
Bitlabs Academy

Average Rating4.87
824 Reviews
2 Courses

Bitlabs is an Indonesian-based tech training academy that offers 20-week intensive bootcamps in Data Analytics, Data Engineering, and Full-stack Web Development for aspiring beginners who want to start their career in tech. The students at Bitlabs will receive training and mentorship from industry experts working in top tech companies across Southeast Asia. Aside from practical skills, students will also learn important soft skills such as business knowledge and design thinking. Bitlabs also provides upskilling programs (4-6 week duration).

In Bitlabs’ Data Analyst bootcamp, students will learn how to analyze, manipulate, manage, and visualize data for business using different tech stacks such as SQL, BigQuery, and Python.

In Bitlabs’ Fullstack Web Developer bootcamp, students will learn Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) front-end and back-end technologies, web design, dev-ops, as well as product and project management.

Upon completion, the students will receive a certificate, career coaching, and a chance to be hired by 50+ hiring partners.

824 Bitlabs Academy Reviews

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  • Annisa Febrianti
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 23, 2022
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    Complete Package of Data Analytics Program

    Hello, i'm Annisa Febrianti from Universitas Muslim Indonesia and here is my story with Bitlabs Academy.

    I’ve got so many things that I've got from this program that I've never been grateful for given this wonderful opportunity. Of course I've struggled a lot and not to mention my college schedule has become a little bit out of hand. But after all this, it is all worth it. Bitlabs Academy taught us from the very basics with the coolest mentor to guide you along the way....

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Hello Annisa Febrianti!

    It's terrific to hear about your positive experience with Bitlabs Academy. We understand that the journey may have been challenging, especially with your college schedule, but we're glad to know that it was all worth it for you. Our program is designed to start from the basics with the support of the coolest mentors to guide you throughout. 

    e're delighted that you found the curriculum easy to understand and even enjoyable. Thank you for recommending Bitlabs Academy to your friends at college, and we're grateful to have been a part of your Studi Independen program. 

    Keep up the great work in your pursuit of becoming a Data Analyst, and we're here to support you every step of the way. 
  • Nathan Arianto
    Nathan Arianto
    Graduate • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 23, 2022
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    Good Data Analytics Course

    Pembelajaran yang dilakukan sangat lengkap, menarik, dan bermanfaat. Dimulai dengan berbagai materi dasar hingga akhirnya diberikan beberapa tugas Project Based berdasarkan kasus nyata. Mentor yang ada merupakan orang - orang yang aktif dan berpengalaman di bidangnya dan bersama dengan Student Success yang ada sangat membantu selama pembelajaran dan banyak memberikan tips - tips yang bisa kita terapkan. Selain pembelajaran teknikal mengenai data analisis, course juga dilengkapi dengan ca...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Halo Nathan. 

    Senang sekali mendengar pembelajaran Bitlabs sangat lengkap, menarik, dan bermanfaat. Dari materi yang dasar sampai kasus nyata, Bitlabs sangat bangga melihat perkembangan Kak Nathan sampai sekarang. Sesuai harapan Nathan, tentunya kami akan terus mengembangkan course kami. Terus menjadi keren! 
  • Sani Rochmawati
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 23, 2022
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    Program Data Analytics for Business

    Halo perkenalkan saya Sani Rochmawati dari Universitas Negeri Malang. Pada semester ini saya mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengikuti kegiatan MSIB Kampus Merdeka Batch 3 yaitu pada Program Data Analytics for Bussines di Bitlabs Academy.

    Alasan mengapa saya memilih untuk mengikuti program ini adalah karena ketertarikan saya akan pekerjaan di bidang data. Program ini merupakan course online pertama yang saya ikuti dan Bitlabs Academy memberikan pengalaman yang benar-benar...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Halo, Sani. 

    Terima kasih sudah memilih Bitlabs sebagai tempat belajarmu untuk menggapai cita-citamu di bidang data. Kami akan terus membuat materi menjadi semakin menarik dan implementatif, metode pembelajaran yang semakin berkesan, dan Project Base Learning yang semakin bermanfaat. Semangat terus!
  • Yayang Bilqisa
    Mahasiswa Universitas Brawijaya • Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 23, 2022
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    Data Analytics for Business Programme Review

    Halo semua,
    Saya Yayang Bilqisa dari Universitas Brawijaya. Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin berbagi cerita selama mengikuti salah satu program Studi Independen Bersertifikat yaitu program Data Analytics for Business di Bitlabs Academy.

    Selama saya mengikuti program ini, saya mendapatkan banyak insight baru mulai dari melakukan programming menggunakan SQL, Python, hingga visualisasi data. Banyak hal baru yang bisa saya explore saat mengikuti Program Data Analytics...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Halo Yayang, 

    Terdengar menyenangkan sekali pengalamannya, bisa explore banyak hal dan belajar interaktif bersama para mentor expert. Semoga cerita karirmu nanti juga penuh dengan keseruan, ya! Good luck!
  • Mochamad Imran
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 23, 2022
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    Data Analytics for Business by Bitlabs Academy - Stay Relevant!!

