devCodeCamp is closed

This school is now closed. Although devCodeCamp is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and devCodeCamp alumni reviews on the school page.



Average Rating4.76
245 Reviews
3 Courses

DevCodeCamp offers various full-time and part-time, live online coding bootcamps that meet prospective students where they're at in their career. devCodeCamp offers a 12-week Software Development Bootcamp Full Time, a 24-week Software Development Bootcamp Flex Self-Paced, and a 24-week Data Analytics Bootcamp Flex Self-Paced. Bootcamp students are taught how to think like software engineers, working on real-world projects in a collaborative environment. The devCodeCamp instructional team brings knowledge and passion as well as patience and empathy. The curriculum for each bootcamp is designed with the demands of the market at the forefront, yet their core philosophy is to teach software concepts transferable to any programming language. 

No experience is required to apply to the bootcamps, but applicants must be problem-solvers who are willing to learn and have a desire to be challenged.

DevCodeCamp students will receive career services while enrolled in the program. Students will learn how to create a resume, cultivate their LinkedIn presence, navigage their job search, and prepare for job interviews.

245 devCodeCamp Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Grant Smith
    Grant Smith
    Web Designer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    May 18, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    12 weeks to a new future

    I came to devCodeCamp with ZERO coding skills. Twelve weeks later I felt confident in calling myself a Junior Developer, but still didn't truly understand the power of what I learned there until I got into the real world and started taking assessments and applying for jobs. You cannot learn every coding language in 12 weeks (though you will learn many), but what you do walk away with is a strong understanding of the fundamentals, a clear view of how full-stack development works, and the ab...

  • Chris Balleto
    Chris Balleto
    Business Intelligence Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Apr 07, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best decision I ever made...

    **First, I would like to clarify that my review of devCodeCamp is on my own free will. While reviewing any program that someone has just attended is always encouraged, there is no incentive or reward for me to write this, which is what some other reviews have indicated and is simply not true.**

    devCodeCamp is not for everyone, period. It is not anyone who is unmotivated or ambitionless. It is a program for those who are driven to learn a valuable s...

  • Jason Honeyager
    Jason Honeyager
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Mar 27, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Come for the programming experience, but be ready to sell yourself and the course to prospective employers.

    I was concerned about attending devCodeCamp prior to my enrollment.  It's a lot of money for a 14 week course.  You definitely can't do it while employed, as you are there 8am to 7pm, Mon - Fri.  And it's definitely scary not knowing if you'll be able to find relevant work after you complete the course.  After doing my research, and speaking with the instructors and staff, many of my fears were put to rest, but that didn't mean they were unfounded.  Overall, I would say I had a positive ex...

  • Luis Diaz
    Luis Diaz
    Graduate • Milwaukee
    Mar 26, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    There for you through and through


    They teach you everything you need to know to be a jr developer. More importantly they teach you how to teach yourself which is a crucial skill to have as a developer considering there are new technologies all the time. 

    I recently acquired a job and while it took me a long time I can say that dCC was there for me the entire time. They hooked me up with presentations and interviews until I finally received a job. As long you come in to the camp here and there, dCC wil...

  • Jake Drohman
    Jake Drohman
    Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Mar 10, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Easily Worth it

        First off, let me say that I would recommend devCodeCamp to everyone that I know who is serious about coding and tired of the plain old curriculum or cost of traditional schooling. I went into this without any actual programming experience until I started the pre-course work. Throughout this program, you gain valuable experience programming in several different languages as well as working in a team based environment. More than that though, devCodeCamp provides you with a conductive en...

  • Renuka Vishnubhakta
    Renuka Vishnubhakta
    .NET Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Feb 07, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Well worth the effort

    I attended devCodeCamp in the fall of 2016.  The course is challenging and fast-paced -- not for the faint-of-heart.  The instructors are knowledgeable and approachable; I never had any qualms about asking for clarification or extra help.  They instilled confidence and provided guidance when necessary.  In addition to the programming languages, we were also taught problem-solving skills and effective research techniques.  We were taught team skills through team projects; an invaluable skil...

