Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python & Machine Learning, Growth & Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries.
Beginners are welcome at Le Wagon. Applicants of the Web Development bootcamp do not need any previous technical experience, but should be motivated, curious, and social. Applicants to the Data Science bootcamp should have basic knowledge of programming and mathematics.
Students at Le Wagon have access to comprehensive career services, such as 1:1 coaching, tech talks, and assistance with job materials and Github. Le Wagon offers students access to their extensive hiring network, and organizes regular recruiting events for students to participate in. Graduates will have lifetime access to Le Wagon’s learning platform.
Le Wagon offers various scholarships and financing options, such as installment plans, Income Share Agreements, public funding, and more.
All structure since the lecture , the challenges and live coding. All the students and staffs were fantastic! Probably this helped a lot.
Everyone were involved in a way that I felt they really care about us. I could realize that some had a certain difficulty on some aspects but always tried to solve the issue. Was an amazing experience !
Just want to thank all the effort that turn me into a better programmer and made me feel that I reach another level on programming
All structure since the lecture , the challenges and live coding. All the students and staffs were fantastic! Probably this helped a lot.
Everyone were involved in a way that I felt they really care about us. I could realize that some had a certain difficulty on some aspects but always tried to solve the issue. Was an amazing experience !
Just want to thank all the effort that turn me into a better programmer and made me feel that I reach another level on programming
After 10 years of working in Finance I became completely disillusioned with the industry and decided I wanted to increase my skill set in the world of tech, and actually understand what went into building a product and the code behind it.
I looked at a number of different coding schools in London but Le Wagon immediately stood out. The campus is light and open plan which made a great environment for all the students in which to learn. The main reason I was conv...
After 10 years of working in Finance I became completely disillusioned with the industry and decided I wanted to increase my skill set in the world of tech, and actually understand what went into building a product and the code behind it.
I looked at a number of different coding schools in London but Le Wagon immediately stood out. The campus is light and open plan which made a great environment for all the students in which to learn. The main reason I was convinced to apply however, was the community of past students and current teachers that I had a chance to speak to.
Le Wagon have an incredible number of brilliant Teachers and Teaching Assistants (mostly made up of ex bootcamp graduates), which made what is a very daunting learning process, one of the best decisions I've made. The bootcamp is intense, but the Le Wagon community are there to help you along every step of the way.
I went from not knowing what a terminal was, to designing, implementing and shipping to production a Rails prototype on a progressive web app called Podfast with a team of 4 in two weeks. The concept was then presented at the Barbican in-front of 300 people!
The variety of students from all walks of life and a huge variety of different backgrounds was so refreshing as well, as it meant everyone was learning in the same boat.
To anyone sitting on the fence, take the leap! You won't regret it!
J’ai fait le bootcamp du Wagon Bordeaux cet automne. Je suis très satisfait de cette formation qui est allée au-delà de mes attentes. Ce fut une expérience incroyable qui m’a permis de faire la connaissance avec des gens que je n’aurais sûrement pas rencontré en dehors du Wagon. Les enseignants sont très compétents et m’ont aidé à progresser rapidement. Le staff a été accueillant et à l’écoute tout au long de la formation.Pendant le Wagon nous avons été amenés à travaill...
J’ai fait le bootcamp du Wagon Bordeaux cet automne. Je suis très satisfait de cette formation qui est allée au-delà de mes attentes. Ce fut une expérience incroyable qui m’a permis de faire la connaissance avec des gens que je n’aurais sûrement pas rencontré en dehors du Wagon. Les enseignants sont très compétents et m’ont aidé à progresser rapidement. Le staff a été accueillant et à l’écoute tout au long de la formation.Pendant le Wagon nous avons été amenés à travailler en binôme et chaque jour c’est avec une personne différente. C’est quelque chose que j’ai beaucoup apprécié puisque ça permet d’aborder les problèmes différemment et permet de s’enrichir tant sur le plan technique qu’humain.J’avais déjà fait du code avant le Wagon et pendant les premières semaines j’ai pu apporter mon aide à mon buddy du jour. C’est l’expérience humaine qui a été plus marquante durant la première partie de la formation plutôt que l’aspect technique. Après les trois premières semaines le niveau des élèves s’équilibre et les compétences de chacun ressortent grâce à leur expérience et c’est ça qui fait la force du Wagon. Il en résulte alors un mélange d’expériences et de compétences qui ont permis de réaliser des projets très intéressants lors du DemoDay.J’ai participé à un projet d’application avec 2 autres personnes. Cette application,
Seven Spaces, consiste à proposer à ses utilisateurs de créer ou rejoindre des salons de chat restreints. Ce qui donnent la possibilité de pouvoir discuter sur internet en diminuant drastiquement le risque de recevoir des messages haineux ou non-respectueux lors de discussions comme sur certaines plateformes sociales. En effet le créateur du salon peut exclure un utilisateur facilement s’il tente de nuire à la convivialité du salon.Je recommande vivement cette formation à tous ceux motivés qui souhaitent apprendre à coder. Avant de se lancer il faut bien garder à l’esprit que la charge de travail et le rythme sont conséquents.
