Le Wagon is a global tech training provider that offers full-time, in-person and online bootcamps in Web Development, Data Science, and Data Analytics. Le Wagon also offers part-time courses in Web Analytics, Python & Machine Learning, Growth & Data Automation, and Data Analytics Essentials. Le Wagon is aimed at individuals seeking to change careers or acquire specific skills. Le Wagon’s training has helped more than 18,000 students accelerate their careers, transition into tech, or launch startups. Le Wagon was founded in 2013 in Paris, and now has in-person campuses in over 40 cities and 25 countries.
Beginners are welcome at Le Wagon. Applicants of the Web Development bootcamp do not need any previous technical experience, but should be motivated, curious, and social. Applicants to the Data Science bootcamp should have basic knowledge of programming and mathematics.
Students at Le Wagon have access to comprehensive career services, such as 1:1 coaching, tech talks, and assistance with job materials and Github. Le Wagon offers students access to their extensive hiring network, and organizes regular recruiting events for students to participate in. Graduates will have lifetime access to Le Wagon’s learning platform.
Le Wagon offers various scholarships and financing options, such as installment plans, Income Share Agreements, public funding, and more.
I'm an engineering student, finishing my degree. I love tech and had a little experience with code before. Le Wagon was the best choice to jump deep in this world, as I wanted to turn more digital. It was an awesome decision that I'm really happy now to have pursued. I feel ready for a job as a developer, product owner, and more. I had big expectations, and they were surpassed. Amazing how fast we can learn and the environment is just amazing! I miss it so much already. It made the experie...
I'm an engineering student, finishing my degree. I love tech and had a little experience with code before. Le Wagon was the best choice to jump deep in this world, as I wanted to turn more digital. It was an awesome decision that I'm really happy now to have pursued. I feel ready for a job as a developer, product owner, and more. I had big expectations, and they were surpassed. Amazing how fast we can learn and the environment is just amazing! I miss it so much already. It made the experience really unique. I loved meeting people with different backgrounds and coming from different places, but with the same goal: dive into code! #Rio 230
I was offered the possibility to join le Wagon as part of my Master’s Degree at HEC. I had heard about le Wagon through a few friends who had previously followed the bootcamp. They had all finished with stars in their eyes and amazing job opportunities/offers so I jumped on the occasion ! I was not disappointed.
Indeed, le Wagon offers a great combination of hard work, excellent guidance, great people and good fun. You will learn how to code with Ruby on Rails, using Javascript, ...
I was offered the possibility to join le Wagon as part of my Master’s Degree at HEC. I had heard about le Wagon through a few friends who had previously followed the bootcamp. They had all finished with stars in their eyes and amazing job opportunities/offers so I jumped on the occasion ! I was not disappointed.
Indeed, le Wagon offers a great combination of hard work, excellent guidance, great people and good fun. You will learn how to code with Ruby on Rails, using Javascript, ActiveRecord, SQL and many other languages and first and foremost you will learn how to build and design a user-centric product.
I am currently teaching assistant for the following batch of students at le Wagon. I am now learning how to explain difficult concepts and solve students’ problems.
Thanks to the technical skills, the bootcamp has brought me, I have considerably broaden my career perspectives to jobs such as developper, product owner or IT consultant. Furthermore, I now have access to a lifelong network which has already proven to be of great help.
I would recommend this bootcamp without hesitating to anyone looking to earn technical skills, to take a step in their career or even just to open their mind to web development !
I was an optician before starting my Wagon training in january. I really wanted to change careers and I especially wanted to turn to digital. After some research, I decided to embark on the adventure, and 3 months later, I am trained and ready to look for a job as a Ruby fullstack developer. The Wagon is by far the most beautiful adventure I have ever known, it is above all excellent teachers, a fantastic school, and an unbeatable network. Once you've done The Wagon...
