
Bitlabs Academy

Average Rating4.87
824 Reviews
2 Courses

Bitlabs is an Indonesian-based tech training academy that offers 20-week intensive bootcamps in Data Analytics, Data Engineering, and Full-stack Web Development for aspiring beginners who want to start their career in tech. The students at Bitlabs will receive training and mentorship from industry experts working in top tech companies across Southeast Asia. Aside from practical skills, students will also learn important soft skills such as business knowledge and design thinking. Bitlabs also provides upskilling programs (4-6 week duration).

In Bitlabs’ Data Analyst bootcamp, students will learn how to analyze, manipulate, manage, and visualize data for business using different tech stacks such as SQL, BigQuery, and Python.

In Bitlabs’ Fullstack Web Developer bootcamp, students will learn Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) front-end and back-end technologies, web design, dev-ops, as well as product and project management.

Upon completion, the students will receive a certificate, career coaching, and a chance to be hired by 50+ hiring partners.

824 Bitlabs Academy Reviews

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  • Retha
    Student • Online
    Jan 09, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    My experience

    I come from a non-technical background, but the data analyst course from Bitlabs Academy was a transformative decision for me. Bitlabs Academy provided a gradual and supportive learning environment. The step-by-step lessons, coupled with real-life applications, helped me grasp complex concepts. And the instructors patiently guided me through each concept, ensuring that I grasped the fundamentals. I’m proud to say that I can now analyze data and contribute meaningfully, even without a pri...
  • Bagas Sadatmaja Suyatno Putra
    Bagas Sadatmaja Suyatno Putra
    Graduate • Online
    Jan 09, 2024
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    Pelatihan Data Analyst for Business yang sangat komprehensif!

    Dalam Data Analyst for Business di Bitlabs Academy, kita benar-benar akan diajari dari dasar mengenai kemampuan teknikal menjadi seorang Data Analyst. Tidak hanya itu, kita juga dibekali oleh pengembangan soft skills serta bimbingan karir yang sangat menarik dan bermanfaat untuk bekal sebagai profesional. 
  • Ilham Wijaya
    Ilham Wijaya
    Graduate • Online
    Jan 09, 2024
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    Belajar Data Menyenangkan di Bitlabs

    Belajar di Bitlabs sangat menyenangkan. Mulai dari kurikulum hingga pendampingan yang dilakukan sangat baik. Banyak hal yang saya pelajari dari Bitlabs. Mentor yang diberikan pun juga sangat handal di bidangnya sehingga dengan mudah memberikan ilmu kepada saya. Kurikulum yang juga sangat tepat dengan industri saat ini mampu memberikan saya gambaran mengenai dunia kerja nantinya. Setelah lulus pun masih ada job connecting yang dilakukan. Saya berhasil dikontak oleh perusahaan yang dikonta...
  • Salsabila Putri
    Salsabila Putri
    Graduate • Online
    Jan 09, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    Insightful learning data at Bitlabs

    Saya telah mengikuti Program Studi Independen Kampus Merdeka di Bitlabs Academy selama 5 bulan yang lalu dan pengalaman itu benar-benar membantu saya dalam memahami dunia data dengan lebih baik. Program ini fokus pada aspek teknis seperti pemahaman data, penggunaan SQL dan Python untuk membersihkan serta menganalisis data, serta kemampuan untuk memvisualisasikan data menggunakan Google Data Studio. Selain itu, program ini juga mengajarkan cara mendapatkan wawasan yang relevan dari data. ...
  • Abiyyu
    Student • Online
    Jul 24, 2023
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    Review Data Analytics for Business

    Belajar di Bitlabs Academy memberikan pengalaman dan ilmu baru terkait Data Analis. Saya diajarkan dari 0 sampai mahir. Kurikulumnya bagus dan menyesuaikan kebutuhan industri terkait Data Analis. Mentornya juga ramah dan mau mengajarkan dengan senang hati. Proyek yang diberikan cukup membuat saya menjadi semakin paham terkait kerjaan menjadi Data Analis. Terima kasih, Bitlabs Academy!