Before joining the bootcamp I was working as a Supervisor in different restaurants across London. I wanted a change so I decided to join Le Wagon.
I can easily say this turned out to be one of the best experiences in my life!
The learning method is amazing since it makes you learn so much in a short period of time. When I started, I didn’t have any previous coding experience, and in just two months I learned how to build full web applications.
Before joining the bootcamp I was working as a Supervisor in different restaurants across London. I wanted a change so I decided to join Le Wagon.
I can easily say this turned out to be one of the best experiences in my life!
The learning method is amazing since it makes you learn so much in a short period of time. When I started, I didn’t have any previous coding experience, and in just two months I learned how to build full web applications.
The course makes you improve day after day and also teaches you not to give up, allowing you to create amazing things in no time.
After nine weeks of intensive learning with Le Wagon, I’ve not only gained a deeper understanding of full-stack web development, but the confidence and knowledge to extend my learning to other technical areas.
I can only strongly recommend Le Wagon to anyone willing to learn how to code!
Après 20 années passées dans le domaine des Ressources Humaines en tant que Key Account Manager et Recruteur à Paris, j’ai réalisé un bilan de compétences il y a 1 an dans le but d’effectuer une reconversion professionnelle. Très vite, j’ai su que je voulais évoluer dans le monde de la tech et plus précisément celui du web.
Après avoir discuté avec plusieurs développeurs et plusieurs amis qui travaillent dans ce domaine, tous m’ont vivement conseillé de postule...
Après 20 années passées dans le domaine des Ressources Humaines en tant que Key Account Manager et Recruteur à Paris, j’ai réalisé un bilan de compétences il y a 1 an dans le but d’effectuer une reconversion professionnelle. Très vite, j’ai su que je voulais évoluer dans le monde de la tech et plus précisément celui du web.
Après avoir discuté avec plusieurs développeurs et plusieurs amis qui travaillent dans ce domaine, tous m’ont vivement conseillé de postuler à la formation du Wagon. Désireux de revenir sur Bordeaux et après avoir fait le travail préparatoire j’ai eu la chance de faire partie du batch 325.
Le moins que je puisse dire, c’est que cette formation a tenu toutes ses promesses. L’équipe pédagogique est aux petits soins pour chacun des élèves, nous accompagne pour nous aider à nous surpasser et le système de buddies nous permet d’aller plus loin et de nous entraider. L’apprentissage par le biais de cours mais surtout de résolution d’exercices au quotidien est très performant. Et le résultat est incroyable.
2 sites web réalisés en moins de 3 semaines en fin de formation. Fraîchement diplômé, je recherche un poste de développeur web sur Bordeaux et ai déjà plusieurs entretiens programmés.
Mon expérience au Wagon Bordeaux fut très positive, le rythme des journées, l’organisation, l’enchaînement du programme rien n’est laissé au hasard.
J’ai beaucoup apprécié l’ambiance générale de mon batch l’entre aide quotidienne entre les élèves et le soutient des professeurs. Débutant en programmation, je suis surpris de tout ce que j’ai pu apprendre en 9 semaines, c’est lorsque nous avons présenté notre projet que j’ai réalisé tout le chemin que...
Mon expérience au Wagon Bordeaux fut très positive, le rythme des journées, l’organisation, l’enchaînement du programme rien n’est laissé au hasard.
J’ai beaucoup apprécié l’ambiance générale de mon batch l’entre aide quotidienne entre les élèves et le soutient des professeurs. Débutant en programmation, je suis surpris de tout ce que j’ai pu apprendre en 9 semaines, c’est lorsque nous avons présenté notre projet que j’ai réalisé tout le chemin que j’avais fait.
Nous avons eu l’idée de développer une plateforme qui permet de parier des sommes d’argent contre ses amis pour des séances de running. Pari réussi puisque nous avons présenté le jour-j une application fonctionnelle, Run2beatMe !
J’ai trouvé les challenges journaliers particulièrement efficaces, car ils m’ont poussé à me débrouiller de manière autonome face à une problématique, et c’est cet état d’esprit qui aujourd’hui, à la sortie du Wagon, me permet de continuer d’apprendre en autonomie.
Cette formation m’a également apporté une base de connaissances solides pour lancer sereinement ma carrière de développeur.
Je recommande vivement la formation du Wagon à tous ceux qui souhaitent se challenger et cultiver un état d’esprit de développeur !
