Prime Digital Academy offers intensive, 20-week and 28-week full-stack coding bootcamps and a 14-week UX design bootcamp with programs available online and on campus in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Working directly with tech employers, Prime Digital Academy has created programs that equip emerging engineers and designers with the skills they need to make immediate contributions. Prime students learn modern technologies, practical methodologies, and critical behavioral skills through carefully crafted curriculum and real-world projects for pro-bono clients in the community. Prime’s immersive programs empower learners from diverse backgrounds to begin their new careers in months, not years.Prime’s full-stack engineering and UX courses prepare students with the skills and hands-on experience to develop complex software to solve business problems. Prime’s user experience design curriculum prepares students with professional practice in research, design and prototype software that is usable and meaningful. Prime graduates have been hired by nearly 800 companies, and the tight-knit learning community continues long after graduation, with students participating in mentorship, community education and ongoing alumni career support.
Prime has a great balance between focusing on coding skills and soft skills.
I graduated from Prime in January 2016. My experience at Prime was absolutely exceptional. Cohorts are 20-22 people with 2 instructors and a floating TA for the whole school. As I was somewhat early on in the program (fiifth cohort) they were still working the kinks out of the curriculum, but I thought it was fantastic. Like all other programs, like life really, you get out of it what you put into it, but I felt like the atmosphere was set up so well that it was nearly impossible not to th...
I graduated from Prime in January 2016. My experience at Prime was absolutely exceptional. Cohorts are 20-22 people with 2 instructors and a floating TA for the whole school. As I was somewhat early on in the program (fiifth cohort) they were still working the kinks out of the curriculum, but I thought it was fantastic. Like all other programs, like life really, you get out of it what you put into it, but I felt like the atmosphere was set up so well that it was nearly impossible not to throw a lot of energy into the program.
I found the instructors totally capable and enthusiastic, though sometimes unwilling to answer questions which strayed too far outside of the curriculum. Most of them are young and come from a variety of backgrounds (UX, Angular, Game Design, et c.) with (from what I could tell) 8-15 years of experience each. From what I could tell most of the staff there did not have traditional CS backgrounds, for what it is worth. At least a few had outside projects that they were getting off the ground at the same time as teaching.
The curriculum is 18 weeks total: 6 weeks of guided (and required) pre-work, they essentially give you a log-in to Code School and give you weekly assignments. The pre-work period is pretty laid-back and meant for students to complete while still working or preparing for the in-class portion.
The in-class portion (currently located in Bloomington, MN just south of Minneapolis) is twelve weeks. There is a heavy emphasis on soft skills: public speaking, working in teams, simulating working in large groups and with clients that change their minds. It seems that the curriculum is changing with every cohort but my cohort spend two weeks rehashing HTML/CSS and vanilla Javascript. The third week we went through the full stack, building out a basic app from front to back with Angular, Node.js/Express and Mongo. They have also started teachiing Post-GreSQL. The next three weeks are solidifying the basics of full stack programming. There is generally a decent sized assignment (6-12hrs) over the weekend which incorporates whatever was learned over the week. One or two nights a week there are small assignments, but there were very few nights where I felt rushed for time. One of my few complaints with the program was that there was very little feedback on assignments or progress, though all the intructors and staff seem very open to suggestion and resonsive to any big concerns.
After the in-class learning portion there was a two week personal project. This time was fairly hands off for the instructors, though they are always around to help. They 'Okay' a scope of work then send you on your way. I found this to be a great way to learn, but this might not work for everyone.
The last 3-4 weeks are spent on a group project doing pro-bono work building a full stack app for a non-profit client. This is a real project with a real deadline and expectations and while it is demanding there is a lot of support provided. They put a lot of work picking high quality clients and you can see that these folks tend to be very responsive and helpful (we calculated the value and the project would cost something like $70,000+ if done by an agency).
The last week is spent wrapping up any loose ends of projects, doing interviews with hiring partners and working though common interview questions.
Prime is closely linked to the Nerdery and there is some cross talk between students and Nerdery folks. The nerdery has only hired a handful of grads though and this is more a friendly connection than a direct pipeline.
I like to think that I could have learned all the tech stuff on my own, but it would have taken a year rather than four months. The emphasis at Prime on people is massive, though. They make sure the cohorts are diverse (in gender, race as well as backgrounds) and it is a great way to network and make friends.
