Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python & Machine Learning, Growth & Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries.
Beginners are welcome at Le Wagon. Applicants of the Web Development bootcamp do not need any previous technical experience, but should be motivated, curious, and social. Applicants to the Data Science bootcamp should have basic knowledge of programming and mathematics.
Students at Le Wagon have access to comprehensive career services, such as 1:1 coaching, tech talks, and assistance with job materials and Github. Le Wagon offers students access to their extensive hiring network, and organizes regular recruiting events for students to participate in. Graduates will have lifetime access to Le Wagon’s learning platform.
Le Wagon offers various scholarships and financing options, such as installment plans, Income Share Agreements, public funding, and more.
For the lazy ones 😉:
+ Well structured days with lecture, coding with a buddy and live coding session.
+ Large learning platform: videos of the lectures to rewatch, learning cards, cheatsheets, tasks with solutions, etc.
+ Good and competent teachers
+ Interesting classmates from all around the world, of different ages, with different professional backgrounds
--> Net Promoter Score 10/10
A bit more detailed 🧐:
For the lazy ones 😉:
+ Well structured days with lecture, coding with a buddy and live coding session.
+ Large learning platform: videos of the lectures to rewatch, learning cards, cheatsheets, tasks with solutions, etc.
+ Good and competent teachers
+ Interesting classmates from all around the world, of different ages, with different professional backgrounds
--> Net Promoter Score 10/10
A bit more detailed 🧐:
My background: After working for several years as an account manager for several companies, I came to a point in my life where I had to decide whether I wanted to continue or whether I wanted to develop in a new direction. Coding and programming have always interested me, but I have somehow never found the right entry. Through a friend I came across Le Wagon and then got over quitting my job and visiting the boot camp.
I visited the batch in autumn 2018 with about 40 others. At the beginning I thought that there were too many people, but the lessons were always very smooth. With the "buddy system" you work with a different classmate every day anyway. In general, everything is very well structured. The day starts with a lecture, then you work with the buddy on various tasks. You basically work independently, but if you can't get any further, you can fall back on the buddy. This system has a very exciting dynamic, because sometimes I understood a concept better and thus helped the buddy and sometimes vice versa. By explaining it, you learn a lot yourself. In the evening follows a live coding session in class.
The learning platform is very well structured with all the tasks (built-in solutions), videos and slides of the lectures, flashcards, etc. (Of course you still have access after the course).
Some teachers are Le Wagon Alumnis, but all are competent and more than capable. For more complicated topics (e.g. SQL) there are also external experts who teach.
Le Wagon has been a sort of cathartic career changing experience for me. I had no idea that I was able to learn so many valuable skills in such a short time-frame. Having studied completely different subjects for the past 7 years, I thought that coding would be a very difficult challenge. Alas, the teachers in Berlin proved me otherwise. Le Wagon's methods are simple, to the point and quite clear about where they are heading towards during the 9-week program. You learn all the basics to be...
Le Wagon has been a sort of cathartic career changing experience for me. I had no idea that I was able to learn so many valuable skills in such a short time-frame. Having studied completely different subjects for the past 7 years, I thought that coding would be a very difficult challenge. Alas, the teachers in Berlin proved me otherwise. Le Wagon's methods are simple, to the point and quite clear about where they are heading towards during the 9-week program. You learn all the basics to become a good web developer through a completely hands-on approach. You write your code, you test it, you break it, and you have those 10 seconds of bliss when it finally works. Then you move on to the next exercise and to the same process all over again. All of this punctuated with interesting talks and insights that the staff organize in a weekly basis. It is incredibly interesting and really helps you if you’re not familiar with the whole tech scene.
The staff is incredibly friendly and always willing to teach you and help you with whatever you need. From the driver to the teachers, everyone is very accessible and friendly. This really made Le Wagon stand out for me, I felt like I didn't want to leave the bootcamp at the end of each day. Make no mistake, doing a bootcamp is a handful of work, but Le Wagon manages to create a excellent work environment for everyone, which made the whole learning experience a lot more enjoyable than I thought.