Before I start : I have a background in psychology and knowledge of art & design, I’ve also always been curious of learning a lot of things.
My initial question before I started this journey was:
Why coding? This is the question that I have been asked for a lot of times, also the same question I asked myself before I decided to attend Le Wagon. Why coding, instead of other things? Why choose coding at this tim...
Before I start : I have a background in psychology and knowledge of art & design, I’ve also always been curious of learning a lot of things.
My initial question before I started this journey was:
Why coding? This is the question that I have been asked for a lot of times, also the same question I asked myself before I decided to attend Le Wagon. Why coding, instead of other things? Why choose coding at this time, instead of before or later?. What helped me take the leap was a voice inside of me saying “ WHY NOT coding? Don’t you see the possibility? if you don’t learn coding, you could be illiteracy in just a few years?” This voice may be scary, but try to check what’s going on around you, think about it. Get your answer, because this is really serious!
Making the choice:
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” (A Tale of Two Cities)
This a quote from “A Tale of Two Cities” and it relates a lot to learning how to code nowadays.
If you start to be interested in coding, you can find tons of ways of learning. Sometimes too many options, you feel dazzled. This decision is especially hard for a person born under the sign of Libra :-) I am lucky, because I know someone who graduated from Le Wagon. And I saw his career changing after he graduated. When he started, I couldn’t believe that one’s life can be changed only after 9 weeks. Because this is counter my common sense. I have been taught that you need 10 000 hours of practice to be good at something. But this friend is the hard fact, which I couldn’t ignore and deny it. So I decided to try by myself, to see how far I could go, how much my life would be changed by such “mystery” process.
I can give you my story ending: I never regret the decision I made. Furthermore, my life is changed and still changing now. This is one of my best decision I have ever made in my life.
If you experience trying to learn code by yourself, you might know you might be stuck sometimes for a few hours or even days, you don’t know where is the mistake that was made or why your code doesn’t work, and you can’t find someone to ask why. Sometimes this could lead you to a self-doubt situation, that you tell yourself: “maybe I am not made for it, I don’t have the talent to do this”. That’s exactly where Le Wagon can help. You have the opportunity to learn with a community.
Life at Le Wagon:
The schedule at Le Wagon is quite simple: lecture and then practice, practice, practice… the practice part is like an infinitive refrain of a song: you can’t get rid of it and you don’t even want to get rid of it. But, practice is the key! And we don’t practice alone. We practice with buddies (this is the cooperation system used by Le Wagon), and we have teachers’ support. You can’t be stuck in one problem for more than 1 hour, unless you really want it. I was immersed in doing the challenges, only hoping the time could fly slowly, but the time is ruthless, it never happened.
Generally, we have one-hour live-code at the end of the day. Sometimes, someone has to code in front of the class, and of course, not every day we had volunteers. You will always remember the “wheel of death” moment 😅if it happens : we randomly select someone. But don’t panic, you will always get the answer, the whole class is by your side.
Teamwork is another keyword at Le Wagon. For the whole bootcamp : with your buddies, or when you are working together for a group project. You should always keep that in mind. I was very impressed by the way we pitched for our own project, how we had feedbacks and the way we chose the project we wanted to work with. If you are accepted, you will expand your knowledge, and Le Wagon does it very efficiently.
Collaboration ❤️
In the last 3 weeks, you will work with the same teammates all the time. I had an excellent experience working with my teammates. They were very supportive, cooperative. We had a lot of meetings to review, discuss, plan our daily work. Usually meeting means boring moments, waste of time. But in our case, I never had this kind of feeling. It is very useful and necessary. I learned from everyone. Another good thing I found is, not just inside the team, cross the teams, we also made a lot of connections. Sharing or asking for help is normal during the bootcamp.
Finally making a product : the final weeks
I will never forget the last 2 weeks dedicated to our final project. From scratch to final product, we made it! I know, I still have a lot to learn. But, in less than 2 weeks, creating an app from zero, is already amazing. I couldn’t believe it before we made it. We worked a lot, myself, my teammates, the whole team of Teachers. I am so proud of it, indescribably proud of it!.
My pieces of advice:
9 weeks is like a little nap, without having a dream, suddenly you are woken up. It is tough, but it is a looooot of fun. Besides the new career opportunity, it is also the opportunity to challenge yourself, to see the benefits after your hard work. You can’t buy a sense of accomplishment, never, the only way to do it is to commit.
Find this mystery joy by yourself. Then, you will be as me, as my classmates, as the alumni around the world, grateful and satisfied.