I found a range of reactions to Prime in the Twin Cities tech community, many postive and exciting reactions and some who had not heard of Prime. I have yet to hear any substantive negative feedback or poor opinions yet, though they may be out there.
Placement rates as reported to us are very good, but also vary by cohort. They make this clear, though not till the end of the program. It seems like 75% of grads get jobs by three or four months post gradutation, and 95% have jobs by six months out though these numbers will probably get even better as Prime's name gets more recognition. It has been about a week since i have graduated and I have three in-person interviews and have been recieving contacts from recruiters at the rate of about one every other day. Reported salaries out of Prime are 42k-68k/yr and while they don't say anything specific they recommend asking for 50-60k, more if you have relevant experience. They do make it pretty clear (again, at the end of the program) that it is much easier to get a position within the Twin Cities than outside. So don't expect to come to Prime then go off and get a 120k job in the Bay.
Overall the experiance was great. There were some pretty tough parts, and I definitely have a few criticisms of the program and staff, but overall I'm super greatful I got to go through it.
Before I went to Prime I was stuck in a job that I did not enjoy and gave nothing back to me as person, or a professional. After going through Prime I'm happy to say the exact opposite. I'm exicited to go to work every day, I have a better paying job with unlimited potential that I have control over, not someone else. Not only did Prime help me perform a complete change professionally, but it also helped me personally become a more well rounded individual. My wife noticed hands down my moo...
Before I went to Prime I was stuck in a job that I did not enjoy and gave nothing back to me as person, or a professional. After going through Prime I'm happy to say the exact opposite. I'm exicited to go to work every day, I have a better paying job with unlimited potential that I have control over, not someone else. Not only did Prime help me perform a complete change professionally, but it also helped me personally become a more well rounded individual. My wife noticed hands down my mood not shifting out of control after a long day of work, but rather excited to talk about what I did that day and who I got to work with. All of this brought to you by Prime Digital Academy!
Prime offers genuine instructors who know their stuff and who will walk you through development as you're learning. The learning environment is also incredibly supportive. One of the best things about Prime is that you're not a number or a statistic, you are a student and every student matters. The staff will always be there to help, support and encourage you, while you're a student and as you grow in your new career.
Prime Academy is a robust, life-changing educational program run by an extraordinary staff. I could make no higher recommendation for anyone looking to get into software development. Everything from class structure to the facility seems to be engineered to promote growth and learning. You will be surrounded by people who are not only invested in their education but are passionate learners as well.
As a student at Prime, you will be given many opportunities to improve your skills....
Prime Academy is a robust, life-changing educational program run by an extraordinary staff. I could make no higher recommendation for anyone looking to get into software development. Everything from class structure to the facility seems to be engineered to promote growth and learning. You will be surrounded by people who are not only invested in their education but are passionate learners as well.
As a student at Prime, you will be given many opportunities to improve your skills. Everyone, no matter their age or experience, will be challenged. Code isn't the only growth point at Prime. Software development is a social job, more so with each passing year. Your cohort will tackle difficult problems that will teach you how to clearly and effectively communicate with your partners. In addition, each week your cohort will attend a Toastmasters meeting to work on public speaking skills.
You don't need to worry about the job hunt post-graduation. After receiving your diploma (and more importantly, your Prime sweater) you will be provided with a fantastic support network comprised of past graduates and Prime staff. Combine that with the business communication practice provided at Prime and finding a job will be a piece of cake.
I have spoken with many of the graduates that Prime put out and not one of them regrets their choice to attend. The statistics speak for themselves, Prime is a great program that I'm sure will continue to grow and improve. If you still aren't totally convined, go attend an open house. Everyone there will be more than happy to answer any questions or concerns that you might have.
Executive Summary
Overall, Prime Digital Academy is an excellent choice for those who are serious about making a career change into the software development field or as an alternative to the traditional 2 or 4 year college degree. I say serious, because Prime is a seriously intense program that prepares you for employment as an entry level software developer in a relatively short period of time (18 weeks). Prime focuses on not only intensive ...