All of this culminates in the last 3 weeks when you work with a closed team of 3 to 4 people on your final project. It is a true taste of working in a team project, filled with the highs and lows you might expect. The teachers are even more involved than before, helping each team to design their apps. People will get stressed, your team will break new ground when it comes to coding skills and you'll learn a lot of new, specific things during the last part of the bootcamp, all of this according to what you plan on doing. Then, on the final day, you and your team demonstrate what you built to everyone, and you marvel not necessarily at the app you created, but at how everything came together in the end (sometimes against all odds) and you managed to finish everything you set out to do.
Le Wagon? 10/10, I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. I have learned valuable coding and teamwork skills that will certainly help me a lot in the years to come as I dive into a whole different field of work.
My story with Le Wagon started even before I considered becoming a developer. I was going through that moment in life when you're seeking what you really want to do with your future.
I was having a hard time to find a job in my city and decided to live in Germany to study German and apply for a Master programm in Finance. Being on my own for 6 months there made me realize that most of the things I know today were not exactly thanks to my studies during my MBA, but thanks to my wo...
My story with Le Wagon started even before I considered becoming a developer. I was going through that moment in life when you're seeking what you really want to do with your future.
I was having a hard time to find a job in my city and decided to live in Germany to study German and apply for a Master programm in Finance. Being on my own for 6 months there made me realize that most of the things I know today were not exactly thanks to my studies during my MBA, but thanks to my work experience and I started to doubt if this Master programm was really the best choice for my future as I wanted my skills to be praised rather than my degrees.
After talking with a friend about this I came to learn about Le Wagon and after some research I decided to come back to Rio and be part of it. Joining Le Wagon was one of the most amazing experiences I had. Everybody in the bootcamp was very friendly and you could trust the staff to help you in your every need. I also met people with different backgrounds than mine and that is also what made the experience amazing.
I only coded before for a short time but that wasn't an issue, the bootcamp is well structured so that a newbie can learn just as much as someone who coded before. One of the most impressive things was being able to build a fully functional web app from scratch in just two weeks. I never thought I would be able to learn so much in such a short time.
If you're considering studying with Le Wagon, know this: you will struggle and you will doubt yourself but trust them and you won't regret it.
I entered the Le Wagon bootcamp after building a career in television broadcasting for 12 years as I needed a change and changing workplaces didn’t bring the job satisfaction I was after. I started to learn to code besides my job at the time and the longer I stayed with it the more sense and fun it made. Still having doubts about my capabilities, I signed up for the bootcamp to see how I perform compared to others and to follow the path of many successful students. Studying at Le Wagon Ams...
I entered the Le Wagon bootcamp after building a career in television broadcasting for 12 years as I needed a change and changing workplaces didn’t bring the job satisfaction I was after. I started to learn to code besides my job at the time and the longer I stayed with it the more sense and fun it made. Still having doubts about my capabilities, I signed up for the bootcamp to see how I perform compared to others and to follow the path of many successful students. Studying at Le Wagon Amsterdam was a unique and fantastic experience. I loved joining a group of like-minded people who motivated me to do my best and beyond under the guidance of competent teachers to become a web developer. After completing the bootcamp, I’m even more enthusiastic to grow a career in web development than ever before.
I decided to do Le Wagon after some online research about bootcamps in Berlin and I strongly recommend it. I had a previous experience with learning to code (I completed a Virtual Reality nanodegree at Udacity), but I found the approach at Le Wagon way better. The teachers are well prepared and in just a couple of weeks I went from zero knowledge of Backend to building apps with good-looking Frontend.
Everyday we had new challenges to solve with a pair and even optionals if y...
I decided to do Le Wagon after some online research about bootcamps in Berlin and I strongly recommend it. I had a previous experience with learning to code (I completed a Virtual Reality nanodegree at Udacity), but I found the approach at Le Wagon way better. The teachers are well prepared and in just a couple of weeks I went from zero knowledge of Backend to building apps with good-looking Frontend.
