Rutgers Bootcamps is closed

This school is now closed. Although Rutgers Bootcamps is no longer accepting students or running its program, you can still see historical information and Rutgers Bootcamps alumni reviews on the school page.


Rutgers Bootcamps

Average Rating4.63
163 Reviews
4 Courses

Rutgers Bootcamps offer 12-week, full-time and 24-week, part-time web development courses, and a 24-week, part-time Data Science course. The full stack curriculum includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, Express.js, Node.js, databases, MongoDB, MySQL, and Git.

The data curriculum includes programming in Excel, Python, R programming, JavaScript charting, HTML/CSS, API interactions, SQL, Tableau, fundamental statistics, machine learning, and more. Enjoy close collaboration with other professionals while receiving hands-on experience.

The bootcamp curricula are designed with the most in-demand market needs in mind. Rutgers Bootcamps empower expert instructors and TAs to deliver a dynamic learning experience. Whether you choose to pursue web development or data science, over the course of our program, you’ll be immersed in an intensive educational experience. Students not only learn the fundamentals but also apply their knowledge to solve real-world problems and build portfolios.

Applicants do not need prior experience to enroll, but once admitted, all students will complete a pre-course tutorial. Rutgers Bootcamps are designed for students and professionals who are actively pursuing a career change, advancement or are looking to gain a new skill set.

Students will benefit from a wide range of career services to be positioned for success through graduation and beyond. Services include portfolio reviews, resume and social media profile support, high-impact career events, workshops, mock interviews, and one-on-one career coaching. Graduates will receive a certificate from the Rutgers University Department of Continuing Studies and will have a portfolio of projects demonstrating a working knowledge of web development, data science, or financial technology.

Rutgers Bootcamps are offered in collaboration with edX.

163 Rutgers Bootcamps Reviews

Schools can't pay to alter or remove their reviews. Course Report never suppresses negative reviews
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  • Ian Lee
    Data Scientist • Graduate
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 23, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Immersive Learning Experience

    Learning from Arooj and Justin has been a life-changing experience. Besides picking up Python, SQL, and the many software packages, I really enjoyed completing the projects. Not only when I completed them on my own ahead of time but working with my peers was extremely rewarding. Taking on the large four projects were daunting at first but also meant a lot to me with each different team. Creating the connections with my classmates were important in keeping the class engaging. I had a phen...
  • Rodolfo Espinosa Nunez
    Student • Full Stack Flex - Full-Time • Somerset
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Nov 03, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great experience and detailed guidance

    I have spent a lot of time researching online on how to create my own webApp and found it to be a huge challenge being that there are so many resources online and steps required to complete a full stack webApp. Joining this Bootcamp has allowed me to closely work with the instructor to dive deep into all the necessary steps to creating a webApp. I have also had the chance to work with tutors to help me get through some tough homework assignments. I am more than halfway done with the boot...
  • Anthony Pino
    Graduate • Data Science and Visualization - Part-Time • Jersey City
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Aug 09, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    An absolute mind-melter

    This was one of the most intense courses I have ever taken. There was never a single time where I felt like there wasn't support when times got rough. Whether it was the instructor Paul, the TA Jonathan, my classmates, or tutors. There was always someone to help guide me through. I would recommend this course to those who want a challenge, but also have a bit of a tech background. It goes deep quickly, and it takes a LOT of personal effort to keep up. Loved every second of it
  • Tzvi (Steve) Neiman
    Full Stack Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Flex - Part-Time • Jersey City
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 21, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Fantastic and Professional Coding Bootcamp

    When I originally signed up for the Bootcamp, I was extremely nervous.  I had very little coding knowledge and was driven to make a career change.

    Throughout the Bootcamp, it was evident that a lot of time and effort went into preparing each class and student assignment.  

    Our instructor would give a lesson on a new topic, and we would go into breakout rooms with other students to work on an assignment we just learned.  The instructor then reviewed the assignment with the c...
  • Tawn Scotton
    Team Leader • Graduate • Data Science and Visualization - Part-Time • Somerset
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Jun 14, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Life-changing. Empowering. Unforgettable. Transformative.

    Absolutely! Here's a 200-word review for your data visualization bootcamp:

    "My experience with the data visualization bootcamp was nothing short of extraordinary. From the moment I stepped into the classroom, I knew I was in for an incredible learning journey. The bootcamp exceeded all my expectations, providing me with a comprehensive and hands-on understanding of the world of data visualization.

    The instructors were undoubtedly the greatest strength of the program. Their ...
  • Kimberlie Guillaume
    Graduate • New Brunswick
    Verified by LinkedIn
    May 22, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Challenging and Transformative

    These 3 months were some of the hardest and longest 3 months i've ever had. I would not have been able to get through it were it not for my amazing Professor, TAs, and tutors. My professor went above and beyond for all of us. He helped us with homework and projects whenever possible and always made sure that we understood the curriculum before moving. It really was a transformative program and im happy I did it and had all the help I did. Im now more confident and ready to start a new ca...
  • James Sciacca
    Graduate • New Brunswick
    Verified by LinkedIn
    May 20, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Must Take Course!

    This 12 week course, while tough, created a great foundation for my future in web development! My instructors were helpful every step of the way and always pushed me to keep going! When I feel a little behind my Success manager gave an extra tutoring session to catch up. Overall this was a great experience and I would recommend it to anyone that is looking to start a new path!
  • Joey Douek
    Graduate • New Brunswick
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 14, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Fun and Intuitive!