I was an optician before starting my Wagon training in january. I really wanted to change careers and I especially wanted to turn to digital. After some research, I decided to embark on the adventure, and 3 months later, I am trained and ready to look for a job as a Ruby fullstack developer. The Wagon is by far the most beautiful adventure I have ever known, it is above all excellent teachers, a fantastic school, and an unbeatable network. Once you've done The Wagon, you'll come to a very close and enthusiastic community, which will always be there to guide you in your entrepreneurial choices, or to help you with a line of code.
The Wagon was one of the best experiences I had attending school!
Not only did I learn very useful skills regarding my carreer, but it also feels like I am now part of a great network.
Everything lead me to a carreer in business, but thanks to Le Wagon, I can now access so much more opportunities (developper, PO etc)!
As for the courses themselves, they are very interesting. Thanks to the method “learning by doing”, we could improve our skills very fast and become full-stac...
The Wagon was one of the best experiences I had attending school!
Not only did I learn very useful skills regarding my carreer, but it also feels like I am now part of a great network.
Everything lead me to a carreer in business, but thanks to Le Wagon, I can now access so much more opportunities (developper, PO etc)!
As for the courses themselves, they are very interesting. Thanks to the method “learning by doing”, we could improve our skills very fast and become full-stack developpers in only nine weeks. Last but not least, the atmosphere at Le Wagon is great, it really was a pleasure to wake up and go learn how to code everyday :)
I have been thinking about following Le Wagon bootcamp since the day I heard about it. All the people that knew about it were unanimous. So when my school offered me the possibility to follow The Wagon bootcamp as part of my last year of studies, I didn’t really hesitate.
All I can say is that I wasn’t disappointed. With all the expectations I had in the bootcamp, it still found a way to get me positively surprised.
I really was eager to learn about coding, it’s really the f...
I have been thinking about following Le Wagon bootcamp since the day I heard about it. All the people that knew about it were unanimous. So when my school offered me the possibility to follow The Wagon bootcamp as part of my last year of studies, I didn’t really hesitate.
All I can say is that I wasn’t disappointed. With all the expectations I had in the bootcamp, it still found a way to get me positively surprised.
I really was eager to learn about coding, it’s really the field of study that motivated me. I wasn’t really thinking about my career, or that it would look good on my resume, it was all about learning something that I find deeply passionating.
That is the thing with this bootcamp I guess, you find yourself in an environment that enhance that motivation. Everybody arounds you is also eager to learn and motivated (including the people actually working there). All the tools that Le Wagon developed are amazingly easy-to-use and help you get caught in the « game ».
So yes, it is an intensive bootcamp, but you learn so much, and more importantly maybe, you enjoy all the process. Once it is finished, it is really when I realized all the things that I have learnt, the new way of thinking that I developed. All the pieces put themselves together, it is a great feeling.
Also, Le Wagon’s ecosystem is impressive, all tech companies know about this formation and value it, it definitely opens many doors.
The formation is amazing, the environment is amazing, the network is also amazing. I would do it again without any second thought !
I was business developper in my previous job and I have always been attracted by the digital market. As a neophyte in web developement I choose to attend Le Wagon. Can they really teach me how to build a web app in 9 weeks ? After that training I can easily say "yes". Moreover, they made me reallize I could be good at it. I can only recommand to choose Le Wagon. The community is amazing and always open to new members. So let's join us !
you would think the slogan is a bit cheesy for Le Wagon but they do in fact change lives. Mine was one of these, I would have never foreseen the amount of change that came into my life from taking a le wagon bootcamp.
It has been 4 months since the end of my bootcamp in lisbon. I have been working in a family office fintech startup in brussels for the past 3 and a half months. One of my colleagues for the bootcamp final project liked my work and recommended me to his CTO, I had t...
you would think the slogan is a bit cheesy for Le Wagon but they do in fact change lives. Mine was one of these, I would have never foreseen the amount of change that came into my life from taking a le wagon bootcamp.
