
Bitlabs Academy

Average Rating4.87
824 Reviews
2 Courses

Bitlabs is an Indonesian-based tech training academy that offers 20-week intensive bootcamps in Data Analytics, Data Engineering, and Full-stack Web Development for aspiring beginners who want to start their career in tech. The students at Bitlabs will receive training and mentorship from industry experts working in top tech companies across Southeast Asia. Aside from practical skills, students will also learn important soft skills such as business knowledge and design thinking. Bitlabs also provides upskilling programs (4-6 week duration).

In Bitlabs’ Data Analyst bootcamp, students will learn how to analyze, manipulate, manage, and visualize data for business using different tech stacks such as SQL, BigQuery, and Python.

In Bitlabs’ Fullstack Web Developer bootcamp, students will learn Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) front-end and back-end technologies, web design, dev-ops, as well as product and project management.

Upon completion, the students will receive a certificate, career coaching, and a chance to be hired by 50+ hiring partners.

824 Bitlabs Academy Reviews

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  • Jefferson Nicholas Salim
    Mahasiswa • Graduate • Online
    Jan 15, 2024
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    Belajar bersama tentang data analyst

    Selama 4 bulan dalam program bitlabs saya memperoleh banyak hal tentang data analyst. Mulai dari belajar apa itu data , fungsi data itu apa , hingga ke proses pengolahan dan visualisasi data. Pada program tersebut saya dan teman - teman dari universitas lain di bimbing oleh mentor yang berpengalaman dan juga aktif di bidang data analyst , jadi dalam memahami materi bisa tersampaikan dengan baik dan mudah dipahami. Pengalaman yang paling berkesan menurut saya adalah ketika mengerjakan soa...
  • Raafi A.
    Graduate • Online
    Jan 09, 2024
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    Remarkable Experience

    Hi, all. I just want to share my experience of taking the "Data Analysis for Business" course at Bitlabs Academy. I enrolled in this course because I wanted to learn data analytics, which is a very in-demand skill nowadays. I got this opportunity from the Kampus Merdeka batch 3, which allowed me to study outside of campus. Here are some things that I enjoyed about this course:
    • The curriculum was relevant to the industry. I learned how to use SQL, Python, data cleansing, and...
  • Nathania Abigail Siregar
    Peserta • Graduate • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 20, 2023
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    Belajar Menganalisis Data Ternyata Menantang

    Bitlabs Academy menjadi pilihan pertama saya dalam mengambil Studi Independen dengan bidang Data Analyst, dikarenakan dari kurikulum yang saya lihat dan juga materi yang diajarkan sangat meyakinkan saya dalam mengambil studi di bidang data analyst di Bitlabs. Dari pengalaman saya selama mengikuti pembelajaran di Bitlabs, saya yang awalnya sama sekali tidak memiliki pengetahuan mengenai data analyst menjadi mendapatkan pengetahuan dan juga bertambah skills mengenai tools-tools yang biasa ...
  • Kahfi Prawitasari
    College Student • Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 14, 2023
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    Wonderful, great, educate

    Belajar di Bitlabs sangat menyenangkan. Bertemu Bitlabs Academy ketika mendaftar Magang Studi Independen Bersertifikat (MSIB) Kampus Merdeka dengan fokus menjadi Data Analyst sebagai bekal pasca lulus dari universitas dan menambah pengalaman. Kurikulum yang diberikan Bitlabs Academy sangat tepat untuk kebutuhan apa saja yang Data Analyst harus ketahui, mulai dari basic SQL, basic Phyton, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), dan lain-lain. Program Data Analyst yang saya ikuti adalah Data Anal...
  • Lintang Andayani Putri
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 14, 2023
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    very fun and insightful

    Learning in bitlabs is quite fun. I joined bitlabs through the MSIB program and took a position as data analytics for business. For five months, I was provided with skills relevant to industry needs and best practices from industry experts, both technical skills and non-technical skills (soft skills) from the basics. Apart from that, I also participate in project-based learning with real case studies from the industry (hiring partners) that have worked with bitlabs. I worked on 3 case st...
  • Bryan Vergus Sullivan
    College Student • Graduate • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 14, 2023
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    Data Analytics Review

    I recently had the opportunity to enroll in the Data Analytics course offered by Bitlabs Academy, and I must say it was an enriching and highly rewarding experience. This comprehensive program provided me with a solid foundation in the field of data analytics and equipped me with the necessary skills to thrive in the industry.

