
The Design Crew

Average Rating4.96
81 Reviews
1 Course

The Design Crew offers an 8-week, intensive Product Designer bootcamp in Paris, France. The Product Designer bootcamp curriculum covers the Double Diamond framework, UX writing, UI using Figma, and students conduct research to understand user needs and test prototypes. The Design Crew students will learn how to collaborate with product managers and developers. Bootcamp students will work on three, real world projects which can be used in portfolios to share with potential employers. The bootcamp meets Monday through Friday. 

Anyone may apply for The Design Crew bootcamp. No prior product design knowledge is required. The Design Crew bootcamp students may participate in monthly round table discussions with two designers on a specific issue to share actionable tips for product design work. 

The Design Crew students may utilize their CFP or Pôle Emploi to finance the bootcamp. Payment may also be spread across three installments.

81 The Design Crew Reviews

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  • Joseph Raymond
    Joseph Raymond
    Product Designer • Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Mar 04, 2024
    Overall Experience
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    An incredible experience

    An incredible formation, the level you reach in just 2 months is amazing. The mentors are very very kind and their feedbacks are always super on point, the projects are very stimulating and there's a really good atmosphere between all students of the bootcamp. 
  • Clément Lhuillery
    Clément Lhuillery
    Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Jan 29, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Formation au top !

    Formation complète et de qualité dispensée par des mentors ultra bienveillants (anciens Meta, BlaBlaCar, Heetch...).
    En 8 semaines, on y apprend énormément, avec le bon dosage de théorie et de pratique, notamment avec 3 projets, dont 2 pitchés par des entreprises partenaires à la forte culture design.

    Gros plus également sur l'accompagnement pendant et après la formation (au travers de feedbacks, coachings et entretiens).
    Je recommande à 100 % pour ceux qui veulent se lancer...
  • Clara Lorquet Merly
    Clara Lorquet Merly
    Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Jan 19, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    What a incredible adventure

    I'm extremely satisfied with my experience at The Design Crew!
    These 8 weeks of bootcamp are very formative in terms of both hard and soft skills. You can't imagine the progress and the amount of information assimilated in such a short time on the entire scope of product design.

    The real-life company projects allow us to push ourselves to the limit, but always in a caring environment, thanks to the mentors who are with us all the way and give us high-quality tuition.

    I c...
  • Laura
    Student • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Dec 22, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    A intensive training program with an excellent theory/practice balance

    The Design Crew bootcamp is a intensive training program with an excellent theory/practice balance, as close as possible to the realities of the profession. It is ideal for retraining or specializing in product design. 

    The experience of our mentors, working with companies renowned for their product culture (Facebook, Blablacar, Heetch, Getaround, Algolia...) and in agencies, provides high-quality teaching illustrated by real-life situations. The case studies are carried out for r...
  • Emmanuel MOURGUE
    Emmanuel MOURGUE
    Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Dec 21, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Very high quality training, accompanied by a great human and professional adventure.

    Just graduated from Batch 11 of the Bootcamp - The Design Crew, and I am extremely satisfied.
    What could be better than learning the Product Designer profession for 8 weeks with mentors who have proven themselves in top FinTech companies (Blablacar, YouTube, Heetch, Getaround, Algolia...)?
    Training placed under the sign of both human and professional kindness.
    I recommend The Design Crew training courses 100%.

  • Vincent Calot
    Vincent Calot
    Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Dec 14, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The Desing Crew - An Exceptional Learning Experience!

    This training program exceeded all my expectations. The level of proficiency achieved through the courses is impressive after just 2 months.
    The mentors, who are also industry professionals, are not only caring and pedagogical but also remarkably available – a noteworthy aspect!

    One feels immediately at ease, and everything is designed to ensure that everyone completes the program with the necessary skills for successfully undertaking future...
  • Constance BOUVARD
    Constance BOUVARD
    Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Jul 17, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Incroyable expérience professionnelle et humaine !

    En tant qu'alumni de The Design Crew, j'ai été impressionnée par la qualité de l'enseignement dispensé par des mentors passionnés, ainsi que par les supports de cours complets, ludiques et bien conçus. 

    La communauté de professionnels qualifiés qui entoure le bootcamp a également été une source d'enrichissement précieuse.