Everyday we had new challenges to solve with a pair and even optionals if you finish the basic ones. Somedays I got to the end of all of them and in others I would be stuck and almost not even accomplish the first few. But it is a great way to recognize your strong and weak points. In my case, before the bootcamp I though I would be focusing more on Frontend development, just to realize that my strongest skills are actually the ones related to the Backend work.
Another advantage of the bootcamp at Le Wagon is the final project. We got to work together in groups and developed web applications with Ruby on Rails, also learning how to use Github properly. Working in group is rather different than alone, and I believe this is also an important skill to have when we want to join a company or even start one.
After all, Le Wagon was even better than I expected and I recommend it!
After going abroad and finishing High School in Canada, I wasn’t satisfied with my life on my home country, I wanted to do more and learn more and get to know new cultures, and I didn’t want to go college/university right away after High School. I really enjoyed computers and technology, so I started looking for online coding courses, but after a while I realized that it was better to learn to code in a different environment, and then I started looking for Coding Bootcamps in Europe, becau...
After going abroad and finishing High School in Canada, I wasn’t satisfied with my life on my home country, I wanted to do more and learn more and get to know new cultures, and I didn’t want to go college/university right away after High School. I really enjoyed computers and technology, so I started looking for online coding courses, but after a while I realized that it was better to learn to code in a different environment, and then I started looking for Coding Bootcamps in Europe, because I have few friends there and it would an awesome opportunity to visit then, as a bonus I would still learn how to code, so I read some reviews about Le Wagon and I was so surprised, because all of them were super positive. After talking to my parents about the idea of going abroad again and study coding I decided to apply to the Le Wagon in Barcelona, I have a lot of friends from Spain, and I thought it would be amazing to live in a city like Barcelona, after applying and scheduling a video call where I got know Gus the Driver from Le Wagon Barcelona, we talked about my goals to the future and what I expected about the bootcamp, and Gus is such a nice guy, since the beginning until the end of the course he is always there supporting the students. After the video call he sent me a small Ruby test, that I had to finish on the next few days, and then I got accepted.
One special thing about Le Wagon is their community, the teachers and TAs are amazing, they are always helping you, no matter what. The course itself is very well structured, everything you learn since the beginning is important on the following weeks, don’t get me wrong, you have to be very focused and committed to code for the whole day, but trust me at Le Wagon time flies, it’s not boring, it’s fun and rewarding, every day you get to work with a different classmate, and this way you are always making some type of networking, and by the end of the bootcamp I’m sure your classmates will be like a family to you, it happened to me. And on the last two weeks where we were able to build our own apps from the scratch and present it to the public at the demo day and seeing what we were capable of was amazing, the best part of the bootcamp, indeed.
After the bootcamp I can surely say that Le Wagon really changed my life, Le Wagon gave me purpose and it opened opportunities for me in the future, with coding you are always learning and that’s the cool thing about coding it never stops evolving. The next step for me is going to College and learn even more about Web Development and new technologies, and of course, explore the world while coding. Thanks for changing my life Le Wagon Barcelona.
經過兩年的思考,抱著破釜沈舟的決心,決定辭去工作,重拾曾經大學接觸過的領域,也因為這是我唯一有點基礎的技能,聊勝於無。搜尋課程花了很長的時間,因為實在不知道要從什麼語言學起,網路上的建議也眾說紛紜。最後,抱著姑且一試的心情,報名了網路上口碑最好的Le Wagon。我的目標很簡單,提高薪水、培養技能,也希望以後講到自己的經歷時,能夠自豪的說:“我大學念資訊,現在是一名工程師。”
開始上課後,這些擔心卻完全拋至腦後,因為,並沒有時間及精力讓我胡思亂想。每天的課程從早到晚,課程結束後,大家非常有默契的留下來繼續練習及討論,受到這個氛圍影響,我也絲毫不敢懈怠。不同於大學課程,Le Wagon更注重實作及培養思考能力,透過大量的練習將課程內容融會貫通,同時在老師、助教及同學的幫助下,學習解決問題的辦法。
I took the bootcamp in Bali, expecting to be able to program some of the ideas I had in my mind and get a better access to technology. These expectations were exceeded, by far.
