
May 2016 Coding Bootcamp News Roundup + Podcast

Imogen Crispe

Written By Imogen Crispe

Last updated on May 31, 2016

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Welcome to the May 2016 Course Report monthly coding bootcamp news roundup! Each month we look at all the happenings from the coding bootcamp world, from acquisitions, to new bootcamps, to collaborations with universities, and also various reports and studies. Read below or listen to our latest Coding Bootcamp News Roundup podcast.



Listen: 00:55

Capella Education Adds Another Coding Bootcamp to its Portfolio
May 5, 2016

In May Capella Education bought Utah-based DevMountain for up to $20 million. In April, we saw Capella Education buy Hackbright Academy, a Python bootcamp for women, for $18million.

For-profit Colleges Buying Up Coding Bootcamps
May 5, 2016
By Caitlin Emma, Politico

Noah Black, spokesman for the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities gives an interesting perspective from the for-profit university side of things. He says coding academies are a natural extension of where our institutions and sector have always been and it’s only natural schools would look to coding academies to expand their offerings.

Related: Which Coding Bootcamps Have Been Acquired?



Listen: 03:20

Can Coding Bootcamps fix the shortage of engineers?
May 19, 2016
By Kia Kokalitcheva, Fortune

Recruitment company Triplebyte released a report which found that bootcamp grads are better than college grads at web programming and writing clean, modular code, and college grads are better at algorithms and understanding how computers work compared with bootcamp grads.

Hiring the Best Talent from Tech Bootcamps
May 9, 2016
By Tim Cannon, CIO Insight

Tim Cannon, vice president of product management and marketing at HealthITJobs.com, gives some useful advice for anyone thinking about hiring bootcamp grads.

Related: Metis Career Services: Getting Hired by Capital One Labs



Listen: 07:05

General Assembly Releases Framework for Reporting Outcomes
May 3, 2016

General Assembly published a framework for reporting job placement outcomes called “Measuring What Matters.”

Reactor Core Develops Method of Standardizing Reports for Coding Schools
May 5, 2016
By Tara García Mathewson, Education Dive

Reactor Core (Hack Reactor) published a framework for reporting job placement outcomes called Standard Student Outcomes Methodology or “SSOM.”


EQUIP/Universities and Bootcamps

Listen: 08:24

Coding Bootcamps’ Biggest Test: Finding Where Skills, Quality, Money and Jobs Intersect
May 6, 2016
By Tony Wan, EdSurge

CEO of education loan broker SkillsFund Rick O’Donnell, called EQUIP “well-intentioned, but ill-conceived”, because universities are helping young people get degrees, whereas coding bootcamps are helping working adults find better jobs, so the goals are not aligned.

Why Northeastern University Got into the Bootcamp Business
May 11, 2016
By Marguerite McNeal, EdSurge

Northeastern University launched its own data analytics bootcamp last year called Level, and now the success of that has encouraged the school to launch more bootcamp-style courses including a marketing analytics course.

What Happens When Universities and Bootcamps Join Forces?
May 10, 2016
By Ray Batra, EdSurge

A list of the partnerships between bootcamps and universities including GalvanizeU and UNH, and General Assembly and Lynn University.

Related: Collaboration in Higher Education: Universities and Coding Bootcamps


Cool Things Schools are Doing:

Listen: 11:00

Flatiron School Tapped to Offer Web Development Training to Immigrants
May 3, 2016
By João-Pierre S. Ruth, Xconomy

New Fellowship Helps Foreign Born New Yorkers Learn How to Code
May 9, 2016
By Alizah Salario, Metro

Flatiron School in New York announced this month an initiative to help immigrants learn to code and get jobs in web development. It’s a free fellowship program which runs for 5 months for 36 students who are low-income, legal immigrants.

Lesbians Who Tech Launches Scholarship for LGBTQ Women
May 6, 2016
By Kristin Pryor, Tech.co

New Scholarships Will Help Queer Women Learn to Code
May 6, 2016
By Rachel Cromidas, Chicagoist

Lesbians who Tech and Dev Bootcamp announced a partnership to fundraise for and award $200,000 of coding bootcamp scholarships to LGBTQ women. Successful applicants for this scholarship can choose which bootcamp to attend, and will get at least 50% of their tuition paid.

Related: Coding Bootcamp Scholarships for Women

Learning to Code Empowers Women in Latin America
May 5, 2016
By Catherine Elton, Bloomberg

A 5-month coding bootcamp in Peru, Chile and Mexico, Labaratoria, is helping women get stable, well-paying jobs in Latin America. It has a deferred payment system where students pay Laboratoria a fee of 10% of their monthly salary for 3 years after they graduate.

Women In IT Award
May 3, 2016
Information Week

Director of Interface Web School in Omaha Shonna Dorsey was awarded the National Women in Tech award by Information week this month! Congrats Shonna!


Job Postings

Listen: 13:03

DevMountain Guest Teachers

Hack Reactor Lead Computer Science Math Instructor

Thinkful Web Development Mentor


New Bootcamps

Listen: 13:37

Inceptures Software School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Code Career Academy in Atlanta, Georgia

Barcelona Code School in Barcelona, Spain

Digital Unicorn in London, England

DevelopMe_ in Bristol, England


Bootcamp Updates

Listen: 14:13

Online Coding Bootcamp Wants to Prepare You For Your First Tech Job
May 11, 2016
By Jessica Stillman, Inc

Treehouse announced a new online coding course for people to learn skills for an entry-level coding job. The course takes 6 to 12 months and each student gets one-on-one video mentorship.

42: The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Education
May 24, 2016
By Jon Evans, Tech Crunch

French free coding school 42 has launched in Silicon Valley. The school launched in Paris in 2013, funded by telecom billionaire Xavier Niel. The school is completely free, and the silicon valley campus will have the same rigorous selection process as the French version.


First Person Accounts

Listen: 16:20

It Took 104 Rejections in Tech to Figure Out What I Was Good At
May 10, 2016
By Kyle Warneck, Quartz,

A first-person article about a bootcamp grad rebooting his career. He went to Hack Reactor two years ago and has had a couple years to reflect.

The Benefits of Immersive Learning from a Coding Bootcamp Student
May 9, 2016
By Rex Salisbury, EdSurge

A student named Rex Salisbury wrote a first-person piece about his experience with immersive education. He compared the 1000 hours of coding he did at a bootcamp to the 10,000 hours that Malcolm Gladwell says you need in order to be an “expert.”


General News

Listen: 18:14

The Emergence of a New Learning Economy
May 11, 2016
By Jeffrey Selingo, US News

With the emergence of coding bootcamps, education is starting to shift towards “just-in-time” rather than “just one time”. The article compares bootcamps to their military namesake. It also talks about how this shift in education, with people often changing careers in their 20s.


Favorite Pieces to Write in May for the Course Report blog

Listen: 18:53

Coding Bootcamps with Free or Affordable Housing
May 12, 2016
By Imogen Crispe, Course Report

Which Coding Bootcamps Have Been Acquired?
May 17, 2016
By Liz Eggleston, Course Report

About The Author

Imogen Crispe

Imogen Crispe

Imogen is a writer and content producer who loves exploring technology and education in her work. Her strong background in journalism, writing for newspapers and news websites, makes her a contributor with professionalism and integrity.

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