It has been 4 months since the end of my bootcamp in lisbon. I have been working in a family office fintech startup in brussels for the past 3 and a half months. One of my colleagues for the bootcamp final project liked my work and recommended me to his CTO, I had the job interview the day after the final bootcamp day, they rest is history and I haven't looked back yet. I really enjoy what I do, too much maybe, you could say. The need to adapt and figure things out as you go and the availability of this type of information on the web makes it a very interesting market to work in. Where as before I would struggle to pick up basic notions on these topics now I like the challenge of having to figure something out without any prior knowledge. We are building test driven api endpoints for a big contract and porting the whole app to a more segmented frontend backend microservices style one and this will involve getting into many fields and topics to study. We are now looking into graphql for the ease of development it brings to the front end development and the centralization of the routing in the backend.
My background was slightly different than what you'd think would be a usual case of a student of a programming bootcamp, but it turns out a lot of people from different backgrounds are looking for things like this more and more. I would soon find this out when meeting the rest of the classmates. I was an ok student in high school, I did one year of economics college and just didn't like it so dropped out and went to work. It wasn't exactly as cut and dry as that, I was young and immature so a lot of this work involved more lying around and wasting away then actual work but suffice to say that I didn't have a degree and was bouncing around in low qualified jobs learning the ropes of life. at some point when I was 25 I got into cleaning up myself and my life so started to treat myself better, workout , read, etc. WHich led to being slightly obsessed about cooking healthy food which led me to cooking school and a small career as a cook. Worked in hotels, pop restaurants, coffee shops, all you could think of and even river cruises, all hard and challenging in their own way.
I did always have in the back of my mind that I wanted to quench an old thirst of learning programming since my teens, all of it seemed very fascinating to me. At one point whilst working for a vietnamese pop up restaurant I signed up to volunteer for web summit. Back up a little.. My brother is a tour guide and he once had a tourist in one of his tours that ran a bootcamp similar to le wagin in barcelona, with former big tech employees the whole nine. He later told me about it and that the guy was interested in hiring my brother as a salesperson for him in portugal, the deal was that if he could sell 9 of them the 10th was free. My brother always looking out for me told me he owl give me the tenth. I was immediately fascinated with the prospect of such a thing as a bootcamp for programming, it was the first time i learned about the concept. I researched it a little but it was eye gouging expensive so there was no way with those crap jobs I had that I would have any money for it anytime soon. SO i parked the idea and filled it down in recesses of my mind. Back to web summit, when your there to meet a bunch of different people especially as a volunteer, I got to talking with this one volunteer and he was like so what's a cook doing at web summit. I told him I was itching to get into tech and was eyeing this super expensive bootcamp in barcelona but would have to park it for now, he just told me dude, i'm doing this bootcamp right here in lisbon and its way more accessible and a really good company. This was when I found out about le wagon, he told me about the local discount and the location and really brought home to me how great the organization and flow of it was. He was a former lawyer in brazil and had really no tech background nd told me it was fine for all types.
As soon as I had a computer with internet connection in front of me I was researching about this new found discovery. I was hooked this was it I had to get into this, so then before next year's web summit I was already signed up for the fall bootcamp. The process was straightforward, I had to rush the interview tech challenge because I had a long trip planned to poland. Emily was super nice and made it very unintimidating, I paid the deposit and got the prepwork. It was a lot of prepwork but it was very important. I felt like I was paying for something I had been anticipating for along while and even though it was sometimes hard to grasp what I was learning in that prepwork I had to take it seriously and finish before the boot camp. I didn't take it with me to poland so when I came back 3 weeks before the bootcamp I was cramming all day and night. It's not something you can do in a week let me tell you, so take it seriously.