    One of the standout features of this course was the expertise of the instructors. The instructors at Bitlabs Academy were industry exp...
  • carina
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 14, 2023
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    Thankyou Bitlabs!

    Bitlabs memberikan pengalaman baru kepada saya tentang mengolah data menggunakan SQL dan Python serta memvisualisasikannya menggunakan Looker. Tidak hanya ilmu, melalui Bitlabs saya bertemu mentor hebat dan teman-teman yang menyenangkan.
  • Saniya Ramadhanti
    Graduate • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 14, 2023
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    MSIB Data Analytics for Business at Bitlabs Academy

    Study Independent at Bitlabs Academy with the theme "Data Analytics for Business". I am as a participant feel quite satisfied because the material presented is quite in line with the current world of work. The mentor who delivered the material was also fun and kind so it really helped the participants.
  • Niken Aditya Fahetza
    Graduate • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 13, 2023
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    Seru banget belajar di Bitlabs

    Belajar di bitlabs asik banget karena pemateri dan student successnya sangat humble dan membantu. Materi yang diberikan juga sangat bermanfaat untuk kedepannya, selain itu diajarkan juga tentang CV dan job interview yang dapat meningkatkan softskill para peserta. Para peserta di Bitlabs juga sangat membantu dan peduli satu sama lain, jadi dalam pelaksanaan course saya tidak merasa kesulitan.
  • Nisrina Ocktalifa Chumair
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 12, 2023
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    I'm very proud to be part of Bitlabs Academy. In this bootcamp we learn various acknowledge such as business or technical  data analysis. I hope from cases we learned in Bitlabs, can usefull in the future. 
  • Amelia Rusti
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 12, 2023
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    Bitlabs Academy

    Highly recommended! The mentor is very good at the material and the explanation is easy to understand, the curriculum is appropriate, the service is very satisfying & very helpful. Thankyou Bitlabs for the insightful lesson :)
  • Anggia Sartikasari
    Student • Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business • Online
    Jul 12, 2023
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    Kampus Merdeka Batch 4 X Bitlabs Academy

    The learning materials provided by Bitlabs are thoughtfully planned and well-designed, making them accessible even for beginners like myself. The mentors have been incredibly helpful whenever we encountered obstacles, providing valuable assistance and explanations that greatly enhanced my understanding of the materials. The inclusion of real project data in the homework and exams has been an invaluable experience, as it has given me practical insights and prepared me for future career op...

Bitlabs Academy Alumni Outcomes

Recent Bitlabs Academy News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated September 01, 2021
Course Report · Course Report Coding Bootcamp News Roundup - August 2021 August was buzzing with news about the benefits of credentialing for alternative, skills-based learning. We’re sharing the latest on the Apprenticeship to College Act in Congress, and regional workforce development programs aimed at helping high school students and adult learners find tech roles through bootcamps in...
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Bitlabs Academy Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent Bitlabs Academy News

How much does Bitlabs Academy cost?

Bitlabs Academy costs around Rp14,000,000.

What courses does Bitlabs Academy teach?

Bitlabs Academy offers courses like Bootcamp | Data Analytics for Business, Bootcamp | Full-Stack Web Developer .

Where does Bitlabs Academy have campuses?

Bitlabs Academy has in-person campuses in Jakarta and Tangerang. Bitlabs Academy also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is Bitlabs Academy worth it?

Bitlabs Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 824 Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Bitlabs Academy legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 824 Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Does Bitlabs Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Bitlabs Academy offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Bitlabs Academy reviews?

You can read 824 reviews of Bitlabs Academy on Course Report! Bitlabs Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Bitlabs Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.87 out of 5.

Is Bitlabs Academy accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Bitlabs Academy doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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