
Bitlabs Academy

Average Rating4.87
824 Reviews
2 Courses

Bitlabs is an Indonesian-based tech training academy that offers 20-week intensive bootcamps in Data Analytics, Data Engineering, and Full-stack Web Development for aspiring beginners who want to start their career in tech. The students at Bitlabs will receive training and mentorship from industry experts working in top tech companies across Southeast Asia. Aside from practical skills, students will also learn important soft skills such as business knowledge and design thinking. Bitlabs also provides upskilling programs (4-6 week duration).

In Bitlabs’ Data Analyst bootcamp, students will learn how to analyze, manipulate, manage, and visualize data for business using different tech stacks such as SQL, BigQuery, and Python.

In Bitlabs’ Fullstack Web Developer bootcamp, students will learn Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) front-end and back-end technologies, web design, dev-ops, as well as product and project management.

Upon completion, the students will receive a certificate, career coaching, and a chance to be hired by 50+ hiring partners.

824 Bitlabs Academy Reviews

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  • Baiq Ayuningrat Herlina Putri
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Dec 13, 2022
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    Hello everyone, introduce my name is Ayuningrat from Udayana University. I'm very grateful to take bitlabs to help in getting to know data analysts through the independent campus.
    Study program of origin, which is different from learning data analyst at bitlabs, doesn't make me discouraged because I don't understand. Because the packaging of the curriculum is made from those who do not have the basic knowledge and are taught to grow together. It's really exciting at Bitlabs because it...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Hello Ayuningrat! Thank you so much for sharing your positive experience with us. We're thrilled to hear how grateful you are for taking part in the independent campus study program at Bitlabs Academy. It's fantastic that our curriculum packaging allowed you to grow and learn together, even with a different background. We're delighted that you found the program exciting and that it provided you with provisions for entering the world of work. Your praise for our materials, projects, and teaching approach means a lot to us. We're proud to have played a role in instilling effort and positivity in your learning journey. Thank you for recommending Bitlabs Academy, and we wish you all the best as you continue to shine in your future endeavors. Keep up the great work!
  • Atika Sari
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 13, 2022
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    The best experience is on bitlabs

    I am Atika Sari, a student participating in the MSIB program. On this occasion, I joined the Bitlabs academy. Bitlas is a great place for students who want to learn more about data analysis. you don't need to be afraid you can't, because at bitlabs we are taught from the start how to be reliable data analysts. Mentors are not given to support learning methods at bitlabs. Don't worry, bitlabs also provides soft skills material such as how to make a CV, good interviews and how ...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Hello Atika Sari! Thank you for sharing your positive experience with us. We're thrilled to have you as a part of the MSIB program at Bitlabs Academy. It's fantastic to hear that you find Bitlabs to be a great place for learning data analysis, and we're delighted that our mentors and learning methods are supporting your growth as a reliable data analyst. We're proud to provide not just technical skills but also soft skills to prepare you for the world of work. Thank you for your kind words, and we wish you all the best on your journey with Bitlabs. Keep up the great work and continue to shine!
  • Wendy
    Graduate • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 12, 2022
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    Bitlabs Course Review

    Halo saya Wendy, Mahasiswa di STMIK Indo Daya Suvana,Saya merupakan peserta dari program kampus merdeka MSIB Studi Independen program Data Analytics for business Bitlabs Academy. Bitlabs adalah penyedia bootcamp yang sangat luar biasa, disana saya bisa mempelajari banyak hal mengenai data analytics. Data Analytics for Business adalah program pelatihan intensif berbasis online dari Bitlabs Academy yang ditujukan untuk mempersiapkan karir menjadi Data Analyst. 

    Program ini akan memp...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Halo Wendy! Terima kasih banyak atas review positif Anda mengenai program Data Analytics for Business di Bitlabs Academy. Kami senang mengetahui bahwa pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang Anda dapatkan telah membantu dalam mengembangkan keterampilan Anda dalam data analytics. Semoga keberhasilan ini menjadi langkah awal dalam perjalanan karir Anda yang sukses sebagai Data Analyst. Kami selalu ada di sini untuk mendukung Anda! 🌟
  • Rezky Saputra Arief
    Student • Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
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    Dec 09, 2022
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    Great Bootcamp Data Analytics for Business

    I'm Rezky Saputra Arief, a student at Universitas Muslim Indonesia. I'd like to share my experience with MBKM Independent Study at Bitlabs Academy. Even online, interactive classes are available. Learning from experienced instructors and mentors in their fields simplifies the material. Over the course of 13 weeks, students studied Data Analytics for Business through individual materials and assignments, as well as two weeks of group work. There were many challenges while I was studying d...

    Lulu of Bitlabs Academy

    Community Manager

    Aug 04, 2023

    Hello Rezky Saputra Arief! Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We're delighted to have you as a student in the MBKM Independent Study program at Bitlabs Academy. It's wonderful to hear that our online interactive classes and experienced instructors made the learning process enjoyable and simplified the material for you. We're proud to have supported you in overcoming challenges and achieving success in Data Analytics for Business. Thank you for your kind words, and we wish you all the best in your data science journey. Keep up the great work and continue to excel!
  • Muhamad fikri dimyati
    Muhamad fikri dimyati
    Mahasiswa • Student • Online
    Dec 28, 2024
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    Bitlabs Academy is one of the online-based learning platforms that offers courses for areas that are in high demand, such as digital marketing, data analytics, and other technology skills. Based on my experience, there are a few interesting things that make Bitlabs Academy worth considering for anyone looking to improve their professional skills.