The program had a good mix of organization and support, that was the thing that most stuck out to me over the months. It was really quite surprising, Kitt which is the internal exercise system they have was really impressive. The markdown they used made it a pleasure to read the exercises, eventually I felt excited to tackle the daily exercises. I was hooked, but the balancing act that the team plays with skill is managing to maintain a relaxed atmosphere whilst expecting so much from the students. In a sense it is almost self paced at least for the duration of that day then it resets the day after. Beer and dinner friday, getting to know the rest of the colleagues with pair coding. The model of morning lecture and then the rest of the day with tackling the exercises is perfect. I really enjoyed it, I couldn't know really how much I really had anticipated it. I had gone in with an open mind and no expectations, at worst it would give me closure at best it would catalyze my change of life and direction. When it got to the final project we already knew each other all very well, pair programming and the dinners had made sure of that. So I presented my idea, like anyone else who wanted to, no one was forced to do it, if you had an idea you could otherwise whatever. The voting system for these projects was another really impressive thing done with some sorting algorithm based on a bunch of data, all very high tech and once all the talks were down we had our teams. Turns out I didn't really know my team but we had a great idea and that was the cool thing.
One of the team members, the one that would later recommend me to his boss. Worked for this startup and used trello but felt the need to get more visual feedback from it so that was the basis of his project idea, get more visual KPIs from a trello sprint board. All of these lingo was super foreign to me and even though I didn't know him I felt he had the most relatable real world idea. We had almost nothing to go with at the start, for almost half of the first week we almost did no coding just to figure out how we were going to get data from trello boards into our app. Straight from the go we were ambitious, we wanted to connect to trello api and get data from a aboard onto out app and then display it. Every step required a lot of fanning out from complete darkness and the unknown, from figuring out omniauth 2 factor authentication for trello. Reading through their documentation, we even landed on luck with a great ruby wrapper around the trello api which was very well written and thus a great lesson in ruby source code. Eventually we even tried to go beyond and get webhooks working that would send back to out callback endpoint any updates from the trello board, the glory and icing on the cake was having our team mate demo the app on trello, make some huge change in the cards and watch it change the statistics on our app. Very rewarding.
Conclusion, learn to code and change your life, go to Le Wagon.
After a year and a half as a business analyst in a tech start-up I felt like I had a good understanding of our business and market. However as many of us with non-technical background, I was clearly lacking a certain number of skills in order to understand the development of our core product. I told friends about my very early mid-life crisis and met with someone who convinced me to go for Le Wagon’s bootcamp in Paris despite not having coded anything in my life. After the first few ...
After a year and a half as a business analyst in a tech start-up I felt like I had a good understanding of our business and market. However as many of us with non-technical background, I was clearly lacking a certain number of skills in order to understand the development of our core product. I told friends about my very early mid-life crisis and met with someone who convinced me to go for Le Wagon’s bootcamp in Paris despite not having coded anything in my life. After the first few days, the fear of failing had completely vanished - Le Wagon somehow found the perfect balance between supporting students and teaching them to reach the autonomy they’ll need as junior developers. You also get to meet with awesome people who you will want to train with every day. Le Wagon is a family with such a great spirit that you always find a way to come back for one of their many community events.
After the bootcamp, I left my business analyst position and I quickly learned Python to work in data analytics.
I had a very positive experience at Le Wagon bootcamp. Before the camp, I was the general manager of a consumer electronics distribution company, and I was looking to diversify my skills and knowledge in order to take the company to a higher level. There was never a dull moment in the camp as each hour of each day was engineered for maximum learning, and there were more days than not when I felt stretched way beyond the edge of my capabilities, but there is always support from staff and cl...
I had a very positive experience at Le Wagon bootcamp. Before the camp, I was the general manager of a consumer electronics distribution company, and I was looking to diversify my skills and knowledge in order to take the company to a higher level. There was never a dull moment in the camp as each hour of each day was engineered for maximum learning, and there were more days than not when I felt stretched way beyond the edge of my capabilities, but there is always support from staff and classmates so you can't get too lost. The camp culminated with 3 weeks of working in a team of 4, which was the most challenging and intense but also the most rewarding experience in the whole camp. We made an easy to use app to help seniors in China to get together and dance in the local parks, which has always been a popular national pastime but offline for the most part. Our team enjoyed working with each other so much, we remain good friends despite living in different countries and we will even compete in two hackathons this summer as a team. To others who are considering to join Le Wagon, I would recommend doing the pre-work 100% with all your focus. It's long, it's hard, but on week one everything takes off like a rocket ship and you want to have as much under your belt as possible before the 9 weeks journey begins.
