

Average Rating4.66
1518 Reviews
7 Courses

CareerFoundry is an online bootcamp that offers flexibly paced programs for career changers in web development, UX design, UI design, product design, data analytics, digital marketing, and product management. Headquartered in Berlin but with a global student base, CareerFoundry has provided tech education since 2013.

CareerFoundry combines the flexibility of online learning with the guidance of mentors and tutors through their dual mentorship model, training students to become job-ready in four to 12 months, or their money back.

No previous experience is required to apply for the programs. Students should have access to a computer and an internet connection, and an interest in the topic they are planning to study. Students apply via the CareerFoundry website by connecting with an advisor who can talk through their options. Students will need to pay a deposit to secure their place, then complete the required pre-work before the program commences.

1,518 CareerFoundry Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Melanie Staudter
    Melanie Staudter
    Student • UX Design Program • Online
    Dec 30, 2022
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    Great UX Design bootcamp

    I really enjoy my UX Design program with CareerFoundry. The curriculum is great and it is really fun to learn, since you are taking what you learn and practice it in a task right away. I was afraid, that it is mostly reading but the combination really pleasantly surprised me. The Student Advisors are super nice and fast with their replies in case you have a question or concern. I highly recommend the program. 
  • Nikola Babic
    Nikola Babic
    Student • UX Design Program • Online
    Dec 22, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Great, Life changing, Amazing

    I was recommended to CareerFoundry when I mentioned to a friend of mine that I wanted to change careers. Her friend had done this program, and after doing some research, I found this program to have the best qualities that I was looking for.

    I haven't completed the course yet, but I have been able to work with an industry professional (who I look up to greatly). She has been incredibly helpful in solidifying my designs as well as encouraging me to strive to create higher quality d...
  • Farah
    Student • UX Design Program • Online
    Dec 16, 2022
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    Highly recommended

    This UX Design course has been a huge learning curve for me. I love that I am able to see my acheivements. My tutor is great and highly responsive. My mentor is very generous with the experience and advice that she shares with me. It all makes the intensity of this course a little bit less intense and a bit more fun!
  • Gabriella Pilarski
    Gabriella Pilarski
    Student • UX Design Program • Online
    Dec 15, 2022
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    Learning a lot and enjoying it!

    I really like this course.  I am learning a lot and the lessons are full with extra links and resources if you want to know more about a subject.  My first tutor unfortunately was very slow about grading assignments, but after I logged two complains I was switched to a new grader who is quick and gives great feedback!  I especially love how the course is asynchronous and perfectly fits my schedule.  
  • Robyn Fehr
    Robyn Fehr
    Student • UI Design Program • Online
    Dec 15, 2022
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    Encouraging, involved, and interesting

    Career Foundry has surpassed my expectations. The method in which they teach is straight forward and encouraging. The support of my tutor and mentor has been beyond helpful, as well as suppor from other staff members! They send little emails that are encouraging, or informative, seemingly right when you need them. They also seem to be very current, which is important in a tech field. 
  • Jacquel Bozarth
    Jacquel Bozarth
    Student • UI Design Program • Online
    Dec 14, 2022
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    Fun, Creative, Informative.

    I have enjoyed being a career foundry student so far! It’s a great course that really teaches the fundamentals of being a UI/UX designer. I’ve been impressed and look forward to gaining my certification through the program!
  • Judy S
    Judy S
    Retail Manager • Student • UI Design Program • Online
    Dec 14, 2022
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    So far so good!