After a decade working as an Engineer for a giant resource company, I took a self-granted sabbatical and found new passions in programming and product design. I decided to change direction to tech industry upon returning back to the workforce, and soon faced w/ roadblocks. I’ve invested countless hour and dollars in online educations, but without proper guidance and support, it was very easy to be lost in ocean of information and outdated technology. And I still couldn’t achieve what...
After a decade working as an Engineer for a giant resource company, I took a self-granted sabbatical and found new passions in programming and product design. I decided to change direction to tech industry upon returning back to the workforce, and soon faced w/ roadblocks. I’ve invested countless hour and dollars in online educations, but without proper guidance and support, it was very easy to be lost in ocean of information and outdated technology. And I still couldn’t achieve what I was aiming for.
Attending Le Wagon bootcamp is one of the best investment I’ve made for myself. Not only the bootcamp is packed with technology that is currently being used in the market, I also had a privilege to pair up and work together with talented budding programmers from all walk of life, thanks to the sophisticated structure of the bootcamp. For our final project, our team also successfully created a useful data analytics web app from scratch within 2 weeks. It was made possible because we got to understand the fundamental of the programming itself, how to be creative with it, how to handle the roadblocks and how to do programming effectively within a team. We didn’t just learn how to program, we’ve learned how to be a programmer. Post bootcamp, there are even more resources and supports made available to us to continue our learning to the next level. And as someone who’s coming back from a long career break and made quite a career change, Le Wagon is very supportive in guiding and help me to pave the way getting into tech scene. At the moment, I feel comfortable and on the right track to where I want to be.My journey at Le Wagon has been a great experience which will hopefully help me to change my career path, and lead me into the development industry. I spent the last 15 years in different industries from automotive, to supply chain and advertising on the sales side before I joined the Bootcamp. I wanted to make a change to the tech side, either by jumping into the tech industry or even launching my own project. I chose the Le Wagon Bootcamp because I thought it would be the perfect way to ...
My journey at Le Wagon has been a great experience which will hopefully help me to change my career path, and lead me into the development industry. I spent the last 15 years in different industries from automotive, to supply chain and advertising on the sales side before I joined the Bootcamp. I wanted to make a change to the tech side, either by jumping into the tech industry or even launching my own project. I chose the Le Wagon Bootcamp because I thought it would be the perfect way to get there.
What I liked the most about learning how to code at Le Wagon was the way the days were structured. We had a lecture in the morning and then we spent the rest of the day working on challenges in pairs and ended the day with a live code session. The teachers and teaching assistants were also available throughout the day to assist whenever needed. I think it's not only the best way to learn how to code but to learn in general! I really felt comfortable learning; no question was too small, and they made the effort to stay late to give extra help and even went the extra mile to organize trips on weekends for us.
I'm really proud of my final project - Green Room. A unified booking portal for Bollywood actors, producers, cameramen. It's crazy to think back and realize that we were able to build a fully functioning app - in 2 weeks and after just 7 weeks of lessons! I love that Le Wagon enables you to work on producing the solution to a problem you might be passionate about.
I had the best time learning to code in Bali. I'm sure other Le Wagon alumni have similar experiences as me but I can't emphasize enough just how special Bali is. The weather is always great - from sunrise to sunset. It made it easier to keep motivated as I learned how to code. I also really liked my batch and it was easy to make friends.
It was without a doubt, a very intense course but ultimately, so rewarding! I'd like to thank the entire Le Wagon Bali team and my batch #253, especially Dirk, the teachers and TAs, Guido, Prima, Sonia, Margo, Eli, Magnus and Mirha. I'm very happy and very proud to be part of the Le Wagon Bali family.
What I liked about Le Wagon Tokyo in short,
What I liked about Le Wagon Tokyo in short,
I truly recommend Le Wagon Tokyo if you are looking for a coding Bootcamp in Tokyo.
Best experience of my life. It changed my life forever. I grew up in mental and personality skills.
How much does Le Wagon cost?
The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Le Wagon does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!
What courses does Le Wagon teach?
Le Wagon offers courses like Data Analytics Bootcamp, Data Analytics Bootcamp Online, Data Analytics Essentials Skill Course, Data Engineering Bootcamp and 12 more.
Where does Le Wagon have campuses?
Le Wagon has in-person campuses in Amsterdam, Bali, Barcelona, Berlin, Bordeaux, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Casablanca, Cologne, Dubai, Lausanne, Lille, Lisbon, London, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Mauritius, Melbourne, Mexico City, Montreal, Munich, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Porto, Rennes, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toulouse, and Zurich. Le Wagon also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Le Wagon worth it?
Le Wagon hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 3,572 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Le Wagon legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 3,572 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Does Le Wagon offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Le Wagon offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Le Wagon reviews?
You can read 3,572 reviews of Le Wagon on Course Report! Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Is Le Wagon accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Le Wagon doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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