    This was quite an exquisite journey. The Rutgers Coding Bootcamp made me aware of my potential and relationship with coding. The staff was very attentive with questions and the work included. Looking forward to what's next and being part of this great community. 

    Boot Camp Team of Rutgers Bootcamps

    Community Team

    Apr 17, 2023

    Thank you for taking the time to leave us your review, Joey. We're glad to hear that you had a positive experience with our bootcamp, and applaud you on all of your hard work throughout the program.

    We wish you the very best of luck as you move forward in the bootcamp and your career!
  • Brianna Alborano
    Brianna Alborano
    Graduate • New Brunswick
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 11, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very rewarding experience!

    I really enjoyed this bootcamp. It was very beginner friendly. The pre-course work was very helpful. The exercises we were given both inside and outside of the classroom were very informative and helpful. The teaching assistants and staff went above and beyond to help our class excel. 

    Boot Camp Team of Rutgers Bootcamps

    Community Team

    Apr 17, 2023

    Thanks for your review, Brianna. We're thrilled to hear that you benefited from the bootcamp pre-work and the support provided by our team throughout the program. It makes us proud to know that they were able to assist and guide you during this challenging journey. We wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
  • Lesley Vaden
    Empowering Journey: Becoming a Junior Full Stack Developer • Graduate
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Apr 11, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Transformative, Comprehensive, Supportive

     I recently completed a phenomenal 6-month full stack coding bootcamp that truly made me feel alive. In this immersive program, I mastered MERN applications, JavaScript, HTML, MySQL, and more. The curriculum offered a perfect balance of programming fundamentals, software development, and hands-on client projects. It was truly an empowering journey that provided me with a strong foundation in front-end and back-end development. I'm now confident in my skills and excited about my future in...

    Boot Camp Team of Rutgers Bootcamps

    Community Team

    Apr 17, 2023

    Amazing, Lesley! We’re so glad that you found your bootcamp experience to be a valuable one. We’re constantly working to improve our curriculum, so we love to hear that you found it to be competitive and successful in teaching you the key skills for web development.

    Congratulations on completing the bootcamp, we wish you nothing but the best of luck as you move forward.
  • Sophia Marousis
    Graduate • New Brunswick
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 24, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Informative and challenging course

    I enjoyed taking this course very much and learned a lot from it in such a short time. The 24-week part-time web development course is an excellent course for anyone to become a full-stack web developer. I learned new skills every week. This course definitely requires you to dedicate plenty of time to studying, especially for those who do not have any previous programming experience. In the end, I feel that I have been greatly rewarded with the knowledge and skills that I will need to fo...

    Boot Camp Team of Rutgers Bootcamps

    Community Team

    Feb 28, 2023

    Thanks for your review! As you mention, this bootcamp does require learners to dedicate a significant amount of their time outside of class to studying and practicing their skills. We commend you for all of the hard work you put into your experience, as we know it can be challenging to learn so many new concepts and skills in only a few months. Congratulations on graduating, we wish you all the best as you move forward in your career.
  • Kiseri Habte
    Graduate • New Brunswick
    Verified by LinkedIn
    Feb 22, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Transformative Experience

    I recently completed the Rutgers University bootcamp, and I can confidently say that it was an incredibly helpful and eye-opening experience for me. The bootcamp provided me with a wealth of knowledge and practical skills that I know will be invaluable in my future career.

    Throughout the program, I was impressed with the quality of instruction provided by the experienced instructors. They were patient, knowledgeable, and always willing to go the extra mil...

    Boot Camp Team of Rutgers Bootcamps

    Community Team

    Feb 28, 2023

    Hi Kiseri. Thank you so much for your review! We’re thrilled to hear that you had a great experience with the bootcamp. 

    We love hearing that you learned valuable new skills from caring instructors, gained confidence in your abilities, and formed a lasting network with your peers. Congratulations on completing the bootcamp, we wish you the best of luck moving forward.

Rutgers Bootcamps Alumni Reviews Summary

Overall Experience
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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does Rutgers Bootcamps cost?

Rutgers Bootcamps costs around $14,495. On the lower end, some Rutgers Bootcamps courses like Full Stack Flex - Part-Time cost $11,995.

What courses does Rutgers Bootcamps teach?

Rutgers Bootcamps offers courses like Cybersecurity - Part-Time, Data Science and Visualization - Part-Time, Full Stack Flex - Full-Time, Full Stack Flex - Part-Time.

Where does Rutgers Bootcamps have campuses?

Rutgers Bootcamps has in-person campuses in Jersey City and Somerset.

Is Rutgers Bootcamps worth it?

Rutgers Bootcamps hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 163 Rutgers Bootcamps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Rutgers Bootcamps on Course Report - you should start there!

Is Rutgers Bootcamps legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 163 Rutgers Bootcamps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Rutgers Bootcamps and rate their overall experience a 4.63 out of 5.

Does Rutgers Bootcamps offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like Rutgers Bootcamps offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read Rutgers Bootcamps reviews?

You can read 163 reviews of Rutgers Bootcamps on Course Report! Rutgers Bootcamps alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed Rutgers Bootcamps and rate their overall experience a 4.63 out of 5.

Is Rutgers Bootcamps accredited?


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