    I'm enjoying the course so far. It's pretty easy to follow. You have a ton of resources that will help you through your course including your tutor, mentor, student advisors, slack channels with other fellow students, and career mentor towards the second half of the course. Comes with a job guarantee if you complete the job prep course within a certain time frame, what more can you ask for? 
  • Tatsiana
    Student • UI Design Program • Online
    Dec 10, 2022
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    CareerFoundry UI Design Course

    My program began in August and now I'm almost half way through. I'm completely new to UI Design with zero design background.
    I like that material  of each lesson is very well built and structured. After each lesson there are plenty of additional things to read and watch on the topic.
    The most important part in my opinion is that I, as a student, always have support of tutor and mentor. This is so valuable for me as for a person
    who is changing career and meets a lot of challenge...
  • Farley Millano de Mendonça Fernandes
    Farley Millano de Mendonça Fernandes
    Senior Customer Experience Manager • Student • Product Management Program • Online
    Dec 07, 2022
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    Outstanding Product Management course

    CareerFoundry's Product Management course covers a well curated set of topics which provides a comprehensive understanding of what would be expected in that role. PM is a quite new discipline / field, which can be confused with several related fields (e.g. UX Design, Project Management, Agile Experts), but the curriculum is structured around practical tasks in a project-based journey that helps to solidify the learning process. I can clearly say that a graduated student will feel suffici...
  • Malik Pressley
    Malik Pressley
    Student • Data Analytics Program • Online
    Dec 06, 2022
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    Valuable, Thorough, Time-Effecient.

    CareerFoundry stuck out to me when researching Data Analytics courses. I spent many weeks carefully studying the website. The staff is AMAZING! I have an amazing tutor, amazing mentor and amazing student advisors. Whenever I have any doubt, or obstacle - I always feel heard and valued in their responses and solutions to me. 

    As a complete novice in the data analytics field - my confidence not only in working with data but within myself has dramatically risen. 

    Enrolling in ...
  • Rachel C
    Rachel C
    Student • UX Design Program • Online
    Dec 05, 2022
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    CareerFoundry's Excellent UX Course

    CareerFoundry has an excellent UX course. The content is immersive and easy to understand. Mostly reading with supplemental videos and students learn by doing assignments. Mentors and tutors are great. They respond timely and give valuable, tailored feedback. Student advisors keep. you connected to the community with regular updates and there is a slack channel to meet other students. Excellent value. 
  • Reethika K
    Reethika K
    UX Designer • Student • UX Design Program • Online
    Dec 04, 2022
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    Amazing UX bootcamp!

    CareerFoundry's approach to UX education sets you up for success and is well worth the money. The learning material is all well written and one by one the assignments help you build your portfolio while teaching you how to problem solve in the field of UX. I love my mentor because he always gives valuable feedback and is a great support system!

CareerFoundry Alumni Reviews Summary

Based on 1,400+ CareerFoundry reviews on Course Report, alumni appreciate the practical, skill-building approach of the bootcamps, particularly highlighting the mentorship, structured and engaging curriculum, and the flexibility to learn at their own pace​​​​​​​​. One student remarked, "The support and feedback from the Tutor and Mentor are what keeps me motivated, energized and confident about the skill I’m learning."​ However, some noted that learning online can feel lonely, especially for tasks typically done in teams​​.
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does CareerFoundry cost?

CareerFoundry costs around $7,900. On the lower end, some CareerFoundry courses like Data Analytics Program cost $6,900.

What courses does CareerFoundry teach?

CareerFoundry offers courses like Data Analytics Program, Digital Marketing Program, Full-Stack Web Development Program, Product Design Program and 3 more.

Where does CareerFoundry have campuses?

CareerFoundry teaches students Online in a remote classroom.

Is CareerFoundry worth it?

CareerFoundry hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 1,518 CareerFoundry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CareerFoundry on Course Report - you should start there!

Is CareerFoundry legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 1,518 CareerFoundry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CareerFoundry and rate their overall experience a 4.66 out of 5.

Does CareerFoundry offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like CareerFoundry offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read CareerFoundry reviews?

You can read 1,518 reviews of CareerFoundry on Course Report! CareerFoundry alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed CareerFoundry and rate their overall experience a 4.66 out of 5.

Is CareerFoundry accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. CareerFoundry doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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