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Terima kasih atas umpan balik positif Anda! Kami sangat senang mengetahui bahwa Anda merasa puas dengan kurikulum dan dukungan dari mentor kami di Bitlabs Academy. Komitmen Anda dalam belajar telah membantu Anda menguasai keterampilan Data Analis, dan kami bangga menjadi bagian dari perjalanan Anda. Sukses selalu, dan kami berharap untuk terus mendukung Anda di masa depan! 🎓🌟
  • Kherissa Laby Pangalinan
    Kherissa Laby Pangalinan
    Student • Online
    Jul 21, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Excellent Data Analytics Training at Bitlabs Academy

    I recently completed the Data Analytics for Business course at Bitlabs Academy, and I can confidently say that it has been a game-changer for my career! The instructors were experts in the field, presenting concepts with clarity and offering practical insights into real-world applications. The curriculum was comprehensive, incorporating real business case studies that allowed us to apply our skills practically. The collaborative learning environment with diverse students enhanced the expe...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Hello there! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing experience with us at Course Report. We're thrilled to hear that the Data Analytics for Business course at Bitlabs Academy has been a game-changer for your career. It's fantastic that our expert instructors, comprehensive curriculum, real business case studies, and hands-on approach with cutting-edge tools provided valuable practical experience. We're delighted to have played a part in expanding your skillset and boosting your confidence. Thank you for recommending Bitlabs Academy to others, and we wish you the best of luck as you pursue a successful data analytics career. Congratulations on completing the program, and we're always here to support you in your future endeavors. Keep shining!
  • Cintania Syurga Alifa
    Cintania Syurga Alifa
    Student • Student • Online
    Jul 20, 2023
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    Data Analytics for Business

    nice teacher, and curriculum. happy to study on this academy and meet new friends. Studying for 5 months here is not felt because learning is fun and easy to understand. Thank you to all the facilitators and coaches who have been patient during the learning period.

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Hello! Thank you for sharing your positive experience with us. We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the nice teachers, engaging curriculum, and the opportunity to make new friends at our academy. It's fantastic that the 5-month learning journey felt enjoyable and easy to understand. We're grateful for your kind words and want to wish you all the best as you continue to excel in your studies. Thank you for being a part of our community, and we're here to support you every step of the way. Keep up the great work!
  • Fani Agustina Br Pangaribuan
    Fani Agustina Br Pangaribuan
    Mahasiswa • Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 20, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Review Data Analytics

    Mentor menguasai materi dan terampil dalam mengajari student mengenai proyek dan pendalaman materi. Kami diberikan beberapa proyek atay studi kasus mengenai data analytics secara nyata di dunia bisnis. Kami dibekali dengan softskill dan hardskill yang dibutuhkan sebagai seorang data analyst yakni dengan pemrograman Python, SQL, dan google data studio. Softskill berupa design thniking dan pembekalan terkait persiapan di dunia kerja. Kami juga dimasukkan dalam suatu kelompok yang mengasah ...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Terima kasih banyak atas apresiasi Anda terhadap program dan mentor kami! Kami berkomitmen untuk menyediakan pengalaman belajar yang komprehensif dan menantang, yang mencakup softskill dan hardskill penting dalam bidang data analytics. Kami senang melihat bahwa Anda merasa terfasilitasi dan dibekali dengan keterampilan yang relevan. Semoga pengalaman ini membantu Anda bersinar di dunia kerja. Sukses selalu! 🚀
  • Athhar Izzan Kautsar
    Athhar Izzan Kautsar
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 20, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Amazing opportunity to learn

    This Bootcamp is wonderful since it enables me to learn a whole new world about digital and data. The instructors here are very knowledgable and expert in data analytics. Thankfully I am able to incorporate my knowledge to enhance micro enterprise near me

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Hello there! Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience with us. We're thrilled that our Bootcamp opened up a whole new world of digital and data for you. It's fantastic that our knowledgeable instructors in data analytics made the learning process enriching. We're delighted that you were able to apply your newfound knowledge to enhance micro-enterprises near you. We truly value your feedback, and we'll keep working to improve the curriculum and provide even more valuable learning experiences. Wishing you the best in your future endeavors, and we're always here to support your growth and success. Keep shining bright!
  • Junia Uni Umamatun Nysa
    Junia Uni Umamatun Nysa
    Student • Graduate • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 18, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Melatih Keterampilan Data Analist di Bitlabs

