
The Design Crew

Average Rating4.96
81 Reviews
1 Course

The Design Crew offers an 8-week, intensive Product Designer bootcamp in Paris, France. The Product Designer bootcamp curriculum covers the Double Diamond framework, UX writing, UI using Figma, and students conduct research to understand user needs and test prototypes. The Design Crew students will learn how to collaborate with product managers and developers. Bootcamp students will work on three, real world projects which can be used in portfolios to share with potential employers. The bootcamp meets Monday through Friday. 

Anyone may apply for The Design Crew bootcamp. No prior product design knowledge is required. The Design Crew bootcamp students may participate in monthly round table discussions with two designers on a specific issue to share actionable tips for product design work. 

The Design Crew students may utilize their CFP or Pôle Emploi to finance the bootcamp. Payment may also be spread across three installments.

81 The Design Crew Reviews

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  • Alisson
    Freelance - Marketing digital • Paris
    May 10, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Une formation enrichissante et professionnalisante avec une équipe de choc !

    La formation "Bootcamp Product Designer" de The Design Crew, c'est : des mentors experts du Product Design, des échanges chaque semaine avec des professionnels pour comprendre tous les types de métier, 3 projets concrets pour pratiquer (en collaboration avec les équipes internes pour nos projets sur Lydia et La Fourche) et un accompagnement pendant et après la formation. 
  • François
    Product Designer • Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    May 10, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Formation "Bootcamp" Product Design

    J'ai suivi la formation "Bootcamp" de The Design Crew et je n'ai pas été déçu ! Programme complet couvrant l'intégralité du design process, mise en pratique des compétences dans le cadre de 3 projets concrets, équipe impliquée et passionnée. Je recommande cette formation à toute personne souhaitant acquérir de solides bases/compétences en Product Design. Merci à eux !
  • Thomas Cochet
    Thomas Cochet
    Product Designer • Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    May 07, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Expérience professionnalisante, encadrée par des designers passionnés et bienveillants.

    L’équipe The Design Crew sont des professionnels bienveillants et passionnés. J’ai passé 8 semaines à apprendre les bases du design produit et du design process, en travaillant en équipe sur 3 projets très intéressants traitant de problématiques réelles. Une super expérience qui m’a permis de me réorienter efficacement et m’a donné toutes les clés pour décrocher mon premier emploi. Merci ! 
  • Sébastien Hache
    Student • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Mar 08, 2024
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Une belle aventure dans le product design

    Un bootcamp complet qui permet de voir l'ensemble de la méthode design Thinking, enseigné par des mentors experts sur ce sujet !!
    C'était très enrichissant de pouvoir bosser sur 2 problématiques réelles et de les présenter au UX researcher, VP, Prd de la boîte en question.
  • Rozenn
    Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Jul 10, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Best Product design bootcamp !

    The bootcamp gave us all the tools we needed to launch a career as a product designer: we worked on several real-life case studies, pitched with partner companies and were accompanied by incredible mentors who were extremely available, competent and friendly!
    I also really appreciated the individual career guidance, which is extremely valuable and relevant to our professional integration.
    In short, I loved the experience, both in human and professional terms, and I'd recommend it t...
  • Nadia
    Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Apr 25, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Quand l'efficacité rencontre la bienveillance

    Super expérience, j'ai rarement vu autant de bienveillance de la part de TOUT le staff.

    Côté contenu de la formation ça a été très instructif pour moi. Très bon compromis entre accompagnement d'experts produit et autonomie (pour les projets de groupe) où on se surprend nous même.

    Je suis arrivée sans expérience dans le produit et je peux dire fièrement que j'en suis ressortie Product Designer.

    Grosse mention à Muriel, la Career Manager, qui vous guide dans votre orie...
  • Minata M
    Product Designer • Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Feb 27, 2023
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    The best bootcamp to be Product Designer

    We learn the design process trought design lessons, designers meeting, and 3 real projects. In only 8 weeks we have the keys to be Product Designer.
    The mentors' support, the projects and designers interventions, not to mention the general atmosphere, everything is top notch!
  • PANG Antony
    brand & product designer • Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    Dec 09, 2022
    Overall Experience
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    Place to be if you want to become a product designer

    Just finished my Bootcamp in product design with TDC and what a journey! It was quite intense and during these 2 months, we discover the design process with 3 semi-real projects & design lessons. If you are thinking to change your career and want to be a product designer stop searching around this is the place to be! 
  • Alice
    Graduate • Bootcamp Product Design • Paris
    May 07, 2021
    Overall Experience
    Job Assistance

    Super formation en Product Design

    J'ai fait le premier batch du Bootcamp pour une reconversion professionnelle vers le métier de product designer. La formation est d'excellente qualité, avec une mise en pratique systématique de toutes les notions vues en cours, et un bon rythme pendant 8 semaines.
    L'équipe est d'une grande bienveillance et propose un véritable accompagnement, tant pour acquérir les compétences que pour trouver un emploi à l'issue de la formation.
    Je recommande cette formation !

The Design Crew Alumni Outcomes

Employment Rate
Graduation Rate
Median Salary
Of the students who enroll at The Design Crew, 100% graduated. 100% of graduates were job-seeking and 89% of job-seeking graduates found in-field employment after 180 days and report a median income of $38,000. Below is the 180 Day Employment Breakdown for 132 graduates included in this report:
180 Day Employment Breakdown
Full Time, In-Field Employee83.3%
Full-time apprenticeship, internship or contract position0.0%
Short-term contract, part-time position, freelanceN/A
Employed out-of-fieldN/A
* These outcomes are not audited by Course Report. In some cases, data is audited by a third party.

Recent The Design Crew News

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Updated February 01, 2021
Course Report · January 2021 Coding Bootcamp News 2021 began with $118M in coding bootcamp fundraises, plus some major acquisitions in the bootcamp space. Despite the overall loss in the U.S. job market, December’s job numbers showed tech adding plenty of new positions. In this roundup, we’re also highlighting the new workforce development programs now available to career changers, and t...
Career tracks

The Design Crew Alumni Reviews Summary

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Guarantees Job
Job Assistance
Includes Housing
Offers Corporate Training
Accepts GI Bill
Recent The Design Crew News

How much does The Design Crew cost?

The Design Crew costs around €7,990.

What courses does The Design Crew teach?

The Design Crew offers courses like Bootcamp Product Design.

Where does The Design Crew have campuses?

The Design Crew has an in-person campus in Paris.

Is The Design Crew worth it?

The data says yes! The Design Crew reports a 100% graduation rate, a median salary of $38,000 and 92% of The Design Crew alumni are employed. The data says yes! In 2023, The Design Crew reported a 100% graduation rate, a median salary of $38,000, and 89% of The Design Crew alumni are employed.

Is The Design Crew legit?

We let alumni answer that question. 81 The Design Crew alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed The Design Crew and rate their overall experience a 4.96 out of 5.

Does The Design Crew offer scholarships or accept the GI Bill?

Right now, it doesn't look like The Design Crew offers scholarships or accepts the GI Bill. We're always adding to the list of schools that do offer Exclusive Course Report Scholarships and a list of the bootcamps that accept the GI Bill.

Can I read The Design Crew reviews?

You can read 81 reviews of The Design Crew on Course Report! The Design Crew alumni, students, and applicants have reviewed The Design Crew and rate their overall experience a 4.96 out of 5.

Is The Design Crew accredited?

While bootcamps must be approved to operate, accreditation is relatively rare. The Design Crew doesn't yet share information about their accreditation status.

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