    Halo, Semuanya!
     Perkenalkan nama saya Mochamad Imran dari Universitas Negeri Malang. Di semester ini saya mengikuti kegiatan Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat Kampus Merdeka Batch 3 di Bitlabs Academy pada program Data Analytics for Business.
     Program ini dibuat untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa menjadi dan siap terjun ke dunia seorang Data Analyst. Mulai dari fasilitas instruktur yang berpengalaman di bidang masing masing. Kurikulum yang up to date dan selaras dengan per...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Halo, Mochammad Imran! 

    Senang sekali kamu bisa belajar dengan efektif dengan Bitlabs. Program Career Coaching dari Bitlabs memang didesain untuk membantu lulusan kami #SiapKerja secepat mungkin setelah mereka lulus. Satu kata yang kami punya untuk Imran, KEREN!!!
  • Ahmad Ali Fikri
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 23, 2022
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    Data Analytics for Business Bitlabs Academy

    Halo, Semuanya!

    Perkenalkan nama saya Ahmad Ali Fikri dari Universitas Negeri Malang. Di semester ini saya mengikuti kegiatan Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat Kampus Merdeka Batch 3 di Bitlabs Academy program Data Analytics for Business.

    Program Data Analytics for Business merupakan program Bootcamp yang bertujuan untuk mencetak serta mempersiapkan para generasi muda untuk mampu bersaing di dunia kerja sebagai data analyst profesional. Pembelajaran di program ini d...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Halo Ahmad Ali, 

    Memang betul. Program Data Analytics for Business merupakan program Bootcamp yang bertujuan untuk mencetak serta mempersiapkan para generasi muda untuk mampu bersaing di dunia kerja sebagai data analyst profesional. Maka dari itu, pembelajaran dari program dirancang dan disesuaikan agar siswa dapat dengan mudah mengerti, dengan mentor yang tentunya kompeten juga. Ditunggu kabar baiknya di dunia data!
  • Naufal Ramadhani
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 23, 2022
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    Bootcamp Bitlabs Academy

    Hello, everyone! I'm Naufal Ramadhani from Universitas Jember and I'm pleased to share my learning experience when participating in the MSIB program batch 3 Data Analytics for Business at Bitlabs Academy.

    The reason I joined this program is that I wanted to learn new things. Seeing so many job requests in the data field made me curious to learn about it. By studying analytical data, we can prepare for future technological trends, because analytical data requires that we have probl...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Hello Naufal Ramadhani!

    Thank you for sharing about your positive learning experience in the MSIB program batch 3 Data Analytics for Business at Bitlabs Academy. We're glad that you took the opportunity to learn new things and explore the data field, especially with the increasing demand for data-related jobs. 
    It's wonderful to know that our program provided you with valuable knowledge in data analytics and prepared you for a career in this field, including soft skills, career coaching, and mentoring. Thank you for your kind words and appreciation for our mentors, student success team, and Bitlabs Teams. We're committed to continuous improvement, and we're grateful to have been a part of your enjoyable learning journey. 

    Thank you for being a part of our community, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
  • Clarista Citra Marcellina
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 22, 2022
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    Stay Relevant!

    Hello, I'm Clarista Citra Marcellina from Jember University.

    It doesn't feel like five months I participated in Data Analytics for Business Bootcamp from Bitlabs Academy. My initial interest in why I wanted to join this Bootcamp started from curiosity to know more about data analyst. By studying analytical data, we can prepare for future technological trends, because analytical data requires that we have problem-solving skills.

    In this Bootcamp, I’ve learned a lot about Sto...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Hello Clarista! 

    It's incredible how time flew during these five months of learning and exploring the world of data analytics. We're glad that your initial curiosity led you to join the Bootcamp, and you've gained valuable knowledge in Storytelling with data, Data Visualization, Python, SQL, and more.

    Our mentors and instructors are dedicated to helping students like you grow and succeed in the field of data analytics. We're thrilled that you found the projects, both individual and team-based, to be challenging and rewarding, and that you had an amazing team and mentor to support you. Thank you for appreciating our efforts in teaching not just technical skills but also valuable soft skills like interview techniques, CV preparation, and personal branding. Y

    our gratitude means a lot to us, and we're committed to continuous improvement in our program. Thank you for being a part of our community, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors as a data analyst!
  • Rizal Padhilah
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 22, 2022
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    Stay Relevant!

    Halo, Semuanya!
    Perkenalkan nama saya Rizal Padhilah dari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Di semester ini saya mengikuti kegiatan Magang dan Studi Independen Bersertifikat Kampus Merdeka Batch 3 di Bitlabs Academy dengan program Data Analytics for Business.