  • Nathan Thao
    Nathan Thao
    Software Automation Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Feb 04, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Worth the challenge!


    I have always had an interest in coding but never pursued it during college. After I graduated I went into retail and stayed there for a little over a year and found myself not satisfied with what I was doing.

    This is where I found reviews of devCodeCamp on Facebook and decided to give it a tour. Going into the program, I had little to no experience in coding and now, through this course, I have received more from this course than I had first anticipated.  Now I have ...

  • Eric Werner
    Eric Werner
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Jan 25, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A Real Game Changer

    Before I heard about devCodeCamp, I was taking courses part-time at a technical college for web and software development. Since I was working full time and taking classes at night, I had four semesters (two years) left and had only built console applications focusing on simple concepts. Then my team at work hired a devCodeCamp grad. I was impressed with not only his technical skills but also the positive feedback he had about his experiences with the camp. After taking a tour and meeting w...

  • Benjamin Sterner
    Benjamin Sterner
    Application Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Jan 19, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A Life Changing Experience

    I enrolled in devCodeCamp after having grown sick of working factory jobs.  It is one of the best decisions I have made in my entire life.  The course is challenging and hectic, but an excellent way of learning to code.  After just a few weeks we were working on projects that it took friends of mine in traditional software development degrees years to get to.  The most important part of the course is that they help you find employment once you graduate, I had my first interview within a we...

  • Kristofer Falk
    Kristofer Falk
    Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Jan 16, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Challenging, but worth it!

    This course is for anyone willing to accept a challenge. You get out of this program what you put into it. If you are ready to completely dedicate yourself to a new learning experience, then this course is for you.  

    I recently accepted a job as a Software Developer at a great company just after about two months from graduating from DevCodeCamp Milwaukee.  Going into this program, I had a little experience writing code, but this course brought those skills from novice to professi...

  • Hilary Berigan
    Hilary Berigan
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Milwaukee
    Jan 04, 2017
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Fun and Worth-while Experience

    Being an immersive bootcamp, of course devCodeCamp is challenging and pushes your limits. This type of environment enabled me to learn more than I ever thought possible. I came into the course with your basic "I use computers for social media and writing papers in college" computer knowledge. By the end, I was able to develop my own web applications. Now, within a few months of graduating, I have a position as a Junior Developer with a great company. 

    I would recommend devCodeCam...

  • Erik Johnson
    Erik Johnson
    Junior Software Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Software Development Immersive Program • Milwaukee
    Dec 08, 2016
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Junior Software Developer is a nice title!

    devCodeCamp offers an immersive learning environment where you are guided along a path that teaches you the building blocks of coding and instructs you on how to problem solve. Everyday you are surrounded by people with the same goals as you, working on the same or similar projects and everyone helps each other along the way. It is an excellent environment for learning.

    devCodeCamp got me a job as a junior software developer in 4 months. I worked har...

Career tracks

devCodeCamp Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does devCodeCamp cost?

devCodeCamp costs around $17,900. On the lower end, some devCodeCamp courses like Web Development Flex; a self-paced Bootcamp cost $9,400.

Where does devCodeCamp have campuses?

devCodeCamp has in-person campuses in Milwaukee. devCodeCamp also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is devCodeCamp worth it?

devCodeCamp hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 245 devCodeCamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed devCodeCamp on Course Report - you should start there!

Is devCodeCamp legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 245 devCodeCamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed devCodeCamp and rate their overall experience a 4.76 out of 5.

Does devCodeCamp offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like devCodeCamp offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read devCodeCamp reviews?

You can read 245 reviews of devCodeCamp on Course Report! devCodeCamp alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed devCodeCamp and rate their overall experience a 4.76 out of 5.

Is devCodeCamp accredited?


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