Executive Summary
Overall, Prime Digital Academy is an excellent choice for those who are serious about making a career change into the software development field or as an alternative to the traditional 2 or 4 year college degree. I say serious, because Prime is a seriously intense program that prepares you for employment as an entry level software developer in a relatively short period of time (18 weeks). Prime focuses on not only intensive learning of the JavaScript based MEAN stack but also the soft skills that are necessary in today's workplace: speaking to a group or audience, teamwork, writing project scopes, interviewing, diversity awareness, and others. Prime Digital Academy is a new bootcamp program that is getting its feet underneath it with each class that passes through its doors, but the background of the school's instructors and leadership, business network, and affiliation with the Nerdery - Prime Digital Academy has the support internally and externally for students to succeed. My background was a professional with a 4 year college degree that was making a career change. My selection of Prime Digital Academy was made based on their business network and vision for the program. I do not regret my decision one bit. Every question I had about the program was answered honestly and every expectation I had was met.
Program Highlights
Intense structured learning - The program is designed to keep a student out of his or her comfort zone. Why? This is where the greatest development and learning take place. This will be frustrating to every student at one point or another. However, students are monitored so that frustration does not equate to failure. Teaching students that failure is not an "end" in itself but a means to learning and developing is one of the most valuable assets of the program. It unlocks a curious mind, dissolves fear, and creates a safe environment to develop skills. Software Development is about solving problems and dealing with "failure", creating the correct mindset to understand what "failure" is and how to compartmentalize it is not just a great learning strategy - but life strategy.
Support Structure - Prime Digital Academy's staff understand the stresses created by a bootcamp environment and how to help students deal with those stressors. The students are also an incredibly supportive group with each other and develop-mentors also interact with students in small groups to share experience about the industry, developing software, or just life in general.
Community Support - Prime has staff that aid in preparation for entering the marketplace. Reviewing resumes and mock interviews. Prime also highly encourages networking via Meet Up groups and other events to meet and grow their professional network.
Personal and Client Projects - As part of the course, students will create a personal project using the full MEAN stack and branching out into new libraries that support their personal project. Students will also do a pro-bono group project for a real business to understand the full lifecycle of a web application from design, scope creation, coding, and presentation/delivery.
Program Opportunities
One of the interesting aspects of being a business professional and changing careers, was getting to watch as a student of the program - how Prime Academy was growing and dealing with its own growing pains as a new school. Our class was the first "production" class to go through the program. There were curriculum updates in our program from the "beta" class that went before us and there were curriculum updates in the classes that were starting as our class was preparing to graduate - so the reality is that some or all of these opportunities have already been addressed or expectations set with incoming students. If you have questions - Ask the staff - their only goal is for current, past, and prospective student to be successful in their new chosen field.
6 Week Preload Period - The first 6 weeks of the program use online classes to get students up to speed on HTML/CSS and some other basic skills. As an 18 week course - personally I would set the expectation of "Go ahead and keep your job during this 6 weeks" or make it more intense to get more value for the tuition being paid. The first 6 weeks are "luke warm" to me. Personally, I worked 3 of those 6 weeks, but depending on your job stress/demands, if the load is only 10-20 hours per week - keeping your primary job to save money will be helpful. However - I would recommend at least one full week off work before the intense last 12 weeks of the program. This time allows you to get your "house in order". Once the intense portion of the bootcamp begins, you will have very little time for anything else.
The course is 18 weeks long - your period of unemployment will vary. Personally I consider Prime Digital Academy a half year (26 week) commitment from the time you start pre-work to the reasonable expectation(but no guarantee) that you'll find a job. Please note - this is not a failing of Prime. Prime Digital Academy does not guarantee graduates will find a job anymore than a Bachelor's Degree will guarantee you a job or a job in your field of study. A prospective student needs to expect that becoming employed may take a couple to a few months after graduation. This can be for any number of reasons (company HR department processes, location, macro-economic issues, etc.) Prime works very hard with the development community to attract employers and find opportunities for graduates. But you need to set the personal expectation that you are making a 6 month commitment - not 18 weeks to employment. As a side note, I would recommend that you put at least as much effort into your networking with employers, recruiters, and others as you do your code. The opportunity for building your professional network was a major reason for my choice of Prime Digital Academy and one of the things I am most proud of growing during my time there. I also fully intend on keeping that network growing and vibrant moving forward as well.