    Sesuai dengan judul programnya, kegiatan ini dirancang untuk membentuk dan mempersiapkan mahasiswa menjadi seorang Data Analyst. Pembelajaran program ini dirancang sesuai dengan tagline Bitlabs yaitu Stay Relev...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Halo Rizal, 

    Kami di Bitlabs tidak sabar untuk melihat cerita sukses Bitlabs di dunia data. Bitlabs memang berusaha untuk membuat Bootcamp kami berbeda dengan yang lainnya dengan program-program yang spesial, seperti Project Based Learning, kurikulum up-to-date, dan semuanya dibuat menyenangkan dengan tuntunan kompeten yang ahli. Terus relevan untuk masa depan, ya!
  • Diana Kusuma
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 22, 2022
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    Data Analytics for Business Bitlabs Academy

    Hi, Saya Diana Kusuma mahasiswa Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Diponegoro yang berkesempatan untuk menjadi student di Data Analytics for Business, Bitlabs Academy. 

    Selama 5 bulan saya belajar banyak tentang data bersama bitlabs, tentu menjadi pengalaman yang sangat berkesan. Pada program ini dibekali dengan keterampilan yang relevan dengan kebutuhan industri dan pengalaman terbaik dari Expert di industri, baik keterampilan teknikal maupun keterampilan non-te...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Hi, Dian! 

    Terima kasih sudah menjadi murid yang cemerlang selama program Data Analytics bersama Bitlabs. Hard skill dan soft skill yang Dian pelajari nantinya akan membantumu saat berkarir. Terima kasih sudah merekomendasikan Bitlabs, ya. Semoga kamu juga tidak berhenti meraih ilmu dan mendapatkan manfaat! Ditunggu kesuksesanmu sebagai talenta muda digital berstandar industri!
  • Jessica Christie
    Student • Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 22, 2022
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    Really Fun and Educative

    I am Jessica Christie from the Jakarta Veterans National Development University. I am honored to be a part of Bitlabs Academy, the program I am participating in is an Independent Study program with the name Data Analytics for Business 2022 program.
    It is an experience memorable for me, for that I want to share my experience while in this program. This program runs for 6 months, each participant will be put into a group and get a mentor as well as student successors who will hel...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Hello Jessica Christie from the Jakarta Veterans National Development University! 

    Our 6-month program aims to equip participants with various programming languages and technical skills essential for success in the data analyst field, alongside fostering the development of soft skills. We're delighted that you found the mentorship and support from fellow participants and student successors to be valuable throughout your journey. 

    Overcoming initial challenges with a busy schedule is commendable, and we're glad our community could help you succeed. Thank you for being a part of our program and recommending it to future participants. We look forward to continuing a fruitful relationship with you, and we wish you all the best in your skill improvement endeavors!
  • Elsa Amelia
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 21, 2022
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    Data Analitycs for Business Bitlabs Academy

    Halo perkenalkan aku Elsa Amelia dari Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

    Program Bootcamp ini merupakan hasil kerja sama dengan pihak MSIB Kampus Merdeka Kemdikbud yang berdurasi 5 bulan dengan terbagi menjadi 3 fase. Fase pertama terdiri dari In Class Training, Showcase Session, dan Weekly Consultation. Fase kedua terdiri dari Mid Exam, dan fase ketiga terdiri dari Career Coaching, Project Based Learing, Pitching Day, dan disediakan juga fasilitas untuk counseling.
    Aku sangat...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Jul 28, 2023

    Halo Elsa. 

    Semoga kamu tidak hanya mendapatkan keseruan tapi kebermanfaatan dari program-program Bitlabs. Kami juga sangat senang bisa menuntun Elsa dari awal sampai akhir. Semoga kamu jadi yang teratas, ya!

Bitlabs Academy Alumni Outcomes

Recent Bitlabs Academy News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated September 01, 2021
Course Report · Course Report Coding Bootcamp News Roundup - August 2021 August was buzzing with news about the benefits of credentialing for alternative, skills-based learning. We’re sharing the latest on the Apprenticeship to College Act in Congress, and regional workforce development programs aimed at helping high school students and adult learners find tech roles through bootcamps in...
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How much does Bitlabs Academy cost?

Bitlabs Academy costs around Rp14,000,000.

What courses does Bitlabs Academy teach?

Bitlabs Academy offers courses like Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business, Bootcamp | Full-Stack Web Developer .

Where does Bitlabs Academy have campuses?

Bitlabs Academy has in-person campuses in Jakarta and Tangerang. Bitlabs Academy also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Bitlabs Academy worth it?

Bitlabs Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 824 Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Bitlabs Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 824 Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Does Bitlabs Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Bitlabs Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Bitlabs Academy reviews?

You can read 824 reviews of Bitlabs Academy on Course Report! Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Is Bitlabs Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Bitlabs Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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