
The Bridge

Average Rating4.75
114 Reviews
15 Courses

The Bridge is a digital talent accelerator that offers intensive technical training in Data Science, Cybersecurity, and Web Development in Madrid, Valencia, Bilbao, Vitoria, Seville and online. The Bridge began operations in 2019 and more than 3,000 students have passed through its classrooms. The Bridge also offers master's degrees in artificial intelligence as applied to the financial, human resources, and legal sectors. 

Applicants do not need technical experience to be admitted to the bootcamps at The Bridge. Applicants will complete an assessment before an admissions decision is made.

At the end of the bootcamp, all students take The Bridge's Career Readiness course in order to develop job-search skills and receive job search support from professional recruiters.

The Bridge is a founding partner of Asottech, Spanish Tech Talent Association. Applicants will complete an assessment before an admissions decision is made.

114 The Bridge Reviews

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  • Bogdan R
    Bogdan R
    Graduate • Data Science Full Time • Madrid
    Mar 27, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    Tenía muchas dudas antes de apuntarme a este bootcamp , sobre todo tenia dudas sobre el formato y la eficacia que podía tener. Ahora que me acabo de graduar se lo recomiendo a todo el mundo que quiera hacer un cambio en su vida o si quiere actualizarse con las tecnologías que más se usan a día de hoy. He cursado el bootcamp de Data Science sin tener experiencia previa y puedo decir que sales muy preparado. 
  • Javier Henriquez Paneyko
    Javier Henriquez Paneyko
    Graduate • Cybersecurity Full Time • Online
    Mar 03, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    great place to jump start your learning

    I started in the cyber security bootcamp with no knowledge in linux or coding, I was new to everything. The teacher and TA`s where incredible at explaining and taking time to help me and at same time letting me learn by investigating and making mistakes. I recommend this bootcamp to anyone that is looking to learn the essentials into cybersecurity.      
  • Patt Picón
    Patt Picón
    Graduate • Cybersecurity Full Time • Online
    Feb 17, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    ¡Mejora tu curriculum!

    Realicé el curso de ciberseguridad y es una gran oportunidad para tener una visión general de la herramientas y prácticas del sector. Como recomendación, al ser un curso muy exigente y  con el fin de  sacarle todo el partido,  es mejor si se tiene conocimientos previos (linux, S.O. , redes...)
  • Daniel Martí de Veses
    Daniel Martí de Veses
    Student • Valencia
    Feb 01, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Squeeze time and talent

    If you really want to learn a discipline from scratch and make the most of your time, don't hesitate. You're going to suffer? Yes. Enjoy? Too. But above all I assure you that you leave with the knowledge that is expected from the profile for which you have been trained. I would repeat without hesitation (but after the much-needed post-bootcamp vacation)
  • Paul Kempf
    Paul Kempf
    Graduate • CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE_Full Stack Web Developer Part Time • Seville
    Jan 12, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Great overall

    I would recommended to friends, it teaches you the skill you need to become a developer and then helps you get that your first job. It is well organized and helps you to lay down a foundation even if you have 0 previous experience. Then has a program based on projects and creating a portfolio to help you get a job . I would change a few things about the management overall but unrelated with the course .
  • Antonio Morales
    Antonio Morales
    Student • Data Science Full Time • Madrid
    Oct 24, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Vale completamente la pena y más.

    Ha sido una experiencia espectacular en la que te hacen querer darlo todo de tí y sacar tu máximo potencial. La cantidad de cosas que aprendes durante el bootcamp son múchísimas para la cantidad de tiempo que hay pero está super buen estructurado para que vayas usando el conocimiento ya adquirido junto al nuevo. Aparte, al instructor que me enseñó y ayudó, Miguel Nievas, se le nota la pasión con la que imparte las clases y como la trasmite a sus alumnos. El entorno también es muy bueno, ...
  • Juan Lorca Muñoz
    Juan Lorca Muñoz
    Graduate • Cybersecurity Full Time • Madrid
    Oct 02, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The Bridge Digital Talent Accelerator

    What can I say about this bootcamp, because all I will say it will be less than the truth. Now I know why is one of the best cyber security bootcamp in the world and of course in Spanish territory. If you are looking for a great experince and  change your life go for it, it's hard and challenging I don't deny but thanks to our lead intructor, Juan Antonio Flores Caba, and his teamwork helping us during the process, it will be achievable. Thanks to all the stuff at The Bridge, i dont say ...
  • Luis Francisco Arribas Muñoz
    Luis Francisco Arribas Muñoz
    Técnico en Ciberseguridad • Student • Cybersecurity Full Time • Madrid
    Sep 11, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Una magnífica experiencia