Final Thoughts
If you are dedicated on moving into the software development field, Prime Digital Academy can get you to the next level. The instruction, support, and network are second to none. The financial and time commitment of Prime Digital Academy to my new career was well worth it and I'd do it again.
The good/great: If you are a looking to jump start your development career and want an alternative to online learning or a 2 year program, this program is a great way to do that. You will meet amazing people and develop career connections that last a lifetime. Also, you will be able to practice project work, for real client projects, in a team setting, which is invaluable. You will be provided with mentors, from the community and they are also wonderful and add to th...
The good/great: If you are a looking to jump start your development career and want an alternative to online learning or a 2 year program, this program is a great way to do that. You will meet amazing people and develop career connections that last a lifetime. Also, you will be able to practice project work, for real client projects, in a team setting, which is invaluable. You will be provided with mentors, from the community and they are also wonderful and add to the experience.
The bad: The program is really rough around the edges in some aspects, specifically curriculum-wise. Instructors have a lot of experience but haven't quite figured out the best way to align that to student learning, which comes at the expense of the students. Additionally, the first 6 weeks is all based on code academy courses, and students would be better served by having Prime come up with their own 6 week pre-load, especially for the price students pay to attend.
Prime is incredible in that they can take anyone, as long as they have the desire to persevere in the face of an intense challenge, and turn them into a Developer. The program isn't easy, its not designed to be, thats why you're considering a bootcamp. It will challenge you in ways that you have not been challenged before.
However, you'll come out the other side of the program stronger. Not only as a professional but as an individual. The staff is supportiv...
Prime is incredible in that they can take anyone, as long as they have the desire to persevere in the face of an intense challenge, and turn them into a Developer. The program isn't easy, its not designed to be, thats why you're considering a bootcamp. It will challenge you in ways that you have not been challenged before.
However, you'll come out the other side of the program stronger. Not only as a professional but as an individual. The staff is supportive at Prime in a way that I've only encountered in a very small number of establishments. From helping you work through issues with code, all the way to being willing and available to sit down and talk through issues you might be having in your home-life, which can be stressed when you're an adult-student.
Prime puts a significant stress not just on the coding skills that you'll need as a Developer, but they also stress the soft-skills needed in the real world such as communication, teamwork, and public speaking. They constantly change your group, forcing you to learn how to communicate and work among an ever-changing team of individuals. They include Toastmasters as a great way to foster the growth of your presentation and speech in front of a large group.
If you're seriously considering a career change or an intense way to further your tech-skillset, Prime is second to none. You'll leave Prime with the technical skillset, the desire to continue to learn and grow, and the professional support to place you solidly within the software development field.
Prime Digital Academy is so much more than a fast way to learn how to code. It is also a community of learners that push you to the best you can be and will cheer you on the whole way. It is tough, and you learn at an extreme rate which can be stressful, but the instructors and students alike form an incredible support team to help you succeed. The code that I learned is highly relevant and used in my day to day work as a Software Engineer. My proudest moment at my new job w...
Prime Digital Academy is so much more than a fast way to learn how to code. It is also a community of learners that push you to the best you can be and will cheer you on the whole way. It is tough, and you learn at an extreme rate which can be stressful, but the instructors and students alike form an incredible support team to help you succeed. The code that I learned is highly relevant and used in my day to day work as a Software Engineer. My proudest moment at my new job was when I got to teach a skill that I learned at Prime to my team comprised of more experienced devs. Prime also teaches you to continue learning which is a very necessary skill for developers in the field.
Prime teaches both hard- and soft-skills which puts you a leg up over many other job applicants. Teamwork, leadership skills, continued learning, and a focus on communication are things that potential employers are looking for and things which Prime prepares you for. Interview skills and prep are included in the course, and Prime has a very thorough network of potential employers to help students get a jump start on the job hunt.
I love my new career as a software developer and Prime helped me get there. A bonus is that the salary increase from my old job to my new career paid for Prime. I highly recommend this experience to anyone who is serious about quitting their current stuck-in-a-rut job and gaining some valuable skills to help them launch a new career.
Being a part of Prime was the best decision I've ever made for my career. I knew I was passionate about web development beforehand, but I never pictured myself as an ACTUAL Software Engineer. Before coming into this program, I knew the very basics of code. It was obvious that Prime was going to teach me the fundamentals of the full MEAN stack, but that's not all Prime gave me. The culture at Prime was one of my favorite parts. The experience at Prime gave me a second home to b...