First of all, the learning platform that the guys of Le Wagon have developed is impressive, to put it mildly. All the materials were accessible and everything felt super intuitive. The platform in my view is not only supportive but an integral part of the program.
Second, I was super impressed by...
I took the bootcamp in Bali, expecting to be able to program some of the ideas I had in my mind and get a better access to technology. These expectations were exceeded, by far.
First of all, the learning platform that the guys of Le Wagon have developed is impressive, to put it mildly. All the materials were accessible and everything felt super intuitive. The platform in my view is not only supportive but an integral part of the program.
Second, I was super impressed by the quality of teaching. I am now in my third week after the bootcamp and still very excited about all the things and got to know about technology. Also, the practical nature of the camp was very much how I like to learn things. And the ticketing system for when you need support is efficient, giving always access to either a teacher or a teaching assistant.
Third, I believe the main language - Ruby - that is being thought is an excellent entry point to software development, as it is much easier to understand than most other languages I have seen so far. Once this is mastered, I truly believe that learning another language will be much easier.
Overall, I can thoroughly recommend the course, especially if you're willing to step into the world of technology and want to take ownership of it.
Before joining Le Wagon I was working as a business developer in a big French construction company, based in Hong Kong.
I joined the camp because I had been thinking for a while of switching and going in IT. But IT is so big I did not know what to do there nor how to switch. By talking with friends working in different fields and by having a closer link at what they each did I figured that web development would be a fun way to start coding and entering the IT world.
Some of ...
Before joining Le Wagon I was working as a business developer in a big French construction company, based in Hong Kong.
I joined the camp because I had been thinking for a while of switching and going in IT. But IT is so big I did not know what to do there nor how to switch. By talking with friends working in different fields and by having a closer link at what they each did I figured that web development would be a fun way to start coding and entering the IT world.
Some of them mentioned different bootcamp that they knew of, but Le Wagon is the only one good friends attended. Since I know them well and trust them, when they told me that it was a great experience I just went for it.
The camp experience was intense, days can be long (10-12h). You have many things to learn and find out that 24h in a day is not enough to to everything, learning and having a life. Although it was intense it was also great as the other buddies attending the bootcamp were all nice and fun people. There was a good team spirit and solidarity, since we all came in here to learn as much as we could and all had different objectives for after the camp.
I'm pretty social, love meeting people, and Le Wagon introduced me to an impressive diversity of people. Several nationalities being represented (13 was it?), many different backgrounds etc. It was perfect!
For people hesitating doing a coding bootcamp I'd say, it will be intense don't fool yourself, but you will learn a lot and will come out of it with good buddies and be part of a family.
When I was young, I always dreamed about being a hacker, growing up watching movies such as “The Matrix” or “Hackers”. I used to imagine myself quickly typing lines upon lines of code onto my computer screen.
Despite initially studying marketing and being inclined towards that career path, I swiftly began to move towards web project management, thinking one day I would be able to pursue my dream career and become a developer. I tried to work on very technical ...
When I was young, I always dreamed about being a hacker, growing up watching movies such as “The Matrix” or “Hackers”. I used to imagine myself quickly typing lines upon lines of code onto my computer screen.
Despite initially studying marketing and being inclined towards that career path, I swiftly began to move towards web project management, thinking one day I would be able to pursue my dream career and become a developer. I tried to work on very technical projects and teach myself on websites such as “Code Academy” or “Le Site du Zero” (“OpenClassroom” for the older people). The main problem that I used to encounter with these websites was that I had some difficulties when trying to understand the global view about programming. Overall, even after finishing a tutorial I still felt like I couldn’t create something by myself.