    Yo me he incorporado al mundo de la informática profesional con una edad y buscaba una formación rápida y muy centrada en las necesidades de las empresas en este sector. Me incliné por The Bridge por su prestigio y la verdad es que no me equivoqué.
         Sus contenidos están muy enfocados a las necesidades de las empresas tecnológicas y sus clases son eminentemente prácticas.Nunca vas a dar clases de relleno. Lo que te van a enseñar en las clases es lo que te van a pedir en las empresa...
  • Katherine Gutierrez
    Katherine Gutierrez
    Graduate • CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE_Data Science Part Time • Madrid
    Sep 06, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Data Science

    Para mi el bootcamp fue una experiencia intensa a pesar de ser en formato part-time, el contenido es extenso, pero muy práctico, lo que lo hace más provechoso. Tuve la fortuna de contar con tres profesores excelentes y el equipo asistente (TA) de apoyo muy bueno también, siempre dispuestos a ayudar en lo que necesitáramos.  

    Vengo de otro sector, y con lo aprendido he potenciado mi perfil profesional y sobre todo ha abierto mi mente a nuevas maneras de hacer las cosas.  
  • Gabriel
    Full Stack Web Developer • Graduate • Full Stack Web Developer Full Time • Valencia
    Aug 05, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Huid de aquí.

    Ah sido una de las peores experiencias de mi vida, ya que para empezar no se dan 480 horas de formación no se dan ni 100 en 4 meses, hemos dado de media entre 15 min y 2 horas de clase al día, pero de normal 1 hora a ldía de formación luego mandan ejercicios y apañatelas, Sólo te contentas las dudas si son fáciles de contestar, si no las respuestas suelen ser: "No, ya aprenderéis eso con la práctica", "Eso se aprende programando". "Ya aprenderéis eso más adelante.", "No, no eso no os hac...

    Elena Rodríguez of The Bridge

    Digital Marketing Specialist

    Aug 23, 2022

    Estimado Gabo,

    Nos sorprenden mucho tus comentarios y sentimos que tu experiencia no haya sido como esperabas.

    Agradecemos tu feedback para poder mejorar, nuestros alumnos sois lo más importante.
    Nuestro Campus Manager de Valencia ya está en contacto contigo para gestionar tu caso y esperamos se resuelva pronto.

    Muchas gracias.
  • Pablo Cuenca - Romero
    Pablo Cuenca - Romero
    Student • CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE_Cybersecurity Part Time • Madrid
    Jun 23, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Muy buena experiencia

    He terminado el bootcamp de Ciberseguridad Part Time en The Bridge y ha sido una experiencia de 10. Los profesores son increíbles y tienen muy buenos conocimientos, pero lo más importante es que saben transmitirte el temario de una forma divertida y te lo explican todas las veces que haga falta. He aprendido muchísimo y lo recomiendo al 100% para futuras salidas laborales
  • Rossana Gomez
    Rossana Gomez
    Graduate • CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE_UX/UI Product Design Full Time • Madrid
    Jun 06, 2022
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance


    One of the best experiences of my life, super super profesional and complete bootcamp.

The Bridge Alumni Outcomes

Recent The Bridge News

Jess Feldman
Jess Feldman
Updated January 15, 2025
Most programming languages today rely on English vocabulary and syntax, which can make it difficult for non-native speakers who are learning how to code. While the majority of coding bootcamps are taught in English, Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps are gaining traction. To make it easier for our hispanohablante readers, check out Spanish-speaking coding bootcamps currently available online o...
Liz Eggleston
Liz Eggleston
Updated December 26, 2023
Schools and universities may be scrambling to figure out remote learning, but coding bootcamps have essentially been preparing for this since 2013. Online coding bootcamps already use Zoom video, Slack, GitHub, and VS Code Live Share for pair programming, online lectures, and to connect mentors and instructors with students. Of course, you can learn to code online – but it doesn’t stop there!...

The Bridge Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill

How much does The Bridge cost?

The Bridge costs around €7,000.

Where does The Bridge have campuses?

The Bridge has in-person campuses in Bilbao, Madrid, Seville, and Valencia. The Bridge also has a remote classroom so students can learn online.

Is The Bridge worth it?

The Bridge hasn't shared alumni outcomes yet, but one way to determine if a bootcamp is worth it is by reading alumni reviews. 114 The Bridge alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed The Bridge on Course Report - you should start there!

Is The Bridge legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 114 The Bridge alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed The Bridge and rate their overall experience a 4.75 out of 5.

Does The Bridge offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like The Bridge offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read The Bridge reviews?

You can read 114 reviews of The Bridge on Course Report! The Bridge alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed The Bridge and rate their overall experience a 4.75 out of 5.

Is The Bridge accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. The Bridge doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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