    Overall, Bitlabs Academy is an excellent choice for those who want to learn digital marketing or data analytics with a practical and app...
  • Milfaulya praramadanezya hafidha
    Milfaulya praramadanezya hafidha
    Student • Online
    Dec 27, 2024
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    Bitlabs Academy adalah tempat yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan digital, terutama di bidang data. Berdasarkan beberapa ulasan, Bitlabs menawarkan metode pengajaran yang sederhana, langsung ke poin, dan mudah dipahami, bahkan untuk peserta dengan latar belakang non-teknis. Mentor-mentornya pun asik, ramah, dan selalu siap membantu.Program-program di Bitlabs, seperti Data Analytics for Business, dirancang untuk mempersiapkan peserta agar siap bersaing di dunia industri. Ke...
  • Sarah A
    Sarah A
    Student • Online
    Dec 26, 2024
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    Excellent Bootcamp

     Bitlabs Academy’s Data Analytics for Business Bootcamp offers a comprehensive and practical learning experience designed for individuals aiming to leverage data in strategic decision-making. The curriculum covers essential topics such as data visualization, data manipulation, and statistical analysis using industry-standard tools like Excel, SQL, and Python. With a strong emphasis on real-world business applications, the program provides hands-on learning through intera...
  • Halimah Zahra
    Halimah Zahra
    Undergraduate Student at Jakarta State University • Student • Online
    Dec 26, 2024
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    Practical and Insightful Learning

    Hello, I’m Halimah Zahra from University of Jakarta. My experience at Bitlabs Academy has been truly remarkable. This course offered invaluable insights into Data Analytics for Business, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to expand my knowledge and grow both professionally and personally.The program’s unique approach, with Self-Paced Learning (SPL) and live sessions multiple times a week, gave me the flexibility to deepen my...
  • Aldi
    Fresh Graduate • Graduate • Online
    Dec 26, 2024
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    Sistem dan kebijakan belajar di bitlabs

    Sistem belajar di bitlab kurang ramah untuk zona waktu wit dan wita, banyak hal - hal kurang bagus lain - lainya yang sangat aneh menurut saya pada sistem belajarnya yaitu war untuk menggambil project dimana ini sangat aneh dan tidak relevan di dunia pendidikan bagaimana tidak kalian harus war project jam 12 malam 
  • Adam Satria Mahendra
    Adam Satria Mahendra
    Mahasiswa • Student • Online
    Dec 26, 2024
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    Bitlabs Future Tech Talent - Data Analytics For Business

    Program Data Analytics for Business Batch 7 adalah pengalaman belajar yang sangat positif dan memberikan dampak signifikan bagi pengembangan keterampilan di bidang analisis data. Program ini dirancang dengan kurikulum yang relevan dengan kebutuhan industri, menggabungkan teori dan praktik untuk memastikan peserta benar-benar memahami konsep sekaligus mampu mengaplikasikannya dalam konteks nyata.

    Salah satu aspek terbaik dari program ini adalah bimbingan mentor yang sangat profesio...
    Mahasiswa • Student • Online
    Dec 26, 2024
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    Pengalaman Menarik di Bitlabs

    Belajar di itlabs mengenai Data Analytics sangat menarik!!! Banyak ilmu yang di dapat loh. Dan yang paling penting buat yang pemula nggak perlu malu. Karena dari tim bitlabs ngajarin dari dasar. Buat tim Bitlabs makasih buat materinya banyak yang aku pelajari di Bitlbas
  • Juventia Adelia Putri
    Juventia Adelia Putri
    Student • Student • Online
    Dec 26, 2024
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    Data Analytics For Business

    Overall Bitlabs Academy sangat sangattt baguss, Mentor yang sangat berpengalaman, jadwal Studi yang terstruktur, LMS yang sangat baik, Good Job Bitlabs, teman teman yang sangat baikk dan saling membantuu, pokoknyaa bitlabs academy sangattt kerennnn....

Bitlabs Academy Alumni Outcomes

Recent Bitlabs Academy News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated September 01, 2021
Course Report · Course Report Coding Bootcamp News Roundup - August 2021 August was buzzing with news about the benefits of credentialing for alternative, skills-based learning. We’re sharing the latest on the Apprenticeship to College Act in Congress, and regional workforce development programs aimed at helping high school students and adult learners find tech roles through bootcamps in...
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Bitlabs Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Bitlabs Academy News

How much does Bitlabs Academy cost?

Bitlabs Academy costs around Rp14,000,000.

What courses does Bitlabs Academy teach?

Bitlabs Academy offers courses like Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business, Bootcamp | Full-Stack Web Developer .

Where does Bitlabs Academy have campuses?

Bitlabs Academy has in-person campuses in Jakarta and Tangerang. Bitlabs Academy also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Bitlabs Academy worth it?

Bitlabs Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 824 Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Bitlabs Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 824 Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Does Bitlabs Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Bitlabs Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Bitlabs Academy reviews?

You can read 824 reviews of Bitlabs Academy on Course Report! Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Is Bitlabs Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Bitlabs Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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