Being a part of Prime was the best decision I've ever made for my career. I knew I was passionate about web development beforehand, but I never pictured myself as an ACTUAL Software Engineer. Before coming into this program, I knew the very basics of code. It was obvious that Prime was going to teach me the fundamentals of the full MEAN stack, but that's not all Prime gave me. The culture at Prime was one of my favorite parts. The experience at Prime gave me a second home to be myself in, and it gave me friends that I will always have to support me. Coming out of this program, I not only have the skills and confidence in code, but I also have a second family. Prime was the best decision I've ever made. I recommend this program to anyone and everyone who is even considering it. Go for it. You won't regret your decision.
I have ever had. I came into the program excepting to be taught how to code in a short period of time. What I learned along the way went beyond learning how to write web applications; I gained a vast amount of knowledge, that was a given, but what I really valued was the culture of Prime. Prime to me was a second home, a place where you will make lifelong friends, get support with all aspects of your life, have fun, make memories and become a well-rounded developer both in work p...
I have ever had. I came into the program excepting to be taught how to code in a short period of time. What I learned along the way went beyond learning how to write web applications; I gained a vast amount of knowledge, that was a given, but what I really valued was the culture of Prime. Prime to me was a second home, a place where you will make lifelong friends, get support with all aspects of your life, have fun, make memories and become a well-rounded developer both in work practices and socially. You're not forgotten and you are not a number. From the moment you walk into Prime your journey is supported by the staff (and students) all the way to you finding a job. What you learn at Prime are not antequated technologies and long past best practices - an education at Prime puts you at the cutting edge of coding,leaving you with incredibly valuable skills. Highly reccommend this program to all!
As a recent graduate of the first class to go through the program, I can say, this course was challenging, but it definitely prepares you for a career in software engineering. You go from knowing maybe a thimble-full of HTML/CSS to being a MEAN stack software engineer in 18 weeks! If you're looking for a way into the world of technology and you don't have the time or money for a degree in Computer Science (CS), this is the course for you. This program prepares you for the indu...
As a recent graduate of the first class to go through the program, I can say, this course was challenging, but it definitely prepares you for a career in software engineering. You go from knowing maybe a thimble-full of HTML/CSS to being a MEAN stack software engineer in 18 weeks! If you're looking for a way into the world of technology and you don't have the time or money for a degree in Computer Science (CS), this is the course for you. This program prepares you for the industry better than a college degree because the instructors are software engineers who use MEAN stack and know the industry right now. CS degrees prepare you using dated material. This course is teaching skills that are used right now! Which makes you able to graduate and be useful right now. And because you've been through a course that gets you to this level of effectiveness in only 18 weeks, employers know you're a quick learner who can be presented new material and master it quickly. And the people who run the program truly care about the success of their students, not only in technology, but in soft skills and life in general. They set you up for success in every way possible. Even if you're only considering the course, reach out and speak to them to see if it would be a good option for you. I can't recommend this course enough.
How much does Prime Digital Academy cost?
Prime Digital Academy costs around $18,000.
What courses does Prime Digital Academy teach?
Prime Digital Academy offers courses like Full Stack Engineering - Full Time (20 Weeks), Full Stack Engineering - Part-Time (28 Weeks), User Experience Design.
Where does Prime Digital Academy have campuses?
Prime Digital Academy has in-person campuses in Minneapolis. Prime Digital Academy also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.
Is Prime Digital Academy worth it?
Prime Digital Academy hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 125 Prime Digital Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Prime Digital Academy on Course Report - you should start there!
Is Prime Digital Academy legit?
We let alumni answer that question. 125 Prime Digital Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Prime Digital Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.89 out of 5.
Does Prime Digital Academy offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?
Yes, Course Report is excited to offer an exclusive Prime Digital Academy scholarship for $500 off tuition! Prime Digital Academy accepts the GI Bill!
Can I read Prime Digital Academy reviews?
You can read 125 reviews of Prime Digital Academy on Course Report! Prime Digital Academy alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Prime Digital Academy and rate their overall experience a 4.89 out of 5.
Is Prime Digital Academy accredited?
Prime Digital Academy is licensed as a private career school with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to Minnesota Statutes. Prime Digital Academy offers WIOA approved courses.
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