    La transmission de soft skills, notamment l'importance de la collaboration, a été particulièrement valorisée (et tant mieux) ! Travailler en équipe, échan...
  • Victor Cartier
    Victor Cartier
    Student • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    May 15, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    An absolute must-do

    The Design Crew has been an amazing experience! The curriculum is great and extensive. The teachers are very approachable. Working on concrete projects is a real plus. I feel ready to start working as a Product Designer. Sign up and don’t look back!
  • Auriele
    Product Designer • Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    May 02, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    An amazing human experience

    The program covers a wide range of topics, including user research, prototyping, UI/UX design, and design thinking. The bootcamp is taught by experienced professionals who have worked in the industry and have a wealth of knowledge to share. They are expert in their domain and such a good teachers!  Working on real-world projects to gain practical experience is so formative. The projects, the atmosphere and the spirit of the bootcamp really allow everyone to progress...
  • Maxime D'Oliveira Cardo
    Maxime D'Oliveira Cardo
    Applicant • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Mar 07, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Bootcamp The Design Crew

    Pari réussi pour The Design Crew qui en 8 semaines a fait de moi un product designer!
    C'était 8 semaines intenses qui demandent de s'investir à fond! L'encadrement des mentors est top, on bénéficie d'un accompagnement autant pendant que après la formation !

    Merci The Design Crew <3
  • Lucie Combaz
    Lucie Combaz
    Product Designer • Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Mar 03, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Une aventure riche et complète

    Un ami product designer m'avait recommandé cette formation Bootcamp, et je n'ai pas été déçue ! Les 2 mois ont été très riches et surtout très concrets. L'équipe est géniale, chacun a ses expertises, et tout le monde est très bienveillant.
    Je ressors de cette aventure en confiance et prête à me lancer.

    Merci à toute l'équipe de The Design Crew !
  • Christelle
    Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Feb 27, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Qualitative, intensive and rewarding

    I really recommend the Product Designer boot camp at The Design Crew. I've earned so much at the end of my training :
    - new technical skills thanks to the different projects on which TDC makes us work
    - a complete mentorship to help us get our first job as a product designer 
    - a qualitative network composed of the members of our class, the mentors, the TDC alumni, and more.

    Thanks again to the whole TDC team, y'all are amazing!

The Design Crew Alumni Outcomes

Employment Rate
Graduation Rate
Median Salary
Of the students who enroll at The Design Crew, 100% graduated. 100% of graduates were job-seeking and 89% of job-seeking graduates found in-field employment after 180 days and report a median income of $38,000. Below is the 180 Day Employment Breakdown for 132 graduates included in this report:
180 Day Employment Breakdown
Full Time, In-Field Employee83.3%
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract position0.0%
Short-term contract, part-time position, freelanceN/A
Employed out-of-fieldN/A
* These outcomes are not audited by Course Report. In some cases, data is audited by a third party.

Recent The Design Crew News

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Updated February 01, 2021
Course Report · January 2021 Coding Bootcamp News 2021 began with $118M in coding bootcamp fundraises, plus some major acquisitions in the bootcamp space. Despite the overall loss in the U.S. job market, December’s job numbers showed tech adding plenty of new positions. In this roundup, we’re also highlighting the new workforce development programs now available to career changers, and t...
Career tracks

The Design Crew Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
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Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent The Design Crew News

How much does The Design Crew cost?

The Design Crew costs around €7,990.

What courses does The Design Crew teach?

The Design Crew offers courses like Bootcamp Product Design.

Where does The Design Crew have campuses?

The Design Crew has an in-person campus in Paris.

Is The Design Crew worth it?

The data says yes! The Design Crew reports a 100% graduation rate, a median salary of $38,000 and 92% of The Design Crew alumni are employed. The data says yes! In 2023, The Design Crew reported a 100% graduation rate, a median salary of $38,000, and 89% of The Design Crew alumni are employed.

Is The Design Crew legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 81 The Design Crew alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed The Design Crew and rate their overall experience a 4.96 out of 5.

Does The Design Crew offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like The Design Crew offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read The Design Crew reviews?

You can read 81 reviews of The Design Crew on Course Report! The Design Crew alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed The Design Crew and rate their overall experience a 4.96 out of 5.

Is The Design Crew accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. The Design Crew doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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