bootcampers in California, Montana, Virginia, and Florida, and three major fundraises in the coding bootcamp and workforce development sphere amounted to $395M. Since the ...

OpenBootcamp Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent OpenBootcamp News

How much does OpenBootcamp cost?

OpenBootcamp costs around $0.

What courses does OpenBootcamp teach?

OpenBootcamp offers courses like Back-end development , Front-end development , Full-stack Development , Initiation to programming - From 0 to dev.

Where does OpenBootcamp have campuses?

OpenBootcamp teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is OpenBootcamp worth it?

OpenBootcamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 174 OpenBootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed OpenBootcamp on Course Report - you should start there!

Is OpenBootcamp legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 174 OpenBootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed OpenBootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.97 out of 5.

Does OpenBootcamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like OpenBootcamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read OpenBootcamp reviews?

You can read 174 reviews of OpenBootcamp on Course Report! OpenBootcamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed OpenBootcamp and rate their overall experience a 4.97 out of 5.

Is OpenBootcamp accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. OpenBootcamp doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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