    Bitlabs Academy adalah tempat yang luar biasa untuk melatih keterampilan sebagai seorang Data Analist. Saya baru saja menyelesaikan kursus mereka dan pengalaman ini sungguh luar biasa. Saya menjadi lebih percaya diri dan siap menghadapi tantangan di dunia analisis data.

    Bootcamp ini dirancang dengan sangat baik. Materi pelajaran yang diajarkan sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan industri saat ini. Saya belajar tentang teknik-teknik analisis data terbaru dan juga diberikan pemahaman ya...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Terima kasih banyak atas review positif dan pujian Anda terhadap Bitlabs Academy! Kami bangga mendengar bahwa pengalaman Anda bersama kami telah meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dan kesiapan Anda dalam dunia analisis data. Kesuksesan dan pertumbuhan Anda adalah prioritas kami, dan kami berterima kasih telah memilih kami sebagai partner dalam perjalanan pembelajaran Anda. Sukses terus, dan kami berharap Anda terus berkembang di karier Anda sebagai Data Analist! 🌟
  • Joy Alexandra
    Joy Alexandra
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 18, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Data Analytics for Business

    Senang sekali bisa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk belajar data analytics di Bitlabs Academy. Peserta mendapatkan pelatihan data analytics dari tingkat dasar. Seluruh mentor di Bitlabs Academy dapat menyampaikan materi dengan baik dan mudah dimengerti. 

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Halo! Terima kasih banyak atas apresiasi Anda terhadap program pelatihan di Bitlabs Academy. Kami senang mengetahui bahwa Anda menikmati pengalaman belajar bersama mentor kami dan mendapatkan pemahaman yang baik tentang data analytics. Semoga keterampilan yang Anda peroleh di sini membantu Anda dalam meraih kesuksesan di masa depan! 🌟
  • Anggita Rizki M
    Anggita Rizki M
    College student • Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 17, 2023
    Overall Experience
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    Excellent Course

    The course "Data Analytics for Business" at Bitlabs Academy is highly interactive, providing a valuable and unique learning experience. The materials provided are highly informative, and the content is delivered in a clear and easily understandable manner. I highly recommend this course as it offers relevant content that meets the current industry demands, equipping participants to tackle challenges in the field.

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Hello there! Thank you for sharing your positive experience with the "Data Analytics for Business" course at Bitlabs Academy. We're delighted to hear that the course's high interactivity and informative materials provided a valuable and unique learning experience for you. We're thrilled that the content was delivered in a clear and easily understandable manner. Thank you for recommending our course, and we wish you all the best as you tackle challenges in the data analytics field. Keep up the great work, and we're here to support your continued growth and success!

Bitlabs Academy Alumni Outcomes

Recent Bitlabs Academy News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated September 01, 2021
Course Report · Course Report Coding Bootcamp News Roundup - August 2021 August was buzzing with news about the benefits of credentialing for alternative, skills-based learning. We’re sharing the latest on the Apprenticeship to College Act in Congress, and regional workforce development programs aimed at helping high school students and adult learners find tech roles through bootcamps in...
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Recent Bitlabs Academy News

How much does Bitlabs Academy cost?

Bitlabs Academy costs around Rp14,000,000.

What courses does Bitlabs Academy teach?

Bitlabs Academy offers courses like Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business, Bootcamp | Full-Stack Web Developer .

Where does Bitlabs Academy have campuses?

Bitlabs Academy has in-person campuses in Jakarta and Tangerang. Bitlabs Academy also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Bitlabs Academy worth it?

Bitlabs Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 824 Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Bitlabs Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 824 Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Does Bitlabs Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Bitlabs Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Bitlabs Academy reviews?

You can read 824 reviews of Bitlabs Academy on Course Report! Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Is Bitlabs Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Bitlabs Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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