The Wagon bootcamp has been a real achievement.
I didn't even expect heading to such a great experience when I signed in.
I'm pretty sure It's not necessary to talk about the content, just come over and take the most of it; no matter what you want to do next : becoming a web developer, a product manager, an entrepreneur or just for your own culture…
In fact, everything here is about sharing tech skills and experiences, especially because everyone here has a different backgro...
The Wagon bootcamp has been a real achievement.
I didn't even expect heading to such a great experience when I signed in.
I'm pretty sure It's not necessary to talk about the content, just come over and take the most of it; no matter what you want to do next : becoming a web developer, a product manager, an entrepreneur or just for your own culture…
In fact, everything here is about sharing tech skills and experiences, especially because everyone here has a different background. The staff is amazing, from the first day to the last, you're never left alone. Moreover, thanks to a very sharp program, it's affordable to everyone to improve his skills step by step.
I highly recommend this bootcamp to anyone!
The curriculum and the material provided are amazing: easy to understand, sharp, straight to the point and always up to date.
The first day, was probably the third time opening a terminal in my whole life, by the end of the bootcamp I was merging pull requests on GitHub and pushing my PWA on Heroku.
If you have no idea what I am talking about, that is exactly why you should join the bootcamp.
Every day, I woke up wanting to go ...
The curriculum and the material provided are amazing: easy to understand, sharp, straight to the point and always up to date.
The first day, was probably the third time opening a terminal in my whole life, by the end of the bootcamp I was merging pull requests on GitHub and pushing my PWA on Heroku.
If you have no idea what I am talking about, that is exactly why you should join the bootcamp.
Every day, I woke up wanting to go to class, wanting to learn…9 days straight, not so easy to have this motivation in University. And what is best is that you are surrounded by people that have the save anger to learn, paired with passionate teachers and TAs that are seriously there JUST because they love what they are doing. They are seriously amazing in understanding what is bugging you, how can they make it clearer, and they can repeat it 1000 times.
You will start with Ruby, and by the second week you will be playing black jack against your laptop, then you might wander ok cool… but when will I move from the terminal, and that’s when they will teach you the front-end and the beauty that is on all the apps you are surrounded by, and you have no idea how they got created (you will, promised). And from there they will teach you a MVP is built, and then it will be your turn and you will challenging yourself to create something that is actually out there, on the world wide web, and it feels immensely empowering.
After seeing engineers working their magic, I thought it would have been almost impossible for me to understand what they were doing… then I found le Wagon.
How much does Le Wagon cost?
The average bootcamp costs $14,142, but Le Wagon does not share pricing information. You can read a cost-comparison of other popular bootcamps!
What courses does Le Wagon teach?
Le Wagon offers courses like Data Analytics Bootcamp, Data Analytics Bootcamp Online, Data Analytics Essentials Skill Course, Data Engineering Bootcamp and 12 more.
Where does Le Wagon have campuses?
Le Wagon has in-person campuses in Amsterdam, Bali, Barcelona, Berlin, Bordeaux, Brussels, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Casablanca, Cologne, Dubai, Lausanne, Lille, Lisbon, London, Lyon, Madrid, Marseille, Mauritius, Melbourne, Mexico City, Montreal, Munich, Nantes, Nice, Paris, Porto, Rennes, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, Toulouse, and Zurich. Le Wagon also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Le Wagon worth it?
Le Wagon hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 3,572 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Le Wagon legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 3,572 Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Does Le Wagon offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Right now, it doesn't look like Le Wagon offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.
Can I read Le Wagon reviews?
You can read 3,572 reviews of Le Wagon on Course Report! Le Wagon alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Le Wagon and rate their overall experience a 4.95 out of 5.
Is Le Wagon accredited?
While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. Le Wagon doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.
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