After browsing the internet, I came across Le Wagon! For me, the Bootcamp format was an ideal solution because the training seemed fast and complete.
Le Wagon really was an amazing experience. It gives you the chance to meet so many people who all come from different places.
If I had to sum up my experience, I would say that:
At the end of my time at Wagon, there was the impression that you could learn absolutely anything and create any kind of web product. I must admit that at times the pace of learning was very intense and there were times where I felt a little bit lost, but you have to really trust their teaching methods and ways of learning because at the end you will finally be able to thoroughly understand all of the different concepts.
As for now, I am a Full Stack Developer at a start-up company and I love what I do. However, the lines of code don’t roll across my screen at a fast speed as they do in the movies! I still have a lot to learn, but I am happy to have had the chance to change my career path all thanks to Le Wagon.
I have been working as a management consultant for the past 3 years, but my dream in life is to become an entrepreneur and launch my own startup. Choosing to attend Le Wagon was probably one of the best decisions of my life.
Why Le Wagon? Le Wagon’s mission is indeed to “bring technical skills to creative people”. This is exactly what I was looking for as a beginner and as a wanna-be entrepreneur. Le Wagon’s bootcamp by far exceeded my expectatio...
I have been working as a management consultant for the past 3 years, but my dream in life is to become an entrepreneur and launch my own startup. Choosing to attend Le Wagon was probably one of the best decisions of my life.
Why Le Wagon? Le Wagon’s mission is indeed to “bring technical skills to creative people”. This is exactly what I was looking for as a beginner and as a wanna-be entrepreneur. Le Wagon’s bootcamp by far exceeded my expectations for a thousand reasons, the main 3 being:
I am infinitely grateful to Le Wagon. Le Wagon has been my springboard to acquire the precious technical skills I need to realize my startup’s app MVP and a strong developer mindset.
Interactive designer for 22 years, I could experience and see evolve the tech environment through many angles. The trades related to tech industry are constantly changing, some disappear, others endure and segment themselves, which is why it is important to maintain a constant technological watch and to train as often as possible - lately I chose to follow the Bootcamp Le Wagon in Bordeaux because I had not to miss the techy Wagon train that goes straight to the future!
This training,...
Interactive designer for 22 years, I could experience and see evolve the tech environment through many angles. The trades related to tech industry are constantly changing, some disappear, others endure and segment themselves, which is why it is important to maintain a constant technological watch and to train as often as possible - lately I chose to follow the Bootcamp Le Wagon in Bordeaux because I had not to miss the techy Wagon train that goes straight to the future!
This training, however intensive, and whatever its level of apprehension of the code, allows any motivated entrepreneurs to obtain a teaching rich in new ideas to develop its activity. And what's more satisfying than discovering the secrets of web development from a team of caring and passionate teachers.
Matthieu Dubois - Designer UX-UI - Le Wagon Alumni Batch#191
How much does Le Wagon cost?
The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Le Wagon does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!
What courses does Le Wagon teach?
Le Wagon offers courses like Data Analytics Bootcamp, Data Analytics Bootcamp Online, Data Analytics Essentials Skill Course, Data Engineering Bootcamp and 12 more.
Where does Le Wagon have campuses?
Le Wagon has in-person campuses in Amsterdam, Bali, Barcelona, Berlin, Bordeaux, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Casablanca, Cologne, Dubai, Lausanne, Lille, Lisbon, London, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Mauritius, Melbourne, Mexico City, Montreal, Munich, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Porto, Rennes, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toulouse, and Zurich. Le Wagon also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Le Wagon worth it?
Le Wagon hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 3,572 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Le Wagon legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 3,572 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Does Le Wagon offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Le Wagon offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Le Wagon reviews?
You can read 3,572 reviews of Le Wagon on Course Report! Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Is Le Wagon accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Le Wagon doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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